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Getting My Lanyard...

Posted on Tue Mar 9, 2021 @ 2:00am by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Captain Tam "Demon" Haican
Edited on on Wed Mar 10, 2021 @ 11:02pm

1,347 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: DS5, Chief of Station Security's Office
Timeline: MD3, 1533 hours

After leaving Marine Country, Tam made his way to the Chief of Security's office, as he had to get his security clearance reinstated. As he traveled through the turbo-shafts, he opened his mind to feel for Sabina. Without pushing into her mind, he searched for her general well-being. Thankfully, it felt as if she were sleeping. This brought a smile to his face. It had been a long trip, and he knew that she was exhausted. Hopefully, she would feel better after a little nap.

The turbolift doors slid open, depositing Tam on his requested deck. He quickly found his way to the desired office and pressed the comm panel.

As they were looking to stand up another SRU team, Annora was busy looking over personnel files to help decide who should make up the team. Her research was interrupted by the sound of her door chime.

"Enter" she called, setting aside the Data Padds for the time being.

Upon hearing the order, the computer slid the doors open, allowing Tam to enter. "Good Afternoon," he said with a polite smile on his face.

Annora looked up to see a Marine Captain standing in her doorway. The station was getting more new Marines, which wasn't a bad thing.

"Take a seat Captain. How may I help you?"

Tam gave a friendly grin. "Thank you, Lieutenant...?" He asked as he extended a gloved right hand forward.

"Annora Tessaro. Chief of Security."

"Tam Haican,. I'm the new CAG."

While he seemed a bit smaller than the stereotypical Marine, Annora knew looks weren't everything. She stood up long enough to return the handshake before returning to her seat.

After they shook, Tam lowered himself down into one of the empty chairs that were facing the desk. "Thank you for seeing me. As I have just returned to the station, I need my security clearances reinstated. I also need suitable clearances issued for my daughter, Sabina, please."

"Ah, well welcome back to DS5. Let's see about getting your clearances taken care of."

She had heard whispering about the new leader of the fighter wing, but didn't bother to investigate further. The Command staff, likely including Colonel Means, would be in charge of that decision. Pulling up his file, she gave it a quick read through before updating his command codes. The Captain had plenty of flight experience before incurring the wrath of the Brass and being sent back to Earth as an instructor. Apparently they felt his punishment was sufficient as the Marine was back on the station.

"I'm sure the fighter wing will be glad to have someone with your experience leading them. The clearances for you and your daughter have been activated in our system. I know you've been here before, so I can skip the standard entry brief if you like."

Tam gave a warm, friendly grin and shrugged. "Yeah, I've heard it once or a hundred times. Heh" he chuckled and then continued. "Its one of the perks of being the department head. You gotta lay down the law with those that you deal with in your job. Mine being CAG, I really just deal with my fellow hotshot pilots. I can't imagine the headache you have, with an entire station."

"It can be a challenge for sure. The general population as a whole aren't too much of a trouble, but on a station this size there's always someone looking to cause trouble. I will give you this warning though, especially since Free Earth made their position known quite violently with the Svikarii incident, there has been a marked increase in Xenophobic incidents on DS5."

It was one of the reasons for increased patrols on the station. If they couldn't prevent all the incidents, they could at least quickly respond when they did occur.

Tam shook his head in disgust. "So," he began, "those fanatics have made it as ll the way out here?" He, of course, had heard of them. Everyone in Starfleet had. While they weren't a danger on starships, stations and ports were a whole other matter.

During his time on Earth over the past year, he had witnessed an incident between a group of the cowards and an Orion cadet. He had stepped in right as the young woman was pushed to the ground. Needless to say, Security had been called in and the three humans had been charged and taken away to the nearest infirmary. Tam had received a talking to, but, it was mainly for the press. No charges had been filed in his personnel file.

"I've had a run-in with them before," he said. He then told Annora the whole story.

She listened to the Captain tell of his own encounter with the Free Earth movement.
"Sounds to me like you did the right thing. Obviously I don't condone vigilantes, but at the same time we can't be everywhere at once and sometimes one can't wait for security to show up. Let's just hope these fanatics don't gain control of another Starfleet vessel. You obviously can handle yourself in a fight, but be careful all the same."

Tam nodded, but then paused. "What about the children? Have any of the reports indicated any attacks being targeted towards our children?" Thus far, he had been able to protect Sabina from dangers such as this. However, if they started making issues on Deep Space Five...

He would not allow his daughter to become prey to those animals. Before Annora could answer his question, he added. "I'm giving fair warning right now and on the record, if my daughter is ever harmed by those fanatics, there is nothing anyone on this station can do to stop me from ending them. That isn't a threat, it's a promise. From one loyal officer to another."

"The few times they've directly struck within our jurisdiction they have not targeted children. In my experience, most terrorists tend to avoid those types of targets. If for no other reason, it hurts their publicity. If I hear otherwise, I will make sure to let you know."

She sympathized with the Captain, but at the same time didn't need a repeat of the incident with Jason where going off on their own almost caused more problems than it solved.

Tam calmed some at the reassurance. Of course, Annora was right. "I'm sorry if I came across very strongly there. It goes beyond just being Sabina's father. We are each other's only link to our past family. Rationally, I know that in the history of terrorism, children are rarely targeted. It was just a snap reaction."

"Captain, if I punished everyone for an emotional outburst there wouldn't be room in the brig. I have no problem with you being protective of your daughter. Should you feel she's being threatened, feel free to let someone on my staff know. We'll look into it. Any other questions for me."

She made a note to forward all relevant information to the newly arrived Marine. While he likely had access to the files, having them in one place would simplify matters.

Tam thought for a second, then shook his head. "No, I think that about covers everything. Thank you. Do you have anything more for me?"

"That's all I have Captain. I'll make sure you have access to all the info on the Free Earth folks. Again, welcome back to DS5."

She was sure the Marine had other tasks to do and didn't want the briefing to go on longer than needed.

Realizing that the meeting was over, Tam stood and, with a warm grin on his face, nodded to Annora. "Thank you. And thank you for the information. I appreciate it." Checking his wrist chrono, his right eyebrow flicked slightly. "Well, I do have a few more of these initial meetings. Thank you again. Have a good day." That said, he finally turned and made his way out of the office, glad that there was someone more than capable in charge.


Lt Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer


Captain Tam Haican


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