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A gathering

Posted on Tue Feb 21, 2023 @ 11:25pm by Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval & Captain Maritza Soran

1,388 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Qo'nos -High Council chambers


Charghwl'IH stood before the High Council waiting on answer. He had presented his request.

"Deep Space 5 is a Federation facility. Why does the Empire need to act on this when the Federation has not?"

He stepped boldly towards the council, "Because it is matter of Honor! The Breen, a known Cardassian ally, has already attacked our joint dilithium mining facility. Then while distracted with the repairs there, the Cardassians attack the station and the joint research station on the planet. The Cardassians have spilled blood of those of several Houses!

"Do we do nothing and wait for the Federation to avenge their deaths?!

"Do we wait on the Federation to ask us to Honor our allegiance?!

"Since when do we need anyone's permission to act?" With a clenched fist raised before him, "No my brothers!! We are Klingons!!

"The House of Varal's shipyards Stand ready. As do those Houses who have lost warriors in the attack to provide additional ships and warriors. Allow me to act on behalf of the Empire to blockade the area around Deep Space 5. Any Cardassian ship that attempts to cross our lines will be destroyed!! Let us show the Federation that we stand with them. Let us show the Cardassians and those who would ally with them, once again, that the Klingon Empire is not to be trifled with!! That the Empire will not allow attacks upon our people and our allies to go unanswered. Let us show them the WE ARE KLINGONS!!!"

Roars and howls erupted from those in the chamber. As even the Emperor nodded his approval.

Standing the leader of the High Council looked down, "Assemble your fleet! QAPLA!!

Charg bowed then turned sharply departing the council chamber he hailed his ship. "jol yIchu'". Once aboard he headed to the console, "Bridge, this is Charghwl'IH, break orbit and set course as instructed."

=^= Yes My Lord. =^=

The warrior manning the station looked at the Ambassador questioningly. "Sir?"

Charghwl'IH clapped his shoulder, "We are going to battle!"

Charg headed to his quarters to send word to Da`nal, and to Xae that, the Council had given them permission to proceed.

[Wa'Baq System - Klingon Empire]

The Suvwl'SuS, Charg's flagship, arrived at Wa'Baq III where he had set up his House after being rewarded the system from the House of Varal for his service in the defeat of the House of Morqrat and after service as Stewert of the House of Varal.

In high orbit was one of the shipyards belonging to the House of Varal and it was even more active than normal. Two other ship came out of warp on the far side, an awaited their turn to dock.

He grinned "It has begun..."

*** The next morning ***

Whenever home he went to the eastern cliff before sunrise to exercise and to meditate. The fire pots ringing the area cast strange shadows as the flickered, but the wavering light was not able to distract his form. He and his bat'leth glided seamlessly though the tightly positioned posts that made up this part of his training regimen.

His exercises over he took up a position near the edge of the cliffs on a slab of ancient Vulcan stone. A meditation platform, a gift from his grandfather. Sitting upon the slab he closed his eyes and deepened his breath.

The morning sun broke over the horizon and he felt the warmth from its rays.

"As much as it improves my morning, husband, sitting here and looking pretty will not avenge your friend." His wife was leaning against a tree outside the ring of fire. She had a long red robe wrapped around her, and her hair loose. "Nor will it save you from my vengeance for leaving my bed so early."

He had heard her approach but remained focused and still, is only movement was the rise and fall of his chest. "'My friend' my wife? She was your shipmate to."

Rising, his bare chest glistening from the heat of the fires around him he moved toward her. "Before this is all over, I will have Turvan's head. As to your revenge..." taking her by the waist, "that is a battle I will always look forward to."

"Then come back to bed, before the children wake, and I will bring you to your knees..."

His eyes narrowed at the challenge and the corner of his mouth curled slightly. Taking a half step back he opened her robe before pulling her to him as he gripped her hair at the nape of her neck, growling as his teeth scrapped up the line of her neck.

She gasped and wound her arms around his shoulders. Then swept his leg out with a foot hooked behind his ankle. She smiled down at him. "Much more preferable."

Shaking his head has he propped himself up. "Don't forget the last time you attacked me in this setting...", remembering the holodeck on the DaVinci, " ended up getting run through."

She planted a foot on his chest and leant over him. "How else was I supposed to disembowel you? The point was to win. Not to live. This time however..." She ran her foot down his chest to rest lightly on his crotch. "This time, I'm thinking of something far more fun..." she reached for his belt, when she heard the unmistakable sound of marching feet. She sighed and offered her husband her hand.

Taking her hand he got to his feet, closing her robe. He tucked one side under the other his fingers traced the scar from the fight that had brought them together. As he did, his the Vulcan part of him sensed something that was not his wife. Flattening his hand against her abdomen he looked at her in surprise.

"I wasn't even sure until a few days ago. I wanted to wait until I'd had it confirmed all was well. I'm not as young as I was you know." Xae put her hand over his, stroking his fingers. "I thought I was probably past this. Their siblings are almost full grown."

He looked into her eyes deeply for a long moment before his hand darted to her hair at the nape of her neck kissing her deeply.

It took a lot of effort and willpower to push him away. "We've got company," she reminded him. "Don't want them to find things out before we tell the rest of the family."

"Kretorg will be ecstatic when he hears the news."

Two warriors of his Ambassadorial staff approached rapidly; interrupting the pair. "Forgive me My Lord, Milady," with a nod to the Lady of their House. "There is a report the Federation has gathered to plan the retaking of Deep Space 5 at Starbase 12."

"Has that been confirmed?!"

"It has."

Charg took up his bat'leth and cloak. He stopped and returned to Xae'dell, placing a hand over her belly. Their fourth child was growing in her womb, to the glory of their House.

Joining the two the trio headed swiftly to the main complex. His warriors briefed him while they made their way. If the intel was correct, he would be able to make the starbase just in time to...interrupt ...the proceedings.

Beaming up to his ship he was greeted by the familiar face of Vashara.

She nodded to her former shipmate and lover, but both of those were lifetimes ago. "Lord Da'nal sends his greetings."

"Your arrival if perfectly timed General."

Moving to the commpanel. "Bridge. Set course for Starbase 12, maximum warp and engage cloak."

The puzzlement on Vashara's face was clear. "Charg, we have plans to make?!"

"That we do. And those plans will be made. But first there is a gathering of Federation, holier than thou, Admirals we have to crash. Seems they forgot to invite us to their little party."

Smiling as her hands went to her hips in a pose he had not seen in decades, "Still stirring the pot I see."

In a mock display of shock. "ME? Nooo..."

There was an ever so subtle shift in the ships lighting as the ship cloaked and warped out of the system.

Charghwil'IH - Head of the House of Soval
Klingon Ambassador to DS5

Xae’dell Kelan
NPC by Soran

General Vashara of the House of Varal


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