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Some form of a resistance

Posted on Fri Dec 30, 2022 @ 5:47am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Kivan Ta'Gas & Captain Maritza Soran

780 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: DS5 Deck 1035 - Main Doors Auxiliary Fusion Reactor 6
Timeline: (sometime after Rear Guard)

Dorian Gabriel and Lt. Kivan Ta'Gas carefully slid the panel off of the wall and stepped out into the darkened corridor of Auxillary Fusion Reactor 6. The typical low hum of the station power system was replaced by a much louder and rapid pace thrubbing sound.

"Where are we?" Dorian asked as he carefully made his way down the ladder and onto the hard surface. The tempature within this area was significantly higher than the rest of the station. He could feel the sweat accumulating around the back of his neck and around his face.

"It's the Auxillary Fusion Reactors. The station utilizes them as just backup systems in the event primary power goes down. IF this were a Cardassian station, it'd be the primary power source." The Chief of Operations explained as he stepped down and replaced the panel. "The heat you're feeling is from the plasma exhaust." He said, noticing the sweat around Dorian's face. Ta'Gas, on the other hand, was actually comfortable in the higher temperature due to his Cardassian hiertage.

"Sensors will have trouble distinguishing us from background radiation while we're down here." He added as he activated his flashlight and began to walk down the corridor.

Dorian followed behind, still observing the area. During his time as Chief of Intelligence and Security he never had reason to explore the various bowels of the station. HIs primary forucs was usually where the station residents frequented: Promanade, Crew Quarters, and occasionally the underground fight ring that was operated by Yolante's bar.

"If you are right, then we should be able to get to the Lower Docking Bay Control Room. It would be completely de-powered since primary Docking Control was still in use when the Cardassians stepped in." Lt. Kivan said.

"I'm certain that there is someone out there listening to the feed. It was a standard procedure amongst Intelligence: In the event of a hostile seizure of the ship or base, Starfleet Intelligence will listen for a subspace waveform manipulation to create an isolinear frequency." Dorian replied. "The Spoonheads won't know to look for it because it is such a low frequency that it wouldn't register on any standard communication channel." He said assuredly.

Lt. Ta'Gas and stared at him coldly.

"Oh...I'm sorry, did I offend you? I forgot that you were sensitive about that word. It's easy to not remember that when the Cardassians violently invade and are hunting for your like an animal!" Dorian replied angrily.

"You are a sonovabitch, you know that?" Lt. Kivan said bitterly as he turned and continued to walk. "I see now why they stripped you of your rank and threw you out on your ass." He added.

"Yeah. . .I was kicked out because I knew how to defend the Federation from the enemies at our door. When I was Chief of this station we never would have surrendered as quickly as we did. We would have fought until Starfleet sent in the calvary." Dorian shot back as the couple mad etheir way to a door that apeared to be Docking Bay Control doors.

"We're here." Lt. Kivan said as he used a secondary method to unseal the door. He knew that using his hand print would have sent a notification to OPS, informing the Cardassians that someone with Senior-level clearance was activating a section of the station.

Dorian followed behind the Officer and immediately went to a console. Most of the primary functions were disabled and were controlled by OPS. However, he knew that he could gain access to the secondary system by running a level 2 diagnositic on the subspace emitter. A level two diagnositc would not require OPS-level authorization and would go without being noticed by the Cardassians.

"Bring power online to 32% and begin transmitting short bursts, 4.5 seconds apart." Dorian said to Lt. Kivan. He still needed a second person to control the resource distribution levels since the entire room was still considered "Off-line".

"Okay, begin transmitting. . .now" Lt. Kivan said as he brought a slight surge of power to the section to transmit the signal. Once Lt. Kivan saw that the signal was transmitting properly he began to gather his equipment.

"The Marines will have to send someone down here very 48 hours to adjust the signal otherwise the Cardassians will pick up on it and send someone down to investigate." Lt. Kivan said as he made his way towards the door. "But until then, we at least have a way of letting Starfleet know that there's some form of a resistance alive and well." He said.

Lt. Kivan Ta'Gas
Chief of Operations

Dorian Gabriel
Chief Security Consultant
Raddon Corp


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