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Sat Jun 26, 2021 @ 8:45pm

Crewman Steven Phillips

Name Steven Bellamy Phillips

Position Any other Operations/Engineering Position

Rank Crewman

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 20
Date of Birth 16 Dec 2374

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 8"
Weight 178 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description While a nice looking guy, Steven's looks can cause him to be forgotten rather easily. He tries to get in shape, wishing he looked like the holosuperheros that he enjoys watching. Unfortunately, his physique probably won't ever change for the better.

That being said, he does have a nice smile, friendly eyes and, if asked, he likes how his shoulders and hands look.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Reginald Phillips (47, file clerk)
Mother Teresa Phillips (45, junior copy editor)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Kathy Philips (16, student)
Other Family George and Gracie Phillips (Paternal grandparents)

Paul and Mildred Sumners (Maternal grandparents)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Friendly, sometimes overly so. Can be blind to his own hyperactivity at times. When he gets focused on something, he tends to act, "like a dog with a bone", as his Grampy would say.

Is extremely loyal to his friends, and equally unforgiving to his enemies.

As far as the opposite sex goes, sometimes, he can't get get out of his own way, either bumbling or rushing in. He also has the interesting knack of not recognizing if he is being hit on (though, truthfully, it hasn't happened much.)
Strengths & Weaknesses +loyal
+fun to be around

-hyperactive at times
-his own worst critic
-bad luck with women
-sometimes blind in the area of personal relationships
Ambitions To make his parents and baby sister proud of him. To do the best he can for Starfleet, his commanding officer, and his friends
Hobbies & Interests Watching holosuperhero vids, playing all types of games(board, card, roleplay, etc), swimming, reading, listening to music, watching the stars(whenever he can get close enough to aporthole.
Languages Federation Standard, basic Klingonmainly the bad words)

Personal History Born on 16 December, 2374 to Reginald and Teresa. Was followed by a sister, four years later.

Both children were raise in a quiet, loving home. Their parents both being in administrative positions in small scale businesses did not allow many creature comforts for them, but, they never felt as if they went without. They were taught, early on, to appreciate what you have, because there could be someone else less fortunate than you.

Like many little boys, Steven fell in love with the heros that he saw on the holovids every Saturday morning. He always hoped that, one day, he would be a hero too!

As he got into high school, he found himself feeling very awkward around the girls. He had a few crushes, but, nothing ever came of them. He ended up being a friend to many, instead of a boyfriend to one.

After he graduated, he hung around the house for a few months, not knowing what he really wanted to do. As his grades were not high enough, there were no scholarships for him to accept.

Finally, he saw an ad about enlisting in Starfleet. He was instantly excited by the prospect. He ran home and told his parents about his idea. It didn't go very well.

At first, his parents tried to dissuade him for his idea. They weren't pacifists, they were simply afraid. Afraid to lose their son to the next big war.

He kept at them, though, for the next three weeks. Finally, either feeling that he would go without their permission, or just wanting him to be quiet, his parents agreed. Overjoyed, he ran down to the recruiter's office and signed the necessary documents.

A week later, he shipped out to training. It was the first time he had left his hometown of Clarksville, Tennessee.

He took to his training easy enough, though the physical training aspect was a bit difficult. Though it took nearly five months, he finished his training and was shipped out to the fleet, to receive his individual training on site.

If he that that Great Lakes was big, when he finally saw Deep Space Five, during his approach, he was speechless. He had never fathomed something that gargantuan.

He was quickly swallowed by the beast and sent down to deck 1127, to join the squad of workers assigned to keeping the Shuttlebay power distribution system working.

What happens next is up to Fate...
Service Record 5 January 2392: Enlisted in Starfleet

7 January 2392 - 30 May 2392: Assigned, Starfleet Elise Basic Training, Great Lakes Naval Training Center, Earth (Trainee)

10 June 2392 - PRESENT: Assigned, Deep Space Five, Junior Electrical Engineer, Graveyard Shift (Crewman Recruit - Crewman)

Starfleet Id [Admin Use Only]

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