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Chaotic Reunion (Part II)

Posted on Thu Apr 1, 2021 @ 2:14am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & R'gelis Stadi & Tannis Tarkelion & Captain Tam "Demon" Haican & Civilian Jason Haines

1,579 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Pangaea
Timeline: MD 04 0600 hours


Jason had just swung around a tree and had been kicking a Cardassian. He could just hear the wise cracks from Yolanthe about dancing on a pole when the transporter beam enveloped him. He materialized about a foot in the air and landed with a thud on the deck. He got up quickly in a defensive stance and when he saw Alanna, he smiled and relaxed.

He looked a bit different than when they had last seen each other. He seemed to have lost some weight, gained some muscles, had a tan that was a bit covered by dirt, and had a bit of a beard. He was a bit dinged up and his lower right leg was bandaged, but the biggest difference from a month ago was his smile. Alanna could tell that despite the situation, he was more centered than he had been before.

"Nice timing", he called out, pulling the wounded Romulan off the pad and getting his medkit out. "So Lieutenant Wells, what did you do to tick off the Cardassians?"


"Just Alanna. I'm on sabbatical," she corrected with a grin. But seeing him, knowing he was safe, was wonderful. She wanted to find ot what happened to help him heal, but now was not the time or place. "I wouldn't let them play with the portals, and Captain Soran wouldn't let them play on DS5. They get grumpy when we won't give them our toys," she quipped. It was an over-simplification, as Soran was actually the one to tell them no. Alanna was officially in charge of the portals, but the sentinels recognized Soran because of the treaty.

Tam helped with the injured Romulans. Bringing them water and some blankets he had just replicated.

It took a bit longer to get to the forest and the hill, but she didn't want to be noticed and tracked. She went around the planet and then came in low and cloaked, making sure she wasn't being scanned, before landing in her bunker. The roof closed, then she shut down the power.

Standing, she turned to the others and introduced everyone.

Jason extended his hand to Tam, "I'm the resident beach bum."

Tam gave the man a friendly grin as he accepted the handshake. "And I'm the demon who's angry for getting shot outta the sky. Captain Tam Haican, new CAG for DS5. Now," he said releasing the handshake and moving his gaze between Jason and Alanna. Now, can some one please give me a quick synapses of what the hell has been happening here in the past year? Last time I was here, Pangaea had just suddenly appeared, nearly destroying the station by the sudden change in gravimetric pressure."

Alanna looked at Jason for a long moment, happy to see him again, then back at Tam. "No. I don't think there's any way to give you a quick synopsis. Science, with the help of the Marines, have been studying the temporal portals in a series of caves we call the Portal Complex. The planet itself has temporal fluctuations." She nodded to the two Romulans standing nearby. "R'gelis and Tannis have been studying the planet and its effects. The colony is a recent addition. As I said, the Cardassians are among those who think they should control the portals, and everything else around here. Come on, we can see how things are going from inside."

"If the colony has not fallen by now, it soon will," Tannis, the female Romulan replied. "Your friend saved us from a group of Cardassian hunters."

R'gelis nodded to the other Romulan. "Will he be all right?"

"Yes", Jason replied. "He'll probably be sore for a while and should just rest, but I don't think there is any permanent damage.

Alanna turned to Jason. "And you?" She paused for the answer.

Jason looked at her, smiled and gave a thumbs up.

She nodded. "Tink, level ten security," Alanna said to the computer as they walked off the shuttle and through a small bay.

The sound of a tiny bell rang in answer.

"Thanks." She went into a small room and opened a door leading to a spiral staircase going up. It led to a panel that slid open, showing a storage area beyond.

"The shuttle and the cabin are concealed from sensors and from visual inspection. I don't want any curious colonists tromping through my dig." Or getting her research.

Tam looked around, impressed by the set up that he was seeing. "Just where are we, in relation to the colony?"

"Over 150 clicks," Alanna said. "This is my research cottage. I'm excavating three ancient villages nearby. This is shielded to keep curious colonists from destroying my work. I also have--had--contact with the portal complex. I've been doing joint research with them, Tannis, and T'gan on the station."

"Yes, but I have not visited this place of yours," Tannis said, also looking around. "It is most impressive."

"I had help from DS5 and some grants for my research," Alanna replied.

Looking around at the impressive structure, he asked, "Just how sound is this place? And how hidden? Could the Cardies pick it up on orbital scans?"

"From the outside, it looks and scans like an ordinary hill. The inside is shielded, as is the shuttle. They shouldn't be able to pick us up," she said. It not only protected her archaeological work, it let her work on temporal research as well.

Nodding approvingly, he asked another question. "The attacks on both the station and the colony, is there anything in here that we can use to stop them?" He was worried about Sabina, and was trying to think of anything that would help keep her safe.

"Not with the numbers of Cardassians. This is primarily for research and for working local digs. But I have computers, and may be able to pick up communications."

Beyond the storage room was a common room with several couches and tables. "I have four bedrooms down here and another on the main level. You're welcome to stay here until the fighting is over. Or until we kick the Cardies out of the system."

"I have nowhere to go," Tannis said quietly. "I will be happy to stay here."

R'gelis nodded. "As will I. We can continue our work here, if you like."

"Alanna", Jason said, looking serious. "I need to speak with you... outside."

He knew what he was going to say, she wouldn't like so he didn't want to get her worked up in front of everyone.

She looked at him intently, then nodded. She turned to the others. "You'll be here for the night at least. Pick a room. I'll meet you upstairs in the conference room."

She couldn't risk being picked up on sensors, so she led Jason up two flights of stairs to her rooms and turned. "I'd rather not go outside right now. I don't want the Cardassians to pick us up on sensors and come sniffing around."

Jason hugged her, he smelled very salty. He then gave her a kiss and said, "I've missed you."

It had been too long. The hug and kiss felt so good it brought tears to her eyes. "I've missed you, too. So much." He was tan and his hair was lighter. "You look good."

"Thanks, the spa was nice to me", he said with a wink. "Although a shower is in order. If we can't go outside, do you have a replicator? I need something to write on."

"I do. And a shower." She led him through a doorway into a tiny kitchenette. "I've got several nice conveniences." She stepped aside for him to get to her replicator. "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing better", Jason replied. "Well, that was until this morning. You?"

"Same. I found a beanstalk and climbed it. No giants, though. I'm hoping to grow some white trees."

"That's an interesting experience", Jason replied. "I've had a few odd ones myself in the last month. When this is all done, we'll have to share stories."

"Definitely." She wanted to hear all about his adventures. He was much more relaxed now.

He pressed the button on the replicator and said, "Chalk board, ten inches by ten inches and chalk stick."

After the small board and chalk appeared he wrote on it, TI might be tracking me, maybe you.

After she had a moment to read, Jason wiped the board.

She took the chalk and diagrammed her research cabin, then indicated the force field that blocked her from sensors. She put a question mark indicating she wasn't sure if TI could scan her through them. Anyone else, no, but TI and intel had ways of getting through shields.

"Maybe", Jason replied, then cleaned the board and wrote, They had an agent here, looking for something. The brought me back into SF. I found what they are looking for, a map for the portals.

Alanna stared at the board, then looked at Jason and switched to telepathy, using her bond to create a tightly-controlled mental band to just Jason. "A MAP? A working map?"

Jason nodded and then wrote on the board.

It's dangerous.

(To be continued...)

Jason Haines
DS5's Beach Bum Extraordinaire


Captain Tam "DEMON" Haican


Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Resident Archaeologist & Rabble Rouser
Chief Science Officer - DS5

R'gelis Stadi
Romulan Scientist

Tannis Tarkelion
Romulan Temporal Scientist


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