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Contact with the enemy

Posted on Tue Apr 20, 2021 @ 10:14pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval

1,795 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Lasuma's - Promenade
Timeline: MD 04 0930

Previously in Vae Victis

Geral's reply was cut short as one of the Glinn's troops burst into the room. "Sir...". A look of genuine worry on his face.

Vakor turned, looking irritated. "What?" He hissed.

Swallowing hard. "We have detected Captain communicator... it's emergency transponder becon. She was..."

Geral's heart was pounding in his chest and it took every fiber of his being to keep his face clear of any major concern.

"What? Spit it out!" The Cardassian looked ready to slap his subordinate

"...incinerated sir."

And now the continuation

The memories from the occupation resurfaced and Geral closed his eyes. Maritza...dead? He had never been a religion man but he still called on the prophets to guide her and grant him revenge.

Vakor turned on the soldier. "Kyren is going to have all our guts. Get that body secured. And detain everyone who might have seen." Then the Glinn realised that there were more witnesses here. "Detain this Bajoran too."

His tongue was bleeding from him biting it to maintain his composure and he forced a smirk; even as soldiers moved to take him. "Glinn Vakor, there is no way to keep this a secret. That beacon has gone out and any ship in the system has received it by now. You would be better served by finding the culprits and making an example of a gesture to the Federation for their actions."

An idea burst into his mind to give the Glinn a way to save his skin and to give him an in as well. "You could even use the bodies of some of your dead as the scape goats."

Vakor looked at him, the wheels visibly turning behind his eyes. It was a plan that could only leave a few loose ends, people who knew the truth, like Geral. "Hold him here, and don't let him speak to anyone." He told his guards. "You," he said to the messenger, "Show me where it happened."

Maintenance Bay

The bay had been placed under guard and they stepped aside at Glinn Vakor's approach. The ashen remain were that of small female that had been placed on her knees prior to execution. What little was left was now laying on it's back with her legs folded beneath, the partially melted remains of a Federation commbadge.

Vakor saw the burnt remains and shuddered, not just at the charred smell, but at what it meant. It meant he was in serious trouble. The gul would shoot him on sight. or worse, ask Legate Turvan what to do with him, and he didn't want to think what the legate would do when he found out that his plan for a relatively bloodless victory had just gone up in smoke. Literally.

"Which idiot did this!" he growled at the soldiers there. "Everyone had strict instructions. Weapons should have been on stun. What the hell happened?"

His subordinates cowered back, unwilling, and unable to offer an explanation. "Sir, we just found this. We don't know who did." One pointed to the dead Cardassians. "Maybe someone in their unit?"

IKS K'tobHa

Reports had come in about the losses on the planet, but the High Council had yet to decide on a response. Given the situation there was most likely a joint Federation, Klingon, and Romulan response being formulated; he just hated the waiting.

Charg paced the bridge of his ship now docked, as the evacuation continued and their embassy was secured. Charg's head snapped in the direction of Ops as it sounded, indicating a transmission had been received. "Is it the Council?"

"No sir, it's a subspace emergency beacon....from Captain Soran's communicator."

There was only one thing that activated that beacon and the worry he had for his dear friend turned to rage. "Where is it coming from!...I don't care...Beam her remains to bay 9!"

Puzzled at why the Ambassador, someone who had seen so much battle and death, would care about a lifeless shell. "My Lord, she is dead there is nothing we can do."

"I will know how my friend died and I will not allow Cardassians to dishonor her remains! Carry out my orders, and see if any of our guest are from the station's medical or science departments."

Charg turned and headed to the cargo bay to see for himself and to say goodbye to his friend.

DS5 - Maintenance Bay

"Then find out who those fools are and track down every last one of them. The only hope any of us have of getting out of this with our heads intact is to be sure whoever killed the wretched woman has also been - " he caught himself short when the body began to dissolve in a shimmer of orange. "No!" he screamed. "No! No!"

IKS K'tobHa

Charg made his way through the corridors, now choked with civilian and Starfleet evacuees. Fortunately the Starfleet personnel where caring for both their own people and the civilians from the station. As he had his way to bay 9 he caught several glances and from then look in their eye he knew word of the Captain's death was already spreading.

Approaching the bay he say a young lieutenant in a blue uniform waiting for him. He was obviously worn and the dark shadows under his eyes revealed that he was already pushing himself past his limits. But his clinched jaw showed his determination to keep going. "Mr. Ambassador, you requested a medical officer?"

Taking a deep breath he replied, his tone was reluctant but it had to be done. "Yes, I need you to..."

He reply was interrupted by a page over the ship's comms. "Bridge to Ambassador Chaghwl'IH. Two Cardassian ship have broken formation and are approaching!"

"Undock from the station immediately and raise our shields! I am on my way!"

Returning to the officer before him, he placed a hand on his shoulder. "I have an unfortunate duty to ask of you." Moving into bay he anger swelled at the site of the chard remains.

He had heard the rumor but the site of his captains remains and his fatigue was too much and his knee buckled. Only the Ambassador's quick reflexes kept him upright.

"Steady Lieutenant. I need you to examine the remains and report to me immediately. I need to know."

Steadying himself he nodded taking out his tricorder. "Understood."

Charg took one last look at what had been is friend. All the battles they had shared on the Dama and Vak'bach for her to die this way...without honor. Cursing under his breath he turned to leave but was stopped as he walked out.

"Sir. They won't get away with this will they?"

His eyes locked with the man, "Whoever was responsible for her...execution...will pay his life!" Turning sharply Charg quickly returned to the bridge, and upon his arrival there was a Cardassian and the ship's viewscreen.

"Ambassador Charghwl'IH, I am Glinn Vakor. We traced a transporter event to your ship." The cardassian looked deeply disturbed, twitchy even. "We need you to return what you stole."

A snarl curled the edge Ambassador's lip, the man even looked like the type of jittery coward that would bind and execute a woman. "You accuse me of thievery?!" Spitting on the deck he looked back at the view screen. "You are the taHqeq that was in charge on the forces on the station...GOOD. Now I know who I need to kill!

We intercepted the beacon from Captain Soran's communicator after your troops executed her. Your men didn't just kill a Starfleet Captain, they killed an old friend of mine! Soon everyone will know of her execution and for your crimes...", drawing his d'k'tagh, "...the last thing you will see is me eating your your heart! Get him off my screen!"

Vakor stared at the blank screen, a cold chill creepy through him. He was dead. Completely dead. He'd have to go to Gul Hulceen and tell him what had happened. He'd be lucky if he was shot on the spot. The trial would be short though. He didn't need any help accepting his guilt on this one. He swore loudly.

Bay 9

Lt. Jameson had taken the command be from the remains and analyzed it to confirm it was Captain Soran's. That finished he turned to the remains and began his c scans. definitely a Trill female... As he passed his tricorder over the midsection he stopped cold. Resetting the unit he scanned again a blotted from the cargo bay. Running as fast as he could though the corridors, not pausing to apologize to those he ran into. Once in a lift to the main deck his leg bounced ready to get bolt again. "Can't this thing go any faster."


"Sir. The Cardassian ships."

"Hail them."

"We are broadcasting to their fleet."

"Cardassian vessels. This is Ambassador Charghwl'IH, Head of the House of Soval, and representative of the Klingon Empire. The Federation has surrendered the be it. That was their decision to make. My ships will continue the evacuation of the station. Any attenpt to retain, board, or if any Klingon ship is fired upon will be considered an act of war against the Empire. An entire Klingon fleet is a short warp from here. Stand down....unless you need reminding of what happened the last time there was war between Cardassia and the Empire!"

The bridge opened and an out of breath Lieutenant entered and was immediately seized.

Waving to mute the channel, Charg came to the officers and. "Release him."

Lt. Jameson, still trying to catch his breath rub his arm where the Klingon had grabbed him.

Stealing himself for the news he looked down at the man. "What did you find."

In a low tone Jameson reported his findings. "That wasn't Captain Soran. It was her commbadged but not wasn't the Captain."

"What?! Who do you know?"

Handing him the trickster with the scan results. "Whoever that was was a Trill, but she was a joined Trill. The Captain..."

Charg finished his sentence, "...isn't joined."

A wave of relief rush through him and the same time his mi d can through the options and obstacles before him.

"Say nothing of this to ANYONE!...not yet."

The view screen showed part of the huge docking hall as they continued to face the two approaching ships. "Maritza....where are you???"

To Be Continued

Glinn Vakor
Security Officer
Cardassian 127th fleet

Gerald Lasuma
Owner of Lasuma Enterprises

Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval
Klingon Ambassador to Deep Space 5


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