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Logic and Retribution

Posted on Sat Jan 28, 2023 @ 11:20pm by Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Lieutenant T'Lul

1,949 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Lasuma'a


The Cardassians were still trying to consolidate their control over the station, but despite all the posturing everyone knew they were having a hard time of it. Dorian was still hiding and stirring up trouble. Geral knew Dorian was still looking out for him as he had managed to get him a few mementos from Maritza's quarters. There was also rumor of some of the station's Marines still moving about causing problems. However, as far as he was concerned, problems were not good enough.

Anger still welled within him and his fists began to clench tighter and tighter. He would make them pay for what they've done. He'd done it before, and he could do it again...he will do it again. Even if it cost him everything he had, he was going to see to their utter annihilation. No matter what he did he was going to need help.

After straightening himself up he headed down to the lower levels and to one of the guards posted. "I need to go to security."

The guard scoffed at Geral. "What makes you so special? You do not tell us where you need to go. We tell you where you need to go. So, get back where you belong, like Soran's lapdog that you are." He then bent his head back laughing heartily. A shadow passed behind him as he continued to laugh but the laugh was cut off abruptly as Geral saw a slender hand come from behind the guard and pinching his neck.

The guard slumped downward and a familiar Vulcan gave a small nod at Geral as she swiftly reached for the second guard's weapon, hoping that Geral might do something drastic.

Surprised by the assist and who provided it Geral motioned quickly to several of his employees. "Take some liquor," adding with a huff, "an expensive one, get some down his throat, on him, and stage him in a lift where he can be found by the next patrol."

His people move quickly, smirking as they did. "...hope they execute him."

'Geral raised a brow at the comment and would have to remind them to whisper a little quieter. Looking to the familiar Vulcan. "My thanks Lieutenant, but I was needing to get to security...officially. Unless you have another option to get me in there without raising suspicion?"

"Officially?" T'Lul asked quirking an eyebrow upward skeptically. "And what business would you have with security?" the inquiry continued. "Perhaps you might be attempting something that the Cardassians would not like." She raised her other eyebrow while lowering the other that had been raised previously.

"I could care less what the Cardassians like and my business there is none of your concern."

"It is when it concerns the safety of the crew, even in this shape, Geral. " She let silence linger between the two of them for a moment. "I should have reached out to you sooner; but, I have been unexpectedly preoccupied. Would you like me to give you an analysis publicly, or would you rather talk about this somewhere quieter?" T'Lul titled her head towards her right. It might be as close to a Vulcan emoting concern as possible.

He was about to fire back about how he could inform the Cardassians to check their, soon to be discovered, inebriated guard for signs of a nerve pinch but he held his tongue. Instead he took a deep breath and decided it would do little good to lose his anger at her.

Stepping back into the shop and out of the public eye...not that there was much of that. "Look I appreciate the concern, I really do. However, the reality is even when Starfleet called the shots I was never under your authority. And now with the Cardassians in charge you have zero authority.

"I know you used your position get Maritza to sit down with you and whatever you did worked since it brought us back together. If only for one night before everything went to hell.

"Fact is, unlike yourself," casting his hands about, "this is not my first time in this type of environment." Up to now he had been surprisingly calm, but that reminder began to rekindle his anger. "Now I have things that need to be done. For now, and all our sakes it would be best if I had as little public contact with the station's former staff as possible."

Coolly, T'Lul responded, "I have all the authority vested in me by Starfleet and we still adhere to those rules. It is also true that you have never been under my jurisdiction. But, I do believe that our goals are aligned and if success is to have greater odds of success, it would be better to work together." She paused momentarily, "It is logical."

The Vulcan noticed that Geral was becoming more irritated as he spoke, the anger of Maritza's death and his frustration at being unable to act written all over his body and temperament. Geral was never one to lose his cool. "And you are not thinking logically at this time," the Vulcan counselor continued. "That is highly unusual for you. However, it is one of the seven primary signs of grieving: anger, that is." Her lips thinned as she looked deeply into Geral's eyes as she practically dared him to deny it.

"Starfleet...well for the time being Starfleet has no authority here but you can follow whatever rules you want." Looking around, "You have no idea what I've done in the past so no way to know what is or isn't unusual for me. As for Maritza," a muscle clenched in is jaw, "she has served your blessed Starfleet for years...and when she needed them where was your precious Starfleet? Standing idle, as others risk their lives to try and save her."

Taking a breath to calm himself. "Forgive me. None of this is your fault and you are only trying to help. But the help we need right now doesn't follow Federation rules....which is why I need to get to Security.

"Following whatever rules you want is nothing less than anarchy, Geral. You should know better," the Vulcan replied with a slight tone that might have sounded as if it even had a "Humph" in it. "And Captain Sora would want me and you to hold to Starfleet's ideals. She may have had unresolved personal issues but Starfleet and its rules was not something she doubted." The Vulcan counselor shook her head at the hypothetical discussion. "But one thing is certain, Geral, to the Cardassians, you are no different than Starfleet. Anything you do will have repercussions. We must work together."

"You are right in that she would want use to work together and to work within the rules. But I can assure you; there is a great deal of difference in the way they look at me. I've seen how they operate, firsthand. Something no history lesson could teach anyone in the Federation. I have contacts in their government that no Starfleet officer could ever reach. My company's networks reach out to places even they cannot reach. I am both an asset to them and a threat.

"But despite all that Turvan still had the gall to show me Maritza being killed to rub it in my face."

Both of T'Lul's eyebrows raised at this information. Turvan certainly must have a reason to hate or spite Geral. "And yet," she continued calmly, "that does not change our situation. Coordination is the most logical and most probable way of defeating this incursion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts." She held out her hand towards Geral. "So, shall we work together?"

Looking into her eyes for moment he nodded. "Together then, I will have an associate contact you to set things up. But just so you understand something they don't teach you in the academy. We will never get rid of the Cardassians with talk or sabotage alone. If help comes from the outside, it comes, but until then we are on our own. We will act against them and they will target, even kill, those they feel responsible. We will act again, and they will oppress and try over and over again to keep us on our knees. The more we rise, the harder they will try to keep us down. People on both sides will die but all we have to is stand one more time than they can afford."

"Mr. Lasuma, perhaps you forget, I am a Vulcan. I am well trained in logic. My counseling background gives me additional insight into the situation. Our first priority is freeing this station and as, what I can only presume at this juncture am, the acting commanding officer on this starbase, I intend to take that duty seriously. There will be no unnecessary killing. And I do not presume that we shall get overt assistance. I calculate the percentage chance of that being 1.0003219854 per cent. The odds of receiving covert assistance is significantly higher at 67.48215 per cent. However, math and statistics were not my strongest subjects." She paused and quirked an eyebrow slightly upwards, tilting her head. "How will your associate know where to find me? I am rarely in one place for long."

"Logic...'logic is great for getting from point A to B', but I seem to remember a rather prominent Vulcan that would say the logic isn't everything. Or something like that. Besides it wasn't logic that drove the Cardassians from Bajor and no matter what you think it won't be logic that drives them from this station. I will need to get word to my associate but if you can be in jefferies tube under what was to be my new shop in this time tomorrow you can lay out your plan then."

"If you are referring to Spock, he was half-Vulcan. That being said, perhaps we can discuss the virtues of logic after we have liberated the station. It would be an intriguing conversation, I suspect. As to your associate, will I know him or her? Or do we need a code?" T'Lul asked, her head righting itself.

"Recognition shouldn't be an issue."

With that, T'Lul disappeared into bowels of the station.

His speech over and he saw a set of Cardassians escorting Yolanthe. Since she was the reason he needed to go to security for in the first place and he stepped out into the corridor. Leaving T'Lul to fend for herself. As he neared the group he knew bravado was the only way to get her pried from their clutches for a moment. "There you are! Soo they finally let you out...You still own me a lot of latinum!"

Looking to her escorts. "I know you guys probably have orders to cage this bird in her own bar but if I can get a few minutes alone I can assure you those minutes will be VERY uncomfortable for her. Feel free to have a proper lunch on me, make that two meals, now and an even better one when you're both off duty some time."

The Cardassians looked to each other and around the area. There were no other sentries in the area and the idea of a real meal was temping, but they had orders. Before they could replay and push the Bajoran aside he added to the pot.

"I will even throw in a bottle for you both to take back to your quarters."

Looking to his partner and back to the Bajoran. "Make it quick."


Geral Lasuma
Owner, Lasuma Enterprises

Lieutenant T'Lul
Chief Counselor


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