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Digging In...

Posted on Sat Jun 26, 2021 @ 8:45pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Crewman Steven Phillips

1,131 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: DS5, various locations
Timeline: MD 4, 1203 hours (Concurrent with "Propoganda is Key")


Steve was busy trying to remove the last bolt that held the rear plate of the environmental control junction box that controlled life support on the upper 10 decks of the station. "Hand me the spanner, This last bolt is being a prick!"

While they couldn't engage the Cardassians directly, the engineers had other ways of making life difficult for the occupiers. William handed over the requested tool to Steve. "There's always one that decides to be difficult."

As Steve took the tool, the screen on the opposite bulkhead came to life, startling him enough that he dropped the spanner on his face. "OW! DAMNIT!"

The face of a female Cardassian filled the screen. "Citizens of Deep Space 5. My name is Gul Kyren, Administrator for Deep Space Five." She said, introducing herself to those who were not aware of who controlled the station.

"It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that we have received reports that Captain Maritza Soran has been killed. We take these reports very serious and have launched an investigation into the circumstances surrounding this event. As of now, we have reason to believe that a known terrorist by the name of Hex may have been involved in her death. It is also our understanding that this same terrorist was responsible for the murder of the Head of the Symbiosis Commission, Dagan Rell and Commission Agent Nessia Zuu." Gul Kyren announced.

"We have also learned that these attacks were not isolated. Evidence has led us to conclude that Hex played a significant part in the bombing of the Cardassian Embassay that took the lives of over a dozen Cardassian citizens." She said.

"While we mourn the loss of Captain Soran, we also recognize that this lawless behavior and activity has been allowed to fester within this facility for far too long. We trust that Captain Soran had noble intentions; however, the evidence has shown that she was unable to properly respond to this growing threat. As a result, it cost her life and the lives of others." Gul Kyren said, drawing as much sympathy and remorse into her voice as she could.

Gul Kyren pasued for a brief moment. "We wish to only exist in peace and prosperity with others. To that extent we have taken this necessary action because it has become painfully obvious that others are either unwilling or unable to accomplish that goal. As the Administrators of this station, we vow to protect the lives of each and every one of you that call this facility home." She said.

"To that extent, we ask for your vigilance in assisting our forces in locating and apprehending this terrorist. He is to be considered armed and extremely dangerous." Gul Kyren said as a picture of Hex's last known host, Ahjess Denn, was transposed onto the screen beside her. "If he is observed, you are to notify station security forces immediately. Your cooperation in this matter is truly appreciated."

The screen then went black, leaving everyone in stunned silence. After a few beats, Steve was the first to speak. "Those lying pieces of shit!" Venom dripped from each of his words. "No DAMN way the Captain is dead!" He had briefly met the good Captain once, when he was fixing a terminal in her office. They had had a short, yet pleasant conversation while he worked. He refused to believe that someone as good as Captain Soran was dead. It just didn't compute with reality!

Lash frowned. "I know that man. He's a dabo boy at the Box of Delights. Or he was. He went missing months ago. We hooked up once. There's no way he killed anyone."

Listening to his friends, William had to agree with their assessment. "Yeah, I'm not real inclined to believe much that comes from someone who just bullied their way into controlling the station. Although their choice of suspect is a bit odd."

Lash shrugged. "Maybe its a deliberate wild goose chase." He was silent for a moment. "I think we should do something about ship wide comms. stop them spreading garbage."

Steve shook his right foot while he stayed on his back, thinking furiously. Suddenly, and idea popped forward. "Hey, Will, did you guys finish locking down the comm channel sequencers, up on deck forty?"

"Just about. We're doing our best to make it appear like a random malfunction instead of an act of sabotage. Why, what did you have in mind?"
It was too early in the occupation to overtly oppose the Cardassians, at least that was William's viewpoint.

"You know, there are three different junctions in the air filtration system that could accidentally cross with waste reclamation," Piper said nonchalantly. "One of them could, with a little ingenuity, make the gasses leak into the upper decks, making the air...unpleasant. Even to Cardassians."

"If its 'even to the Cardassians', then its going to be godawful to every one else." Lash pointed out. "Maybe save that one for when we know where they're all sleeping and make it a contained punishment?" He paused. "Do you think one of them will set up in Captain Soran's quarters? We could rig that up right now."

"Bet you that bitch is," Steve stated with a chin thrust to the now black vid screen, indication the woman who had just been speaking to the station. "I'm all for making her life miserable."

Lash looked at Piper. "Deck twenty four then?"

Piper nodded.

"Let's go for it. Low temps and humidity would make most people uncomfortable, much less the Cardassians."

William was all for making things difficult for their new rulers.

Steve nodded. He then finished removing the bolt. "Got it!" He extricated himself from behind the junction box. "Okay! Lets get this going!" He stood and removed the rear plate. "Piper, you're up, do your magic."

Piper grinned. Her career to date had been fixing problems like this. She found an odd sort of glee in causing problems. "There you go," she said when she was done. "I can definitely cause some discomfort on the officer's deck later for any Cardies taking up residence."

Lash looked up from the tricorder he was interfacing with. "I'm setting a timer on it for later tonight, twentyone hundred. That should upset their bed time without giving them time to sort it out."

Steve grinned. "Excellent idea!" He started to clean up his tools. Once done, he looked at the group. "Okay, where should this merry band of misfits strike next?"

"The options are numerous," Piper grinned. "Maybe we should make a list?"


Crewman 2nd Class Piper Pendergast
Operations/Air Filtration
NPC by Alanna Wells

Crewman Lash
Holographics technician
[NPC by Soran]

Crewman William Huxley
(NPC by Bryan)


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