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Picking Up the Trail

Posted on Wed Jan 7, 2015 @ 5:58am by Lieutenant Saria Rex & Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis

1,273 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Interlude II
Location: Deep Space 5

(previous post: )

=/\= "Lieutenant Trellis to Lieutenant Rex, please report to my office." He said into the comm unit.

Saria, who was just walking down the corridors, stopped for a brief moment and tapped her commbadge. =/\= "On my way" She said, and took the first junction to her left. She reached the turbolift within a few steps and hopped inside.
"Deck 576" she said to the turbolift, which gave an affirming beep in less than a second. The doors closed and off she went.

While Saria made her way down to the Chief Security's office, she started thinking about why she was called his Lieutenant Trellis' office so sudden. Relatives? Did she bring something aboard she wasn't supposed to? Did the computer in the Chief's office malfunction again? But before she could come up with anything concrete, she reached the office level.

"Deck 576, Chief of Security's office" the turbolift reaffirmed. Saria walked out and headed for the corner to her right, then to her left, and all the way down the hallway until it bent to the right again. She stopped in front of the office doors until they sled open. She then proceeded into Chief Trellis' office, and stopped in front of his desk.

"Chief Trellis, good to see you once in while" She began. "Is there something you need my assistance with?" Saria asking, smilingly.

Lieutenant Trellis put the bottle back behind the cupboard just as the Science Officer entered the main foyer. He took a deep breathe as she entered his office.

"Yes, have a seat." He said, not wishing to engage in pleasantries at the moment. He preferred to get straight to the point. "Former Captain Anaia Rex." He stated. "What is the last you heard of her whereabouts?" He asked.

Saria was startled by Si'Lar asking about the one thing that she wanted to forget: Anaia Rex. "Well... ehr... I-I honestly wouldn't know. I mean, I know that she had escaped from her transport to her trail, but I have only heard rumors about her hiding on some of the outer colonies..." She answered.

He nodded. "Yes, well since then I've been asked by 1st Primar Parmell to locate and apprehend her." He said. "So far my investigation has led me to her former Executive Officer. I previously visited her at Starbase 185 to speak with former Commander Veronica Sterling in hopes of learning where to find your former host." He informed her as he slid a Padd to her. (

"So far I've learned that your former host is still alive and I have a plan to apprehend her." He said.

Saria read the Padd carefully while she held her hear with one head. "So... she really is out there, if your sources are correct..." she sighed. "...but, why would you call me in for your plan, while I'm trying to forget her and all of her memories together...?"

"Well, I've called you here because I have been ordered by Admiral DeRosa to enlist your assistance in capturing your former host." He admitted.

"I see..." she said, as she was laying back in the chair with her arms crossed. "What about you? Did you think it was wise of the Admiral to enlist me?" she scratched her cheek. "I mean, I could imagine that you'd see me as some kind of potential danger, because Rex used to be inside Anaia once, and she tries to have a bad influence on me." She quickly looked up at Si'Lar. "Oh, forgive my rambling, Lieutenant."

Si'Lar looked down at the desk for several moments before responding. "I am not certain where your loyalties truly lie," He said as he looked up at the Science Officer. "The same symbiont that was inside of that woman when she helped facilitate a genocide is the same symbiont inside of you." He continued. "I've been ordered to recruit your assistance because your memories may be of assistance. However, I have no clue if you will stand by your oath or if some repressed memory will kick in at the last moment." He stated truthfully.

Saria slowly nodded and looked to her side. "I see your concern, Lieutenant. However, I will promise you that my loyalties are with Starfleet and our homeworld alone, as I do nothing but detest Anaia Rex and the fact that she was my past host." She said with a disgusted tone. "I will also do my best to supress any memories of her, and to ensure our safety." She paused. While she had no idea if she could actually do that, this would be her only chance to look Anaia right in the eye and possibly bury her memories of Anaia forgood.

"That said, Lieutenant. If my help is really required, then... then I will offer my aid to your plan." Saria said, nodding acknowledging. If it means that much, then I cannot refuse. I will also have no grudge against you, Lieutenant, if you would still distrust me, because I can reason why."

"No...that won't be necessary. The Admiral believes you'll be a resource, then I won't object." He said.

"Alright" Saria replied. "What is your plan?"

"My plan is going to involve luring your former host to Tarod IX," Si'Lar said as he brought up a star map. "There is a colony located there that has received a shipment of a drug that she requires." He said as he brought up a picture of former Commander Sterling. "She will play a very vital part of this plan due to her experience with your former host." he added.

Saria looked carefully at the photo of Veronica Sterling, a woman she could remember all too well. "But isn't she still incarcerated?"

"She currently is; however, we are going to speak with Captain t'Vaurek and request that Ms. Sterling be given a temporary release and brought here to assist us in capturing her." He reported. "What can you tell me about her and how loyal she was to Anaia?" He asked.

"Let me think..." Saria said. She dug deeply into the memories of her symbiont, which could recall every move that Anaia made in detail, although Saria never really looked for those memories. "From eh... what I can remember, Vero- I mean, Commander Sterling, had developed a stable friendship with me... Anaia of course, and would usually follow where Anaia would go." She said. "...even when Anaia threatened her when she wouldn't follow. I can't believe the things that she said to Commander Sterling, and she would still follow..." Saria wiped her eyes quickly, and looked up at Si'Lar. "From what I remember, she was very loyal, and very brave... but I'm not sure what she thinks of Anaia now..."

Trellis watched as the woman wrestled with her own thoughts. Or was it the thoughts of the symbiont inside of her.

~Does she even know how fortunate she is~ Trellis thought to himself. He would have given anything to be selected to be a host. However, he was rejected by his Field Docent and washed out of the selection process. Thus, here he was, assigned to chase after a host gone rogue with her current symbiont and new host tagging along.

"We'll need to get started on a plan of attack." He said as he stood up. "I'll contact the Captain to setup a meeting with her for us to go over our plan." He said. "If there's nothing else..." He asked.

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security


Saria Rex
Chief of Science


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