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Duty and honor

Posted on Thu Jan 8, 2015 @ 1:28pm by

176 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Interlude II
Location: Klingon embassy
Timeline: Current


Still angered over the treatment of himself and his on their arrival Tu’rocK and his staff had remained in confines of the embassy Sending and receiving encrypted secure combinations from not the Klingon home world but also from high ranking military commanders, and Klingon colonies near the station. Tu’rocK was enraged He was marshalling for and largely receiving support for an attack if not all out war it took several very long conversation with chancellor, the high council and his father to convince him otherwise. He reluctantly agreed it was not a prudent move at time but did manage to get the council to approve an increase in military presence in the area as well on the stations itself most on the embassy grounds. He decided it was he and staff to get out and preform their duty the honor of empire as well as their own was at stake here it time it he made the empire’s presence known.


Tu'rocK son of Mekk of The House of Onnak
Klingon Ambassador


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