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batlh Daqawlu'taH (You will be remembered with honor)

Posted on Thu Jun 2, 2022 @ 11:04pm by Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval & Civilian Sha'rae Astare

841 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: USS Lakota

Charg stood on the bridge of the Lokota as he watch on of his birds of prey close on the Cardassian ship harassing the yatch fleeing the station. He barked order into his communicator, ignoring the Starfleet Captain’s protests, trying to will the ship to close the gap.

A shout rang out on the bridge that the yatch had launched a shuttle and the warship was moving to engage. “

Captain Makette hailed the Cardassian ship ordering it to disengage to no avail. Whatever authority she thought she still had in this sector was gone. The Cardassians had caught the Federation off guard. The had Starfleet by the throat and they knew it.

The Ambassador clinched his teeth as he watch the small craft try to evade the warship and it weapons fire. While he had no way to know for certain, his gut told him it was Maritza in that shuttle. The Cardassians would want her and she would be one go it alone to help her crew escape. He watched helplessly as the craft dart about and dove towards the planet.

Yelling into his communicator, “FASTER! Defend that shuttle!”

Spinning in her chair the Captain turned sharply. “Call your ships back Ambassador. You will only make things worse.”

Charg snarled at Makette, “I am NOT under your command Captain! If you will not act, I WILL!”

Returning his gaze to the view screen he saw his one of his ships straffe the warship and follow with a spread of aft torpedoes, but it did little to deter the Cardassian warship. It fired again and only a last minute turn save the shuttle from destruction, taking only a glancing blow. Unfortunately the damage was enough.

Built as a pleasure craft and not for combat the shuttle was hit and going down. It entered the upper atmosphere and the trail from it’s entry only made it an easier target. Even as he watched the bird of prey swing around for another run, a beam of energy leapt out from the warship and the shuttle exploded.

Roaring in anger he watched the warship once again move on the yatch but now one of his Vorcha class ships had moved in and the yatch was under escort from two of his other ships. Only then did Cardassian ship break away and return to the one of the Cardassian formations.

"Captain the yatch is hailing us."

"On screen."

Charg recognized the woman whose face materialized. ~I know that woman...~ It didn't take long before the name came to him. "Ms. Astare. It is good to see you well."

=^= You as well Ambassador; and thank you for the aid, I am sure Mr. Lasuma will feel in your debt. =^=

Before he could reply she turned to the Captain. =^= Ma'am, we have quite a few Starfleet personnel and civilians aboard. We had managed to smuggle Captain Soran off the station...but... =^=

Her voice caught in her throat not only at the loss of someone she knew, but her heart broke for Geral. They had only just mended their relationship before the Cardassians had attacked and now he was going to have to deal with her loss again and without her there to help him through it.

Captain Makette's shoulder sank as she sat in her command chair and after a broke the silence as she completed the woman's sentence, "...Captain Soran was in the shuttle."

Sha'rae nodded her head as tears rolled down her cheeks. =^= She insisted. She thought she could make it to the surface...that she had to leave the save the rest of us. =^=

While he felt the loss of his friend and former shipmate she had died honorably, sacrificing herself for her safety of her crew. “batlh Daqawlu'taH!"

Ignoring the Klingon Ambassador and his…celebration of Captain Soran’s death, "Did you take any damage?"

Sha'rae wiped her cheek. =^= Nothing a fresh coat of paint won't fix. Although, we could use some rearming of our defensive array. We're not a Starship after all. =^=

Glancing of her first officer, "Commander Walters, see to the offloading of the evacuees and to any of the, forgive me Mr. Astare, your ship’s name?”

=^= She was just newly acquired, Mr. Lasuma never got the chance to register a name before… =^= A sad smile formed and a tear fell at the thought that popped into head. =^= Captain, given the circumstances and my authority within Lasuma Enterprises I would like to register this vessel as the Maritza. =^=

Charg took a deep pridefully breath as he nodded approvingly. “You honor her memory…and my friend. If there is anything you need of me, all you have to do is ask.”

Makette glance at the Ambassador and the problems such an offer could do for this situation. The last thing they needed was some honor bound Kingon loose canon running around. Something she would address with the Ambassador later. “Commander, see to the Maritza’s other needs."

Klingon Ambassador

Sha"rae Astare
Aid to Geral Lasuma


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