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Evacuating Science

Posted on Thu Apr 1, 2021 @ 2:59pm by Civilian T'gan

936 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Science, T'gan and Alanna's Quarters
Timeline: MD 04


T’gan heard the announcement and, like many others, stopped to listen, not sure she heard correctly the first time. When the message was repeated, she had one urgent goal: to remove the information she’d hidden. She believed that, once they had control of the station, the Cardassians would tear apart the science department. She could not—would not—let that happen.

The orders were to report to her quarters, but she had to go to science first, and hopefully to Alanna's quarters. She would protect as much as she could, while she could.

Many of those around her turned and went back to wherever their offices or work stations were to get what they could before reporting to their quarters. The Vulcan used that to her advantage to go to her office. She took a small gold pyramid off her desk and set it on the counter. It was a puzzle given her on her last birthday.

She then took a meditation candle she used when she needed to focus on a problem, and a rolled-up map of Pangaea and set them beside the pyramid. She pulled out the data crystal she’d hidden, opened the pyramid, and secluded the crystal inside and closed it up again.

That done, she headed for Alanna’s office. She searched the bookshelf for anything that would be of value to the Chief Science Officer and stacked it on the desk. Many of the books were replicated, so they were left where they were, but a dozen books were originals and of value to her friend, if not the Cardassians. She carefully moved the bookshelf forward and opened the hidden panel. Inside, she unhooked the backup database and replaced it with the twelve books. The bookshelf was again placed against the wall. She searched the office, but there was nothing else she considered vital. The art on the wall was replaceable, as was the bust of Shakespeare.

She and Brianthe had been given access to Alanna’s computer in case they needed to do anything on her behalf. She logged in now and double checked that there was nothing about Pangaea or the portal complex. There was not. In fact, there was nothing of a personal nature. She paused to listen to the noise of people moving through the corridors to gather personal items. She had time. She adapted several programs and sent up a special login program for each of the science computers. She would have to apologize to the scientists later as there was no time to inform them of the change.

Now, every time someone accessed a science computer, they would have to play an ancient game. There were ten programs. Each login activated one of the games. Games like Tetris, Solitaire, Connect Four, and others. The games were set for advanced play. Win the game, and you can then enter your login identification. Lose the game, you have to play another one. Lose all ten on the same computer, and the data on the computer is erased. That would frustrate the Cardassian and Xi’Cadian forces. Even if they got through, there was nothing of value on any science computer. Not anymore.

She expected Starfleet to take back the station before long, but any time it was under enemy control was concerning. She would find a way to either take the data with her, or keep it from being found before she left.

She again blended in with the crowds who were somberly moving along the corridors. At least this time no one was trying to shoot her. The deck with the senior officer quarters was congested as families moved quickly to get inside. She found Alanna’s quarters and palmed the pad. She half-expected it not to work. She hoped fortune wound continue to favor her.

There were more books in Alanna’s quarters, and more art. She scanned the bookshelf and pulled half a dozen from the shelf. There were a few knick knacks that she set beside the books. T’gan found a duffle bag in the closet and packed the clothes in the small closet and dresser in the duffle. Then she added the database and crystal. The books went next, then the knick knacks. There were no holographic images. T’gan assumed Alanna took them with her. One more search and she was satisfied.

None of what she took from Alanna’s quarters was particularly valuable, but because it belonged to the Chief Science Officer, the room would most likely be searched. Just before she left, she took the memory drive from Alanna’s computer.

Finally, she made her way to the civilian area where her own quarters were located. She had little of value here. Several items of clothing, her meditation candle and a set of crystals, her meditation rug, a print of Mount Seleya. The print was replaceable. Then again, so was everything else, but she packed it into Alanna’s duffle.

She wrapped the data crystal in handkerchiefs so it wouldn’t move around and replaced it in the gold puzzle pyramid. She then wrapped the small computer database in handkerchiefs and hid it inside a silver puzzle cube. She wrapped Alanna’s memory drive and put it inside a bronze sphere puzzle. The three puzzles went in a wooden box that joined the other items in her duffle.

Finally, she took her personal computer, minus console, and set it on top of the duffle. Hopefully, she’d have time to work on equations while she waited wherever she ended up.


Temporal Scientist


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