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Posted on Tue May 26, 2015 @ 1:33am by Civilian Wayne Bradshaw III

953 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: BII Offices
Timeline: Just prior to the start of the evatuation

Wayne sat in his office finishing up some paperwork before heading home for the night to join his family. There was a birthday supper planned for a two of his grandkids and he would be damned if he was going to miss it for anything.

"Caroline I should be done here in about an hour or so if you want to head out feel free to leave I can lock the front door." Said wayne over the comm link.

"Thank you sir but I still have work to finish up as well. You have yourself a good night though." was carolines reply.

Wayne went back to work and a few minutes later was when all hell started breaking loose. He had just finished the call to Bill on earth when the alarms sounded.

It took him only a few seconds to realize what was happening. Something and it had to be something BIG for the station to sound the alert. and for right now that was all he needed to know. "Collin I want you to start up the backup generators and tie them into our transporters. Once that is done I want you to start beaming everything you can onto our ship also start transfering all data to the ships computer core. When you are done with that I want you and your department to head for the ship. Anyone you find is to be brought along we will help as much as we can." Said Wayne sharply he did not like this but he would be damned if his entire family would go down.

"Alright dad we will get right on it should have everything done in about 30 minutes then we will head out." Said Collin calmly he was concerned but now was not the time to voice those concerns now was the time to listen to his father and take care of his team.

"Wayne I want you to roust the PMC or at least what there is of it on the station they are to evac to the company ships that are docked with the station Before you leave I want a small team to make sure that the rest of the family get's to the flagship safely. As soon as R and D get's done useing the transporter I will order the transporter to start beaming out the PMC's gear and our personal effects that are on the station. Anyone you find along the way is going to go with us No one get's left behind weather they are company people or not amd i clear." Said wayne firmly

"What about you dad?" Asked wayne jr softly

"Don't worry about me Jr. I will be along as quick as I can now get our family and our people to the ships and get the hell away from this station." Said Wayne firmly truth was he was not sure he would make it though he figured that there was a pretty good chance. After all if the klingons cardasians and dominion had not yet managed to take him out there was little chance that this situation would. However he was not taking chances.

"Captain Phillips I want you to lock onto my signal and just before you leave I want you to beam me off this station but not until the ship is underway and clear of said statiion." Said wayne calmly, the captain was a personal friend and wayne knew that he would do as was asked.

"You got it sir as soon as the ship is away we will beam you onboard." Said Captain Phillips over the comm link

wayne smiled to himself he knew one way or another he would be safe and that was all that mattered to him right now. He turned his attention back to the situation at hand. He opened a general comm link to all company ships. and stations in the area. "This is Wayne bradshaw authorization shaw tango 9er 9er bravor 32 alpha to all ships in the area of DS5 the station is being evacuated. Any ships in the area are required and requested to proceed to DS5 at best speed and render aid to the station in this time regardless of your ships status we have a duty to save what lives we can at this time. Bradshaw out." Said wayne firmly he next sent a message up to the ops decks.

Station command crew.

Be advised I have a total of 5 ships docked with the station and many more enroute we will take on everyone that we possibly can and if we cram them in we just might be able to take around 15K people with us I am leaveing the office now and heading for the hangar deck I will take as many people with me as possible in the runabout and shuttle we have stored there. It has been a pleasure to serve with you.

Bradshaw out

He reread the message before he hit send and then headed to the hangar deck with his office staff and gaurds in tow. He made it as far as the door before something inside of him snapped. You all head for the shuttles I will be staying here until I know for sure the last of our people are off the station and cordinate things as best I can." Said wayne he turned around and headed deeper into the office to the small Cin C that he had installed there. It would not do much but it would allow him to monitor the station for the lifesigns of his people and know that they all got off. Then and only then would he allow himself to disembark the station.


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