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A Suprise Army

Posted on Sat Feb 4, 2023 @ 6:32am by Civilian Hydel Turvan

1,284 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Deck 56 - Biohazard Research

Glinn Desha Korina stood on the upper platform as her research assistants brought out the speciman sample and activated the bio-monitors. The Cardassian woman had spent her entire career serving as a scientist for the Sixth Order. The Sixth Order was traditionally known for its dedication to leading Research and Development for the Cardassian Defense Force. Gul Korina had been dispatched with the 127th Tactical Wing for what she was led to believe was just a "short tour of duty".

Little did she know that her "short tour" would result in her being onboard a Starfleet Celestial-class starbase working on cutting-age biological research. She was overwhelmed by the amount of information she was able to access within the Federation computers and databases that had not been sabotaged by the fleeing Starfleet personnel.

One such database she found belonged to the Raddon Xenobiology Service. Although, it took a bit more effort to gain access, the portion that she was able to access seemed to be repleate with data on a project the civilian organization had spent a significant amount of time and resources trying to develop.

The doors to the large bay hissed open as Guls Natomi Kyren entered, flanked by her Executive Officer, Gul Dusad Hulceen. The two had come to the Biohazard Research deck only because they had requested a status update on whatever Gul Korina had been working on since the Cardassians arrival on the station.

"Glinn Korina, I'm hoping that whatever you are working on is worth the time and effort that should have been directed towards activating the portals." Gul Hulceen said as they entered the large area. "Administrator Turvan allowed you to be stationed here because you said that you had discovered something significant that would help us on the planet." He said.

"Sir, you are absolutely correct!" The woman said in her distinctive high pitch tone. "What I have discovered and my team have been working on will give us the most valuable too necessary to unlock any of the portals." She said as she descended the stairs towards the two Guls.

"It's on secret that the Federation is seeking revenge and is probably mounting a counter-attack force as we speak!" She said as she walked over to a nearby console and brought up a schematic of the planet surface. "Between our combined fleets and this station, there is enough fire power to take on a small armada." She pointed out. "But what about the planet surface? How long do you suppose that Gul Denat and Xi'Cadian Planet Guard will be able to hold on a ground offensive from Starfleet and their Klingon lapdogs?" She asked rhetorically.

She saw as Gul Hulceen pondered the question and actually tried to answer. "I'll save you the trouble, 36.5 hours, give or take a disruptor or two." The Scientist-Solider said as she switched to another screen.

"Gul Denat's forces suffered significant casualties during the initial invasion. We already knew that?" Gul Kyren said, now stepping into the conversation. "I trust that you didn't bring us all the way here just to tell us something we already knew." The station Commander said, with an obvious edge to her tone.

Glinn Korina paused for a moment as the voice of the female commander pierced the room. "N-no, not at-at all, ma'am." She replied. "I brought you here so that you could observe what I believe is the answer to the pre-existing problem."

She pressed several buttons and a portion of the floor parted and a bio bed was lifted from beneath the gathered officers. Within the bed lay the body of a deceased Jem'Hadar Soldier. She signaled for one of her assistants to walk over and lift his sleeve as she picked up a hypo and pressed two injections into his body. One in his arm and one in his jugular. He grimmaced as his entire body tensed as the dosage made its way through his body.

"As you both know, A shrouded Jem'Hadar is only hidden visually, however, they can still be heard through normal efforts. Additionally, the bio-electric field given off by a shrouded Jem'Hadar can be detected through a passive residual field or aura known as their di'teh. But what if we could replicate the shroud ability of the Jem'Hadar for our own physiology." She said.

"Impossible, Ketracel white is completely toxic to the Cardassian physiology. Every experiment with that stuff resulted in a Cardassian dying with 12 hours." Gul Hulceen responded. "Unless you've been able to completely re-write Cardassian DNA, I doubt you've gotten very far." He said ruefully.

"Exactly! So why not stop trying to re-invent the wheel and just design a more efficient tire!?" She asked excitedily. "It appears that the Raddon Xenobiology Services was experimenting with Jem'Hadar. From their collected research I was able to discover that the Jem'Hadar control their shroud feature through emitting a bio-electric field that shifts the light around them so that they cannot be observed visually." She said as she nodded to the Cardassian.

"A strong changing magnetic field can induce electrical currents in conductive tissue such as the brain. Since the magnetic field penetrates tissue, it can be generated outside of the head to induce currents within, causing transcranial magnetic stimulation. These currents depolarize neurons in a selected part of the brain, leading to changes in the patterns of neural activity." She said.

"My research has proven that yridium bicantizine is homologous to the enzyme CYP2D6 in Jem'Hadar, and functions as a p-tyramine oxidase, a key part of the dopamine biosynthesis pathway that allows them to activate such a powerful bio-electric field." She said excitedily. She turned and saw the utterly confused expressions of both senior officers.

She sighed briefly and said, "Just watch. . ."

She turned and nodded to the Cardassian. Within moments he cringed slightly as his body began to undergo a phase shift for several seconds before he had simply disappeared from the spot that he once was standing.

"I present to you. . .the Cardassian Shroud!" Glinn Korina announced as he turned to face the two surprised Cardassians.

"Once we're able to produce a stable solution for our forces, we'll be able to fend of any invasion force that Starfleet sends our way." She said proudly. Within a few minutes, the young Cardassian Soldier began to phase back into view; however, he fell to his knees and was shaking as if his muscles had given out and he was struggling just to not fall over.

Gul Kyren nodded slowly as a medic came to help stabalize the Soldier. "This is quite a significant development. I guess there are smart Humans outside of Starfleet." She said of the Raddon Corporation's research that paved the way for discovery.

"I want you to fix whatever loose threads this project has. I want it working perfectly before we present it to Administrator Turvan and deploy it to our forces on the planet." Gul Kyren said.

"This is to remain between those of use in this room." Gul Hulceen added. He knew that Starfleet still had their spies throughout the station who would love to sabotage any development that they discovered. "This will give us the advantage we need to hold what we've taken." He said.

"Good job, Korina. I expect an update from you within the next 48 hours." She said as she looked at the young Cardassian that was beginning to go into convulsions as the medic laid him down and tried to stablize him. Gul Kyren could see that there was still much work left to complete on the project before deployment.

Gul Natomi Kyren
Deep Space 5 Administrator
Cardassian Empire

Gul Dusad Hulceen
Executive Officer
Cardassian Empire


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