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First Dinner Home...

Posted on Tue Mar 23, 2021 @ 11:57pm by Captain Tam "Demon" Haican & Civilian Sabina Haican & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

2,667 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: DS5, various locations
Timeline: MD3 1830


Alright, Sweetheart, Tam transmitted to his daughter as he walked into their private quarters. I gave you my word. All of our inprossessing meetings are now finished. Let me get changed, and we will head to the Box of Delights.

Okay. I'll meet you there. There was a heavy pause between them. "I went shopping.

Tam chuckled softly. Oh? Well, I look forward to seeing your purchases. He then undressed and jumped into the shower. A half hour later, he was clean and dressed in a nice casual, dark green suit, with subdued black shoes.

Moving into the living room, he transmitted to Sabina, I'm heading to the restaurant, sweetheart. See you there.

Okay, See you in a bit

Smiling to himself, Tam left their home and made his way to the nearest turbolift. After giving his requested destination, he rode the lift in silence.

As the lift traveled through the massive station, he picked up a few bits of anxious emotions. While he didn't pry, he did feel it more than once. As he didn’t get a general feeling about the reason for the anxiety, he just put it away as normal life on a space station.

A few minutes later, he finally made it to the Box of Delights. He started to look for a table for the two of them. He was really hopeful that tonight's meal would be a good step forward for a fresh start for them.

End booth behind the bar, Sabina's voice popped into his head, go past the all the gaming tables on the left and look right.

It was just starting to get busy with a mix of fleeters and civlians seeking the first of the evening's entertainments. There were still places at the tongo tables, though the dabo tables were crowded, and there were already latinum slips stacked up on the domjot tables. She was sitting in one of the booths behind the partition at the bar, just as she said, a padd propped up on the table, a stack of bags on the seat next to her, and what was very obviously a glass of wine next the the padd.

Tam was pleasantly suprised that Sabina was already here. He had thought that she had been home when he had returned to get cleaned up for dinner. The smile on his faltered slightly when he saw the glass of wine on the table. Is that for you, or for me? His eyes indicated the wine as he transmitted the question.

"Its mine," she said with a wide smile. "They didn't bat an eyelid and just served me. I only had a little though. Its kind of weird tasting."

Lowering himself into the booth, across from Sabina, Tam was not happy that his underaged daughter had been served alcohol so easily. Then, when he heard say that it tasted weird, he reached across the table and took the glass, bringing it up, first to his nose. What did you ask for? He asked as he slowly inhaled the aroma of the wine.

An earth red. This was what they gave me.

It was strong, and very full bodied, rich with warm spice and deep Berry notes. A good vintage, but not for beginners. It had a lot of taste.

Tam made a smal approving sound as he finished smelling the wine's aroma. It smells almost like what we had in San Fransisco, for your birthday. He took a small sip and let the liquid permeate his taste buds. Frowning slightly, he swallowed and sniffed again. I agree, there is definitely something off about it. Perhaps the wine wasn't allowed to brwath any after the cork was removed. This definitely isn't replicated.

He put the glass down, towards the edge of the table, to signal the waitress that they needed assistance. As he did so, he kept transmitting to his daughter. Now, Sabina. What did we agree to when I said you could start having an occasional glass of wine?

"Special occasions." she said with a trace of smugness. "And I think getting a new home and settling down counts as special." Definitely smug, with a pinch of defiance. "Staying somewhere and making roots and friends and being real people again."

Tam opened his mouth to correct Sabina’s attitude, but the, just as quickly, stopped. By the Goddesses, he thought to himself, not transmitting it to Sabina, she’s right! If this isn’t a cause for celebration, nothing is. With only a modicum of reluctance, he gave his daughter a grin, signaling her that she was right this time. You are quite right, sweetheart. If not now, when? His smile turned serious and he arched his eyebrow, the one he always arched when she had done something that he was not happy with. However, going forward, you leave the decision as to whether you can drink to me, young lady. You are still considered a minor on our world, and subject to the laws of our world. He almost asked if she understood him, but, in light of the festive occasion, he simply asked, “Deal?”

"Deal." She said, somewhat reluctantly.

"So, are you ready to order?" Yolanthe arrived at the table. Sabina had never really spoken to her before, normally much more interested in the variety of painfully handsome young men that served at tables, so she was a little disappointed to see her there. And she was talking to Sabina, ignoring Tam.

"I'd like the nachos with everything please."

"Sure thing, and for your man?"

Sabina looked at her father in query.

Tam gave his daughter a reassuring grin. It's okay, honey, I'll explain later. For now, please order me a targ burger, medium rare, with a side of Vulcan sweet potato fries. Also, a pint of the house lager.

Sabina repeated her fathers request and statuesque woman entered them intioa small padd. "Coming right up, I'll send someone over with the beer in a moment, food will be a few minutes, we cook with all natural farmed ingredients, so there's a little wait." She flashed tam a smile and headed off.

Tam returned the smile with one of his own. He did appreciate how lovely she looked, but, instantly corrected himself, thinking about Verena.

Explain now? No one can hear us.

Turning his attention back to Sabina, he kept the mental hiccup from her. She didn't need that right now. While I don't know everything about her, I do know this much. That woman comes from a race called, the Bokkai. Their world is way out, far beyond the borders of the Federation.

So, her species, like ours, is a matriarchal society, where the women are the heads of the family. However, unlike Betazed, the ratio of women to men on Bokkai is vastly uneven. So men aren't treated as anything even remotely like equals. Also, depending on her mood, her skin will change colors. Gives one a clear indication of just how she is feeling.

The teenager went a little green around the gills, So she thinks you and I are?...

Tam chuckled softly at his poor child's sudden sick feeling. No, no! Nothing like that. She just sees women being the stronger and more important gender, unlike us, who see things more equally.

"Oh." Sabina thought about it. "That's so backwards. How does she cope living in the Federation?"

Tam shrugged. "The same as any other alien species. You find a way to work through your differences. Sometimes, a small thing, like just now, will slip in. We Betazoids are the same. While we agree with the laws regarding using telepathy on non-Betazoids, sometimes, we cant help but pick up on powerful thoughts from others." He raised his gloved hands.

That is why I wear these when outside of our home. We, you and I, are decendents of powerful priestesses from our world's past. Without my gloves, I can read someone simply by touching them. You, my sweet daughter, have the potential to be even stronger than I am. The abilities of our people have always been stronger in women than men. Once you reach the Age of Choice, when you turn 16, you will be allowed to choose how to train your gifts.

She looked rather uncomfortable at that. "What if I don't want to? I mean, whats the point? We're not allowed to use it, even on Betazed, which we hardly ever even visit. We don't even live there."

Tam nodded slowly, understanding the question his daughter posed. He had asked almost the exact qyestion to his parents. And he had lived on Betazed at the time. "I know, honey. I understand your hesitance and you thinking. I felt the same as you, at you age."

"As a Betazoid, you already have these abilities naturally. They're just part of our DNA. You will always have them. The ceremony I spoke of is two fold. One, as you will reach the age of consent, you will now have to agree to obey the laws of the land, so to speak. You will be held accountable for the use of your gifts for that point on. Two, and here us the choice part, you can choose how to strengthen your gifts. You could, if you trained hard enough, could actually use your gifts to heal! It has been done in the past. You have that potential."

She gave him a sceptical look. "That sounds like-" She broke off as a slender young man in his early twenties came up to the table with a tray, and put a pint of golden liquid with a creamy top down in front of Tam. Like the rest of the male staff he was pretty, with frost white hair cut short and spiky to emphasise high cheek bones and a defined body that was lithe rather than beefy. Clearly visible in his sleevless top were his tattoos, graphical lines that ran up his arms across his throat and neck and down again under his shirt front and back. They glowed ultraviolet in the low lighting of the bar.

The waiter seemed unaware of Sabina's sudden lack of breathing and just gave Tam a nod. "I'm Rowan, I'm your server tonight." He also put down two shots of a golden spirit. "The Boss says welcome back." He gave Tam another look. "And if you want anything else, just ask."

Tam smiled to himself. He had picked up on Sabina's reaction to the young man, even if he hadn't. Giving Rowan an appreciative smile, he replied. "Please thank her, and tell her that the next drink she wants, is on my tab. And thank you, just the food for now, please." Sabina, close your mouth, you're not a cod fish. He transmitted the thought as he spoke to the waiter.

The teenager shut her mouth, trying not to look embarrassed. But she was clearly staring after him as he walked away. He, erm, he wasn't here last time.

Tam chuckled softly again. Then he turned parental serious. And you are still fourteen, young lady.
Still too young for the likes of him.

I don't think its my age thats going to be the issue. she replied archly.

For him, probably not. For others, though. he arched his eyebrow again. You are too young right now, Babygirl. Please don't fight me on this.

Ugh. How could her father get so old and still be so dense. "I wasn't talking about my age." I meant he was quite obviously checking you out. Which is so gross. Like you're old enough to be his father!

Tam grinned. Believe me when i tell you, sweetheart, I knew exactly what he was interested in, and i didn't even need to read his thoughts. He suddenly chuckled aloud. Really, Sabina. I know it's been a while since I was intimate, but I'm not... his smile suddenly dropped. "So, uh, *ahem*. What, uh, what did you buy?" He desperately tried to change the subject before Sabina picked up on his gut dropping ache for her mother and young Revin.

There was a moment where she gave him a suspicious look, and then turned to the bags. "Some new replicator patterns. I got samples made up too." She pulled out a top in a flowing holographic fabric that left her arms bare but hung in reflective folds from her neck, and then showed his a vest with a little pattern of pandas on them. And a pair of strappy sandals in a sparkly blue. "And some music and a new book." She waved her padd with its new downloads on. "Its about tow servents trying to survive and find their families during the fall of the Hours of Azain."

"Pick up anything for your old man?" He playfully sat up and peeked towards the parcels, trying to see into the bags.

She reached into another bag and brought out a tiny little statue of a betazoid cat, the ears exagerated into long triangles, prissily licking a paw. "Someone to keep an eye on you when you go flying."

Smiling warmly as he took hold of the totem, he carefully ran his fingers over the intricately drawn lines, until the tip of his right index finger hit the statue's head. It suddenly warmed to his touch. Smiling even brighter, he broght the statue to his chest and closed his eyes.

Do you know the significance of this statue? He asked as he opened his eyes and looked at his daughter.

Sabina shrugged. "Its a kitty?"

Chuckling softly, Tam continued to look over the totem. This, sweetheart, is an Elbina, a zacred totem that travelers used to carry with them in the early years of our people. The practice continued through to when we ventured out into the stars. What is special about it is, each totem is embedded with a piece of Gorlonda stone, which is found throughout the crust of our world. The Earth equivalent would be, um, rubies.

Now, what is interesting about Gorlonda is, if was mined from the region of Betazoid that you wrre from, it warms to your touch, almost as if it is accepting you possessing it. Here, feel the head. he handed over the totem so she could feel it.

"Its a bit warmer, I guess." But she sounded doubtful, the little figurine was already warm from handling and she couldn't be sure.

Taking the totem back, Tam gave his daughter a warm, loving, smile. "Thank you, sweetheart. I promise to carry it whenever I'm in uniform.

Suddenly, the young waiter returned with their food. He placed Tam's order down first, with a hint of a smile that was echoed in his eyes. Then, he placed Sabina's order down, the smile gone from his eyes. "Would you care for anything else?"

Tam looked questioningly to Sabina. "I'm good."

The waiter stepped back, "If that changes give me a wave."

As he turned away, Sabina lifted her glass. "To a new home. And not a temporary one." She added pointedly.

Tam raised his glass and smiled broadly. "To our permanent home." They tinked glasses and each took a sip of their respective drinks. Tam then raised his glass again in a toast of his own. "And to fresh beginnings. We both give the orher a clean slate starting now. Agreed?"

She touched her glass to his. "Agreed."


Sabina Haican
NPC by Notty

Captain Tam Haican
327th Starfighter Group The Guardians


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