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It Begins (Part V of VII)

Posted on Sat Feb 20, 2021 @ 10:06pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Commander Caleb Ryan & Lieutenant T'Lul & Captain Tam "Demon" Haican & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca & Civilian T'gan & Civilian Hydel Turvan

2,633 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: DS5, various
Timeline: MD04 0430

Previously in

"Attention!" Hydel said firmly to the gathering. "As a people, we currently face one of the greatest threats to our way of life since we began this long climb from the swamps of Cardassia Prime all the way to the stars. This battle that we are about to pursue is not just for this planet, but instead it is a battle for our way of freedom!

"If we merely give up and submit to the directions and boundaries imposed by the Federation, then we shall lose so much of who we are as a people, and in so doing history will record with the greatest astonishment that those who had the most to lose did the least to prevent its happening!" Hydel said with a raised fist.

"You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of Cardassia, or else we will have sentenced them to a thousand years of darkness," Hydel said, his voice rising with passion. "The martyrs of our history were not fools. Today we honor our dead with our actions to seize our future!" he said as he turned to his communications officer.

"Signal Gul Denat and tell him that he and his troops are to go forward and seize the portals from Federation control, ousighukum!" he ordered.

And now the continuation


"Oh, not again," muttered PO Sauvell. The Bolian traffic controller looked over to Ensign Guurg, the night's officer of the watch. "I've lost external comms completely. Can you kick the Comms team?"

The Tellerite just huffed and tapped his combadge. "OPS to duty comms officer. We have comms down again. Please investigate." He waited a moment, but didn't get a response. "Guurg to Thyss?" Nothing.

"I'll go down." He got up from his chair. It was only the next deck down.

"Sir!" Ensign T'Vril, called out. "I've got six Cardassian ships coming out of warp, no seven, no ten. They're charging weapons!"

Guurg stared at her in surprise for a moment. Then training took over. "Go to Red Alert, shields up. Someone find the captain."

DS5 living quarters, multiple decks

One of the advantages of being a counselor, especially the Chief Counselor, was that one got to set her own hours. T'Lul , being more of a morning person than an evening person, was about ninety-five minutes and forty-eight point seven five seconds away from her normal waking hour when the red alert klaxons sounded. T'Lul took a momentary thought to assure herself that this was not a dream. Having fixed herself to be firmly in reality with a pinch that she felt, she hastily donned her uniform.

Undoubtedly the crew would be in a great deal of stress. It was her job to make sure that everyone was functioning at optimal capacity in this stressful moment, whatever it might be. The logical way to discover the source of the stress would be to go to the bridge and discover it. She was certain that the captain would not want her interference of an inquiry over the comms. Besides, the comms might be required for higher priority discussions. Thus, she hastily made her way to the bridge.


Caleb Ryan was jolted from a sound sleep by the klaxons. He blinked the last of his sleep from his eyes as he looked over at Opal beside him in his bed. He quickly yanked on a uniform and ran his hands through his messy bedhead hair.

“Computer. Coffee, extra large, travel,” he ordered, then grabbed the giant travel mug of coffee from the replicator as he passed. He normally hated replicated coffee, but he wasn’t going to have time to brew his own pot. He charged out of his quarters and into a turbolift, the enforced stillness in the lift allowing him to get the first caffeine into his system to support the adrenaline already surging through him.

“Sitrep!” Caleb barked as he charged out of the turbolift and into the Operations Center, his eyes already going to the large view screen and assessing the Cardassian fleet out there. “Son of a bitch!” Caleb muttered. “Scramble fighters,” he ordered. “Ready weapons.” He did the mental calculations on the numbers of ships out there. “Can anyone get through ta Starfleet?” he asked. “Send out an all frequency request for assistance from any ships in the area. Civilian channels, too. Let’s hope somethin’ gets out.”

The duty science officer turned to him. "Ten Cardassian ships came out of warp a few minutes ago, weapons charged. We've lost internal and external comms. Shields are at full power, and the holographic defense platforms are ready for deployments. Phaser batteries are fully primed, and upper and mid torpedo batteries are showing ready." She paused. "Captain hasn't responded, Ensign Guurg has gone to her quarters."

“Good. Get teams on those comms immediately. For now, switch ta secondary comms.” That was mostly a series of hard lines and signalers, hardly efficient, but it would allow for some communications around the station. “And have security on each deck station runners by the turbolifts.”

Caleb sipped his coffee, staring at the screen. “Hail them. Let’s see if we can’t talk them down, or at least stall for time until we get a message out. And activate the station distress beacon. That’s a different system from comms, and hopefully someone will hear it and investigate.”


T'gan woke immediately when the klaxxon sounded. She didn't need to sleep long, or deeply. She checked the alert message on her console. As a civilian, her station in an emergency depended on its nature. More often than not, she would either remain in her quarters, or go to science to assist there.

However, an attack by Cardassians immediately brought to mind the portal complex, and their recent interest in it. She had no proof of anything, and could not check, but logic dictated that if the station was under attack, so was the planet, and if they were after the portals and any information about their use, she should ensure that the information remained out of reach.

She used three different encryption codes, but she was still concerned they could be breached. She didn't want any chance for her research on the temporal physics of the planet and the portals to fall into enemy hands. She knew several good places to hide her data, and so she headed for her lab.


Glinn Brovek turned towards Hydel. "Sir, we're receiving a hail from the station. I have a channel open, sir."

Hydel stood for several moments as the holo-projector signal secured a connection with the station. He maintained a steely glance as the station commander responded.

Hydel stepped before the communicator and stood tall with his hands behind his back as he stared forward. "Deep Space 5, I will keep this short," Hydel began. "For too long, the Federation has proven itself to be either unable or unwilling to properly secure the portals on Pangea and prevent their abusive usage against the temporal sovereignty of the Cardassia and her people. Therefore, we have been left with no other recourse than to carry out a limited security engagement to secure the portal complex and ensure the integrity of Cardassia," Hydel said, his voice firm, yet void of any harshness one would expect when speaking with a potential military target.

"For the sake of peace and stability, I ask that you order your Marines on the planet surface to stand down. I will personally assure their safety as they cede control to my Command." he said.

"But let me be clear on this point: Any interference on behalf of Deep Space 5 will be considered a hostile action, and we will take appropriate action to defend ourselves," he said.

“Turven,” Caleb Ryan said on seeing the Cardassian ambassador on the holoprojector, barely refraining from a scatalological mispronounciation of the Cardassian’s name, though the intent was clearly there in the tone. “Ya’ll do know this is an act of war, right?” he asked the Cardassian. “An’ we’re a long way from Cardassia. Does the Detapa Council know what shenanigans yer up to?”

“Shenan. . .igans...” Hydel pronounced slowly as he looked towards Brovek with slight confusion. Perhaps the universal translator had made a mistake in filtering the language from the Human.

“Unruly or boisterous behavior, sir,” Glenn Brovek quickly explained.

Hydel returned his glance back towards the Starfleet Commander, this time much more errors and anger-filed. “That is your response? I offer you an opportunity to save the lives of your men and prevent a catastrophe and your response is that I am merely...up to shenanigans?” he repeated in a tone mixed with anger and incredulity.

“This is my final offer to you, Commander Ryan. I suggest you accept it, or else my next conversation with you will be when I’m standing in the center of your station accepting its command,” he said, locking eyes with the younger Terran.

T'Lul arrived on cue. She was struck by the fact that Commander Ryan was here and that the captain was not. Her eyebrows raised as she softly said, "Interesting."

“Ah’ll have ta get back ta you on that,” Caleb told Turvan. “Regulations stipulate Ah’ve got to consult with Starfleet Command. A bit hard ta do with you blockin’ all mah channels.”

Legate Turvan began to grind his teeth in utter contempt for the Human.

"I am going to take a particular pleasure in what is about to occur, Ryan," Legate Turvan said, not even faking a tone of civility any further. "End communication!" he barked to his staff surrounding him.

Brianthe woke to the alarm klaxons. It took her a moment to remember she had to go to Science and not the arboretum. She had no idea what the emergency was, but if there was a job for Science, she needed to be in Alanna's office. She dressed quickly and hurried through the now-busy corridors.

Alanna was still on Pangaea. Bri tapped her combadge to alert her boss to the situation, but she could get nothing.


The klaxons went off and Ace was roused from a rather wonderful dream. He groused as he woke, "EVERY...DAMN...TIME!" Quickly, he got dressed and tapped his communicator. Nothing but static came back. Well, that's not good. Urgently, he rushed to the ops station on the bridge to get a status.

Sleeping in his bed, Tam was having fitful nightmares. As usual, they were of his wife and son dying. In this dream, there was a difference; Sabina was there too. Only...she was being killed by Klingons. She was being torn apart by Cardassians! He saw her screaming for him, screaming for him to save her. Then, at the moment her young body began to be torn apart...

He sat bolt upright in his bed, sweat soaking both him and the sheets. His heartbeat was screaming in his ears, much like a red alert klaxon. Wait...that was a red alert klaxon! On pure instinct, he leapt from his bed, ran through the family quarters he and Sabina had been given upon their return a few days prior, and burst into Sabina's room. Sweetheart! Wake up! He spoke directly to her mind, projecting feelings of urgency and caution as he did so.

"Wha...?" she asked blearily. "Dad, what's going on?" she finally asked, fully waking, hearing the red alert alarm. She always hated all the loud alarms that starships and stations had.

"Sabina," Tam spoke as he grabbed clothes for his daughter to put on. As Betazoids, they felt most comfortable sleeping nude. Unlike the Humans that considered it odd, it was simply the way it was with them. "Get dressed, honey. Something's wrong!"

Starting to get scared, Sabina did as her father instructed, forgetting that they usually fought about everything. "What..what's going on, Daddy? Are we under attack?"

As he finished getting his daughter dressed, he knelt down and forced her to look at him. "Honey, I don't know what is going on. Right now, all that we need to focus on is getting you to the emergency shelters. Then I'll go and find out what's happening. Okay, baby?"

Fighting to stay calm, Sabina simply nodded.

Standing back up, Tam looked over his little girl, now nearly fifteen, but still his little girl. "You ready?"

Sabina started to nod, but then her eyes opened wide. "Wait!" She spun and tore through her sheets, looking for something. Finding it quickly, she stood back up. Clutched to her chest, was Mr. Huffles, an old stuffed teddy bear that was missing his left eye button. Mr. Huffles was the favorite toy of her baby brother, and she was never far from it. "Ready, Daddy."

Tam stepped forward and gave Sabina a tight hug and a kiss on her forehead. He then stepped back. I'll see you soon, baby. He then jabbed his index finger into the comm panel inside Sabina's room and barked out the command. "This is Captain Tam Haican. Authorization Alpha niner niner echo seven. Sabina Haican to be transported to Emergency Shelter One. Transport now!"

There was no reply to Tam's order. He quickly repeated it, but got the same result. Cursing in their native tongue, he suddenly realized that the transporters were down for some reason. He then communicated to Sabina telepathically, sending calming feelings to her as he did so. Alright, sweetheart, we have trained for emergencies before. Come sit on the couch while I get dressed. I will then take you to the nearest shelter.

Though his warm thoughts did put some of Sabiba's fears to some level of rest, she couldn't help but pick up on the nervous energy that was bubbling deep below. It felt like the day the ship was attacked and both her mother and brother..

Shh shh shh, my baby,Tam mentally cooed, feeling his daughter start to ramp up. Try not to focus on the past. Think only about what needs to happen five minutes from now, and then, five minutes after that. You need to keep your focus. There are many many minds on this station. I know you can feel their panic. Take a deep breath, and focus on only two minds. Yours and mine. Okay, can you do that?

Sabina took a deep breath, as her father instructed, and closed her eyes. She took a few more breaths and then nodded. "I think I'm okay, Daddy."

Pulling her into a warm embrace, The two stood there for a few beats. Then, he guided her out to the living room couch and had her wait there.

Hurrying back to his room, he activated his comm panel as he quickly got into his flight suit. "Ops! Captain Tam Haican here! What the hell is going on?"

But no answer came from OPS.

Cursing quietly again, he knew, from the emotions that he was sensing, this was no drill. Taking his own advice, he took a few beats to center himself, and focus his mind. Then, he headed back out into the living room, collected Sabina, and the pair made their way to the nearest emergency shelter.

After getting her inside and sending her a few more mental bits of strength, he closed the hatch and sped towards the starfighter ready room, a few decks away. He was determined to keep, not only the station and everyone on it safe, but his baby-girl safe from all harm.

To be Continued…


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