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Family Talk...

Posted on Wed Jan 26, 2022 @ 11:23am by Captain Tam "Demon" Haican & Civilian Sabina Haican & Captain Maritza Soran

1,056 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Bag End
Timeline: TBD


After Tam and Brianthe returned to the Bag End, Tam went to the room that he was sharing with his daughter. "Sabina?" He asked softly as he entered. "Are you decent?" Though they shared a small bunk room, Tam had managed to fashion a partition between them, so his daughter could have privacy if she wanted it. Not that they were shy in how they dressed around each other when alone. Betazoids tended to be very free in their nudity. Though in the closer living conditions of their current accommodations, Tam had told his daughter that it would be prudent to at least have a shirt and underwear on, in case one of the others wished to come talk to them.

There was an annoyed sigh from behind the curtain, and words, filled with put upon weariness only teenagers could manage, arrived in his head. "Yes, dad."

Tam grinned slightly. I'm serious, sweetheart. We need to have a long overdue, and new, discussion. He reached up and grabbed the edge of the partition. I'm coming over, He announced as he entered her side of the room, smiling softly when he saw his little girl. Hey kiddo, he moved to sit on the foot of her bed.

So, we have been through one hell of a trip, you and I. He began slowly. I want to start by saying, I'm sorry that I've not been there for you these past few years like I should have. He raised his hand to stop her from replying yet.

I know, we already had a talk like this before we reached the station. Still, I never want you to think that you are not the most important thing to me, Little One.

She gave him the side eye. "Don't you think this isn't a real good time to get philosophical? Its like, a war, a real war."

Reaching out, he placed a gentle hand on her blanket covered feet, just like he used to do when she was younger. "Little One, because of what's going on, we need to speak. You are the most important thing to me, more than my own life and happiness." His mind drifted to see Brianthe's warm, smiling face.

If hurt, indignant, looks could kill, Tam would have been a smoking ruin. I saw that "Its kind of hard to believe a word you say when you're completely thinking of someone else."

"Sabina, Brianthe is one of the things I wanted to talk to you about." Tam spoke softly, but firmly. "Since your mother died, I haven't even looked at another woman. I haven't even thought about anyone but you." He took a breath and continued. Suddenly, I see this woman, she's kept you safe and brought you to me, and...I felt something. Does it mean that I want to replace your mother? No. Nor could anyone ever do that. Your mother was my best friend. We knew each other from when we were kids. She is the only woman that I have ever loved. But now, when I look at Brianthe, I feel a zing run through me." He took another breath and kept speaking.

"Now, when I tell you that your happiness is more important to me, I meant it. So, if me starting to see if there's even a chance that I could find companionship and love again hurts you....then tell me."

Sabina made an exaggerated wretching gesture, rolling her eyes. "I don't have like, in theory, objections. But right now? Sheesh, dad. Priorities much? Stick it back in your trousers until we're not running for our lives"

Tam chuckled softly. "Little One, when you are older, you will learn a very simple fact. Attraction to another never cares about your current situation. You mother was the first woman that I was attracted to. Since she's been gone..." he shook his head slowly. "I have not felt that way since. In fact, I didn't think that I would ever feel this way again. However, the moment my eyes locked with Brianthe's, I felt a zing run through me. And, after speaking with her these last few days, I have learned that she felt the same way."

He raised his hands to stop her protestations. "Now, don't misunderstand me. I am not looking to replace your mother. That would be an impossibility. No one and nothing could ever replace her. What I am saying, is that I am lonely and am needing companionship. I think I might be able to achieve that with Bri. But, I will only move forward with her, see where things could go, if you're okay with it. So, the choice, sweetheart, is yours. Do I stay alone? Or do I see where things could go with Brianthe, hopefully find some form of happiness again?"

"I'm not little anymore," Sabina snapped. "I had to grow up the last time a war fell on our heads. Remember that? I do. Didn't need telepathy to figure out everyone around was mad with worry and worse. So my choice is no. Leave your zing alone until this is all over and everyone's not panicking or in survival mode and shit. IF you still have a zing after a year of peace, go for it. But right now? No. Head in the game. Us first." She folded her arms and rolled over in the bunk to stare at the wall.

Tam didn't say anything for a few beats. He'd be lying if he said that both Sabina's words and tone had hurt him deep in his core. However, he was strong enough in his abilities to hide most of the pain. Finally, he nodded and replied. "Alright, sweetheart. Just us." He stood and started to leave their room, but stopped as the door slid open. Looking back over the form of his child, he added, "Remember this, young lady. No matter big you grow, or old you get, you will always be my Little One." He then turned away and left. He needed to be alone right now. The pain he was feeling was getting very powerful.


Sabina Haican
[NPC by Soran]

Captain Tam Haican


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