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Fond Farewell

Posted on Sun Jan 11, 2015 @ 11:02am by Lieutenant Commander Steven Wyman

617 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Things Past
Location: Transporter room 2, USS Cavalry

OFF: This takes place about a week before the second half of "A Bittersweet Reunion" (


"I'm going to miss you, buddy."

"The feeling is mutual, my friend."

The entire time as Steve and Drakt embraced each other, the transporter operator was absently drumming his fingers on the edge of the console. The Human and Zarnac had been going back and forth like this for ten minutes and were showing no signs of letting up.

Wyman's fellow honor guard from DS5 had already disembarked and were awaiting the transport ship which would ferry them home from Andor. But their leader had a couple of goodbyes to make first.

"Steve, it's not much, but I made this for Gwen. Can you make sure she gets it?" Rhe'la asked sheepishly, producing a small package from behind her back.

That brought Wyman out of his love fest with Drakt. "Of course I will. What is it, though?"

Taking the box, he lifted the lid slightly. When the light hit the contents, a wry smile spread across his face. "You have to be kidding me, Rhe'la. Where did you get something like this?"

"I made it; and I have the needle marks in my fingers to prove it." the engineer replied, rubbing the fingers of her left hand gingerly. "You would think the scales would help, but not so much..."

Beaming in awe, Wyman pulled the contents from the box and held it up for everyone to see. It was a plush toy, similar in build to a teddy bear. But in this case, it was a Zarnac. It could have been any Zarnac, but the little Starfleet uniform with three sewn on gold pips on the collar made it clear which it was specifically.

"Heh... that's pretty well done. When did you learn how to do that?" An'ta asked, giving the stitching around the tail a close inspection.

Though Rhe'la didn't fit the humanoid archetype for femininity, she none the less bristled at the implication that she wouldn't have known how to do something as elementary as sewing. "Your mother taught me, if you must know. But I didn't really keep up with it once I entered the Academy. Seeing that Gwen never gets to see the Commander, though; I thought it would be a good project. Especially after what she went through, recently."

Now the transporter chief glanced up from his boredom. "Really a striking resemblance, Commander."

At that, Drakt finally added in his thoughts after carefully inspecting his doppelganger. "I personally do not see it. But Gwenny will adore it, and that is all that matters." If he could have smiled, he would have at that moment. "I cannot be there, but this will make a fine substitute."

With that, the plush Drakt was packaged back up and Wyman clutched it under his arm. The lieutenant shook hands with An'ta, stooped down to hug Rhe'la and thank her for Gwen's gift, and pulled Drakt in for one last embrace. "I'll miss you guys; you're the best damn group of friends a guy could ever ask for. And the three of you all need to pay a visit sometime soon."

Finally, Steve stepped up onto the transporter pad. "Ready when you are, Chief."

The transporter officer looked to Drakt, who nodded slightly as his eyes glistened. "Energize."

(Then) Lt. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineering Officer
Deep Space 5

with special guest stars

Cmdr. Drakt, Son of the Thirty-first House
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Cavalry

Lt. (JG) An'ta, Son of the Forty-ninth House
Deputy Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Cavalry

Ens. Rhe'la, Daughter of the Forty-ninth House
Structural/Environmental Engineer
USS Cavalry


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