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Save me the heart attack

Posted on Sun Feb 19, 2023 @ 6:15am by Civilian Hydel Turvan

846 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Just outside of Eta Scorpii orbit
Tags: orbital platform, DaiMon, pangaea

"Federation Fighters have come out of the Episilon Scorpii nebula!" The Cardassian Officer stated from his Operations Console.

Gul Kalena Vashur immediately jumped to her feet as she received the report from her bridge crew. "How did they get that close without us dedictating any Federation vessels launching them?" The Commander of the 127th Tactical Wing asked.

"Unknown, ma'am, they're headed directly for Deep Space 5." The Officer at Operations reported.

"Go to Condition Red" She ordered as she returned to her seat and composed herself. "Lay in a course for Deep Space 5"

"What about the Xi'Cadians? Are they able to fend them off?" She asked as she read the Tactical report on her chair's console.

"Negative, sensors report that they've made it past the Xi'Cadian Defensive Parameter, still on a direct path towards the station." The Officer reported.

"Figures. . ." Gul Vashur muttered to herself as she leaned forward. "How long until we can reach them?" Gul Vashur asked. She was incensed. Not just because of the sudden appearance of Federation forces, but because they were caught off guard and out of position. They had been tasked with performing battle drills all the way out here and away from the station.

She should've fought back and refused, but she didn't, and now she was caught in a game of catch-up.

"How long until the Arvawn and Beldon can reach the Fighters or their home vessels?" She asked. She knew there was no way the Federation would just launch fighters by themselves in a strike against the station.

An irratating long pause passed before the Helm Officer responded, "Not soon enough, they're out of position as well!"

Gul Vashur slammed her fist down on the plush arm chair. She knew that the station was practically defenseless as a result of Starfleet's sabotage of primary offensive systems during the pull-out. The Fighters may have very well have been just a test to see just how easily other Starfleet vessels could slip through their defenses for a subsequent offensive.

"Wait a minute. . .I'm picking up a tachyon surge and displacement." Came the Operations Officer. "There is wait. . .several objects decloaking just ahead of the Fighters." He reported.

"What. . .on-screen!" She commanded.

Within moments, the view of empty space was replaced with the image of what appeared to be several orbital weapons platforms, very similar to those used during the Federation War in the battles for Chin'toka and Cardassia. However, she was quite certain that those devices were destroyed in the war and they most certainly did not have cloaking capabilities.

She watched as three platforms shimmered into view and immediately opened fired on the Federation Fighters that had made it past their defensive lines. The significantly weak shielding provided very little protection for the vessels and they immediately erupted into several balls of plasma explosions.

"My word. . ." The Fleet Commander said aloud as she stood up and stared at the screen. "What did we just witne----" She started to say, but was interuptted.

"Ma'am, we're being hailed by Gul Hulceen and Gul Meran." The Ops Officer reported.

"On screen!" She commanded.

"HA HA HA! I take it by the look on your face that you've had a chance to see our latest line of defense." Gul Meran, Commander of Cardassian ground forces on the Pangaea.

"Defense? How did those Federation Fighters make it past all of our lines of defense and get this far? And what kind of weapons are those!?" Gul Vashur said moreso in shock than anger.

"As to your first question, those Federation Fighters are from the station hangars. We were able to install automated control devices on several Federatoin Fighters that were still on Deep Space 5." Gul Hulceen said. "We programmed them to hide within the nebula and jump out unannounced and head towards the station and Pangea." Gul Hulceen added.

"As to your second question," Gul Meran interrupted. "The orbital weapon platforms have been upgraded since their days during the Federation War thanks to a friend, DaiMon Tinmak. He managed to provide us a prototype of the upgraded platforms. Now that we've seen how succesful they have been we are making plans to deploy these throughout the orbit of Pangea." The ground commander stated.

"Once these are in place, we'll be well-prepared for the eventual arrival of any fleet that is stupid enough to come knocking on our door." Gul Meran said boastfully.

"Yes. . .I guess we will." Gul Vashur said as she sank back into her chair and proceeded to download the tactical information from the recent engagement. "In the future, a heads-up would be appreciated. You'll save me from an unncessary heart attack." She said mirthlessly.

"Ha Ha ha! Recall your ships back to DS9 space. We'll need their assistance in preparing the subsequent orbital platform devices." Gul Hulceen said as the other Guls nodded and closed their channels.

Gul Meran Denat
Operational Commander Pangaea
Cardassian Empire

Gul Kalena Vashur
127th Tactical Wing

Gul Dusad Hulceen
Executive Administrative Officer
Deep Space 5


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