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Reacquainting and Evacuating - Part 2

Posted on Tue May 26, 2015 @ 8:56pm by Lieutenant Mikaela Locke & Lieutenant JG Jason Fisher

654 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Deck 15 - Chief Intelligence Officer's Office
Timeline: MD03 - 1304 hours.



"I've missed you," she said quietly.

He sighed, knowing exactly what was happening; what he was getting himself into and what would happen if it all went wrong. And yet somehow, in that moment, he didn't care. He wrapped his arms around her. "I've missed you too," he whispered quietly, looking down at her looking up at him.

And in those moments, all of the pain of their history melted away as he lost himself in her eyes. He closed his eyes as she closed hers and their lips gently met...

And as they did the station shook violently...

And now, the continuation...

Mikaela Locke opened her eyes, and blinked twice to try and force them into focus. The first thing she was aware of was the throbbing pain in her head. She groaned.

"Mikaela?" She recognised Jason Fisher's voice, as the memory of the last few minutes began to fill back in.

"I'm okay," she replied, as she tried to move. She was stiff, but as far as she could tell, not seriously injured. "You?"

"I'm fine," Fisher replied, staggering to his feet. "What was that?"

"I've no idea," said Mikaela, as Jason extended her hand and helped her to her feet. As she stood, she became more and more aware of her surroundings - klaxons were sounding and the red lights flashed around the room, symbolising the stations alert status.

"That didn't feel like an attack," Fisher observed.

"No, it didn't," Locke agreed as she used her desk to prop herself up, moving around to access her terminal. "Lieutenant Locke to ops?" she called as she staggered to her seat.

There was no response.

"I'm not getting anything from the security office," Fisher said.

"Nothing from ops either," Locke confirmed. "Comms might be down."

The station shook again, less violently this time, but still sufficiently to unsteady Fisher. Just about stopping himself from falling over again, he hauled himself over to the desk alongside Mikaela.

"Well I don't understand these readings at all," Locke concluded. "Something big is going on out there, but I have absolutely no idea what it is." She paused for a moment, running options in her mind. "I should get to ops."

Fisher nodded. "I'll come with you." He began to round the desk, heading towards the door.

"No," Mikaela called him back. "The captain has ordered an evacuation of all non-essential personnel," she reported. "Commander Ryan will need you."

"But..." Fisher began.

"Don't make me order you, Lieutenant," Locke said with mock severity.

Fisher smiled. The fact that she wasn't in his chain of command was neither here nor there - once Mikaela had made up her mind about something, it wasn't going to be changed.

"Be safe," he said, softly.

"You too."

He nodded, turned and left Locke's office.

Mikaela called up a schematic of the command hub of the station. Ops was only three decks up, but the operational stability of the turbolifts was always uncertain at times like this. Determining the best route to ops via the access tunnels, she stood and began to head towards the door, when the station shook violently again. Loosing her footing, she flew backwards over her desk, catching her head on the corner. She landed awkwardly on her chair before collapsing on to the floor.

For a brief second she tried to reach up to her console to call for help but she couldn't muster the strength. As the red alert klaxons continued to sound, Mikaela's vision clouded over and, in seconds, she slipped into unconsciousness...


Mikaela Locke
Chief Intelligence Officer


Lieutenant JG
Jason Fisher
Asst. Chief of Security and Security Investigations Officer


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