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A new Purchase

Posted on Mon Mar 1, 2021 @ 8:11pm by Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma
Edited on on Mon Mar 1, 2021 @ 8:12pm

1,361 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Lasuma Enterprises slip. Deck 1009
Timeline: MD 03 - 1800


Geral was working on his announcement for the grand opening of his newest shop, the Sumas behind the Veil. As he thought about how to wear the announcement Dorian stuck his head through the door, "They'll be dropping from warp any minute".

A smile like some about to open a present spread over his face.  "Well let's go."

It wasn't long and the pair were entering what was now his VIP bay.  It had't been that difficult to secure what with the level of cargo his company had coming in and out, and the number of organizations and governments he had dealings with.  Geral, Dorian and the two teams hired to crew the two ships stood behind a thick warning line along the side of the bay, waiting.

Outside the station a pair of yachts dropped from warp and approach the station.  Upon entering Deep Space 5's control zone they were given an approach vector and arched around to the far side where they approached the bay as the doors slid open.

Watching as the forcefield activated, the doors began to part and the light from the bay spilled out onto the waiting ships.  There were gasps as the sleek bows pierced the field and slowly the ships entered further and further.  The landing struts lowered and there was a hiss as RCS thrusters made final adjustments before the yatchs touched down.

Geral stepped out walking up to the nearest ship, the forward strut itself was well over his height and massive.  Well suited to support the huge yacht.  As he emerged from underneath he looked up between the two craft Dorian and the rest of his people joined him.  While they gathered a platform lowered from each ship and several people emerged, making their way to Geral and his entourage.

"They take the breath away don't they?"

Geral nodded.  The holoimages don't do it justice."

"Mr. Geral, I am Sevragh T'jan with Origin ship works."  He gestured to those with him.  These are my associates and will be training your people on the operation of your ships.  As requested..." gesturing to the 2nd craft to Geral's right, "...this one, and the sent to your offices on Bajor, doesn't have the master suite accommodations or office and was remodeled with additional guest rooms.  It has also been equipped with additional excursion craft and recreational equipment.

"Operationally they are identical so if you like we can let the training begin you have a name for your ships yet?"

Geral smirked with shrug, "To be" 

"Not a problem at all. We can file the registry name later; shall we?"  He nodded to his team and they moved off with Geral's flight crews to get them up to speed on ship features and operations.     Sevragh motioned to his client and another gentleman, leading them to the lift.

The trio stepped onto the platform and the tour began.   Sevragh activated the lift and Geral looked up as they near the ship.

"This is the ships cargo lift and the main docking ports are center aft.  We would have transported aboard but the station informed us the was prohibited on the station."

Geral grinned having been a... victim...of that policy. "Yes, we've run into issues with that policy in the past."

As the lift locked into place they found themselves in the ships, currently empty, cargo bay.

The tour began there as they worked their way through the ship and its many amenities. There had been a lot to see the cargo area with the aft airlock and cycle storage.  Then came the engine room, crew quarters, pool and spa area, and the forward bow lounge. Up next came the bar, dinning area, crew galley, escape pods, med bay and guest rooms.  Moving on they saw the shuttle bay with its two excursion craft, the master suite, holosuite, and office.  It was then onto the main open area/lounge.  From here one could host a reception all while basking in the light from the heavens.  Finally everything came to an end on the command deck.

"Well I hope everything is satisfactory?"

Geral couldn't wait to put his new ship through it paces but he wanted to confirm one feature they had yet to see.  "Everything has been perfect so far.  However I was wondering about the armaments."

"Yes yes, space may be beautiful but it can also be dangerous."

Stepping over to a console he activated a  holo-projection of the ship.  "In addition to the ships defensive shields, there are two phaser turrets.  Both are forward, with one in the ventral hull just aft of the forward landing strut and in the dorsal hull forward of the excursion bay doors.  There are also the micro torpedo launchers port and starboard and the rearward defense battery. Luxury...but with teeth."

With the tour over, paperwork done, the group found themselves once again in the cargo area taking the lift down to the bay floor.  Geral glanced to Dorian, "Let's see if we can't get a pair of retractable dock arms installed so people can board properly."

Dorian nodded. "I will see that the request is submitted. Though it might be easier to get approval to get the bays transporter reactivated."

Geral shook Sevragh's hand as he excused himself. "If you'll excuse me, I will go check on the flight crew orientation."

"A pleasure." Gerall turned back to Dorian, "Let's do both requests. The tranporter for temporary use while the umbilical is installed."

"I will see to it, and that your belonging are beamed from your old yatch."

"Very good. Have it beamed to the master suite area. Also send over someone from the cafe. I want the galleys on both ships fully stocked."

Looks like this lift is going to get an early work out." With that Dorian stepped off the lift to make the necessary arrangements. He stayed in the bay to make sure no one tried to get aboard that wasn't supposed to. Glancing back as the lift closed he wondered if his boss would move in here or keep his quarters on the station.

::A few hours later::

The good thing about having an operation that was able to run itself was it allowed Geral to do what he wanted when he wanted to do it. However unpacking wasn't one of those things.

A lot of his things had been set up in his new quarters on the station bit there were thing he had kept stored from his old yacht to be placed on the new one. Now that that was done he set out to partake in some of the amenities available to him. However instead of relaxing he began to wander about.

He smiled as he came across several of the flight crew enjoying an evening meal in the crews galley and he stopped them as they rose. "Evening sir, can we get you anything?"

"No no, I'm just wandering about. Please, sit, go back to your meal." As Geral moved off he turned back. "So what do you think of her?"

The trio looked at each other and grinned. "She's gorgeous...when do we take her out?"

Geral returned their grin as he opened the cooler and got himself a drink. "That IS the question isn't it. Not to worry, a ship like this wasn't meant to sit idol very long."

Tossing the cap into the recycler, "G'night."

"Good evening sir."

His wanderings continued for a while and for all the amenities and all it's bells and whistles something was missing. Eventually he found his way to the upper most level he circled the bridge. He looked out the windows and the length of his new ship and the massive bay he had acquired. Taking a seat in one of the chairs he examined the console as he finished his cider.

After draining the bottle he rose, returning to the balcony looking over the atrium only to stop stunned at what he saw on the deck below him.

To be Continued…

Geral Lasuma
Owner of Lasuma Enterprises


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