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Posted on Thu Mar 11, 2021 @ 7:52am by Commander Caleb Ryan & Captain Maritza Soran & Captain Tam "Demon" Haican & Civilian Sabina Haican

926 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: DS5, Ops
Timeline: MD3 0800

Tam and Sabina rode the turbolift in silence. They hadn't spoken another word since her outburst, back on the runabout.

I expect you to behave while we are in Ops, young lady. Do I make myself clear? Tam's mental tone left no room for misunderstanding.

Sabina rolled her eyes and huffed the sigh of the eternally embarrassed teenager. "Yes, Dad."

Tam's mouth was a slight scowl. Turning his gaze to his rebellious child, he took a breath and tried to calm the situation between them. "Once I've finished here, we will need to go down to the Ops Chief's office so I can get our assigned quarters. Once that is done, we'll go home so you can start unpacking your things. I still have a few more meetings to do, but they shouldn't take too long, a couple hours at most. Afterwards, you and I will have the rest of the day together. We will go wherever you'd like to go, eat anywhere you'd like to eat. Deal?"

"I want to go to the Box of Delights," she replied instantly, knowing she had advantage and fully intending to press it home.

Tam smiled inwardly, remembering how much they had enjoyed that particular restaurant the last time they were here. "You got it. You, me, the Box of Delights, and anything your heart wants from the menu." As he finished speaking, the turbolift began to slow, indicating they were about to reach their destination. Giving Sabina a warm grin, Tam turned as the lift doors opened. Stepping out into the large compartment, he saw the station's XO, Commander Caleb Ryan, going over a report with another member of the crew.

Indicating that Sabina should wait for him against the bulkhead, just outside the turbolift, Tam made his way over to Ryan. "Excuse me, Commander Ryan?"

Caleb finished the report with the crewman and turned as his name was called. He gave a welcoming smile. “Captain Haican?” he guessed, offering his hand to the man. “Welcome aboard. Ah trust the trip wasn’t too eventful.” He glanced past Tam to the girl at the lift and flashed her a friendly smile.

Tam took the offered hand and was glad to see that the commander had a firm shake. "Yes, sir. Captain Tam Haican. I've just returned from Earth to assume my duties as your new CAG." Noticing that Ryan gave a friendly smile to his daughter, Tam turned and, with a warm smile, waved her over to them.

She pushed off the wall without making a fuss, and trotted over

"Sir," Tam began, "please allow me to introduce my daughter, Sabina. Sweetheart, this is Commander Ryan, the station X-O."

“Nice ta meet ya, Sabrina,” Caleb greeted the young woman, shaking her hand firmly, sipping coffee from a mug that said COWBOYS ARE THE BEST DAD.

The teenager gave him a slightly embarrassed nod. "Pleased to meet you."

“Ah’ve got a daughter mahself who’s a bit older than you,” Caleb said. “Mebbe you an’ Zandy can go ridin’ sometime. Ya like horses?” he asked.

"Only with mayonnaise," she said glibly, then remembered herself. "No, I've never tried," Sabina admitted. "I prefer Parrises squares."

Tam's eyes grew a bit tense at Sabina's remark. But then, softened slightly when she corrected herself. Glancing at Ryan, he gave a slightly nervous parental grin. "She's never had much time to try things like riding. We've been moving around for a while, sir."

“Understandable, Captain,” Caleb said with a smile. “Ah’ll make sure ta have Zandy take ya ridin’ sometime,” he promised Sabina. “One day soon, Ah hope ta get some real horses out here down on Pangea. An’ ya’ll should take a visit down planetside. Some good scenery for campin’ an’ picnickin’ down there.”

Tam nodded and smiled. Casting his eyes to his daughter, he asked, "That sounds fun, doesn't it, honey? You always liked to go camping in the past."

When mum was alive, she told him, then added aloud, "It sounds okay. Makes a change from the station, I guess."

Tam felt as if he had just been punched in the gut. He tried to recover quickly, unsure if he was successful. I know. I'm a horrible father. We will discuss this later. Taking a deep breath, he gave a polite smile to Ryan. "We will certainly have to see about making a plan, once we are all settled in, sir." The padd in his pocket suddenly beeped.

Pulling it out, Tam saw that there was another appointment that he had to get Sabina to. "I'm sorry, sir. I have to get Sabina checked in with Medical, and then signed into the school system here. If you require, I can come back later, so we can finish the meeting?"

“Not necessary, Captain,” Caleb said, “unless ya find somethin’ ya need. Ah know how much there is ta do when movin’ with family to a new post. Ah don’t want ta get in the way. It’s just useful ta put a face to a name on a padd,” he said, offering his hand again with a smile. “Good luck. An’ you too, little lady,” he told Sabina, offering her his hand as well.

Tam took the offered hand shake and appreciated that Ryan had a firm grasp. "Thank you, sir. And thank you for allowing me to return here, after what happened a year ago."


Commander Caleb Ryan
Executive Officer

Captain Tam Haican
Commander Air Group

Sabina Haican


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