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Devil Dog to Devil Dog...

Posted on Thu Mar 11, 2021 @ 10:39am by Major Mot Rixx & Captain Tam "Demon" Haican & Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas Means III

1,458 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: DS5, Marine Country
Timeline: MD3, 1345 hours


After his meeting with the station XO, Tam made his way down to the familiar Marine Country. It had been a little over a year since he had walked through the corridors of his brothers and sisters here on the station. He wondered if he would see any familiar faces.

Means was already in his tactical gear looking over the final report on the list of those about to be apart of his deployment drill. Of his forces three of his four companies of his ground troops, half oh his fighters, all of the transports, his headquarters company, and the associated logistical support were all headed to the planets surface for a week of exercises and equipment orientation.

The chime to his door pulled him from his thoughts and returned to his desk. "Enter". He looked up as he tossed beat up travel cigar case into his bag, seeing an unfamiliar Marine officer stepping in. He wrinkled his brow slightly as he had no knowledge on a new officer coming to his command, then again the station CO hadn't informed of his arrival. Another thing to take up with headquarters, proper communication. "Yes Captain?"

Tam entered the office and moved towards the front of the desk. Snapping to attention and saluting, he responded. "Afternoon, Colonel. I'm Captain Tam Hain, just returning to the station, after a year back on Earth. I'm the new CAG for the station, so I thought I'd come down and see how my brothers and sisters are being treated, Sir."

Returning the salute he grabbed the last of his things for the week, closing up his bag. He had already made his plans and wasn't about to change then just because a new face showed up. "CAG huh? Well I am minutes from kicking off a deployment drill. One including the MEU's Wyvren squadrons as well as one of the Marine fighter squadrons for a week long training op. All of the Marines that were stationed here when I arrived will be on the surface so your reunion will have to wait, rest assured though, they'll be treated as Marines.

A gunnery sergeant entered dressed in tactical gear as well. "Excuse me gentlemen, Colonel fifteen minutes."

Means nodded, "Thank you Gunny, have this secured with the rest of my gear."

"Aye sir."

"Captain Hain, walk with me. We can continue our talk on the way to the wyvern bay."

Tam nodded and then fell into step with the senior officer. "How long have you been stationed here, Sir?"

"Well as of the Gunny's warning...3 days 13 hours and fourth five minutes. You said you had been station here before?"

Tam smiled briefly. "Yes, Sir. I was a member of the crew here until a year ago. I, uh, made a judgment call, during a mission, that landed me in hot water. I ended up being sent back to Earth, on probation, and taught an Ethics course, back at our officer's academy in Quantico." He paused and continued.

"My daughter and I just returned to the station this morning, and I'm making the introduction and I processing rounds before getting to work in a few days."

Noticing that he only mention the daughter he kept the discussion to business, personal matters could latter. "Ethical dilemmas tend to be the unavoidable traps lately don't they. Seems that the longer the peace the more the powers that be are concerned with the politically correct. Well whatever your issue was it wasn't bad enough to drum you out of the Corps.

"As the stations CAG you would technically be outside my chain of command. Normally it's usually a fleeter assigned that post with Marine squadrons attached to the overall group. Could make things a bit interesting with you a Marine and with the MEU having it's own fighter and transport elements."

Entering the bay, a long line of transports stood ready for the drill to begin. As the entered a young lieutenant approached he helmet tucked under her arm. "Gentleman. "Colonel, every thing is set and ready to go. The selected figure squadron and company's are ready to be notified and deployed."

"Just what I wanted to hear. sense in waiting. Sound the alert and time the entire op from alert to landing."

"Aye sir."

Returning to the CAG. "As you can see things are about to get very hectic around here very quickly. What are your thoughts as to how we should address this chain of command issue?"

Tam thought about the question as he took in the massive launch bay. "Well, Sir," he said as he turned his gaze back to the Colonel. "I suppose, it'll need to be a little give and take, on both of our parts. When it comes to strictly Marine matters, I'll follow your orders. However, when my birds are in the mix, we will need to be equals." He took a breath before continuing. It felt weird to be giving a senior Marine officer terms. But, as CAG, his department's requirements had to come first. "How do you feel about that, Colonel?"

As he finished asking the question, the MXO, Major Mot Rixx approached. "Well, Sir, looks like you're going down to have all the fun and leave me with the babysitting job." He gave a friendly grin as he spoke.

Means smirked. "You and I both know you are getting the better deal since I will have all the station original detachment mixed in the the Marines from Camp Falkrik. The group originally on the station probably hasn't done anything more than polish there boots. At least you should have nothing worse than a few people getting lost....unless there is another brawl."

Turning to the CAG. "Ohhh, Major Rixx, allow me to introduce Captain Haican...the station's CAG.

Mot smiled politely as he greeted the fellow Marine. "A CAG? I thought that was strictly a Fleeter billet. How did you manage to beat them out for it, Captain?"

Tam gave the Bolian a friendly grin in reply. "Well, Sir, probably for one of two reasons. One, I was the former ACAG when I last served here, a year ago. Or two, they're just scared and need better pilots running the show." He chuckled softly at his joke.

Rixx grinned and laughed. "I like option two better. What about you, Sir?" Both men turned their gazes to Means.

Means was chuckling as well and was shaking his head. "Yep he's a Marine alright."

Having not checked the roster for those under the CAG, other than the broadsword and wyvren pilots and crews he brought with him. "How are your fleeter pilots taking it...or have you scared them all away?"

Tam shrugged. "Don't know yet, Sir. Haven't met any of them yet. Still inprocessing at the moment, getting both myself and my daughter settled before I head down to Starfighter Command. However, I do know that there's a core of Marine pilots there that I lead last time I was here. I'm sure they will be excited to see me again."

Means huffed out a little laugh. "Soran must be pulling her hair out with all these Marines popping in on her day after day." Just then, all hell broke loose as Marines poored into the bay in full tac gear with weapons in hand, pausing only to briefly assemble at the ramp to their assigned transport.
Slinging his weapon, Means extended his hand to the CAG. "Well that's my cue. Welcome aboard. I doubt we will have many logistical issues, but, if something does ever crop up, we deal with that when it comes."

Taking a few steps towards his own transport, Means pointed back at them. "When I get back, cigars and drinks at Lasumas."

Both Major Rixx and Captain Haican replied with an enthusiastic, "OORAH!" They then stayed where they were, watching the departing unit hustle into the transports. Then, once filled, said transports began to lift off and exit through the large force fields, into the inky blackness of space.

"Well, Sir," Tam said, once they were alone. "I certainly look forward to working with you and the Colonel. If you will excuse me, I need to make sure things are being set properly for my daughter." He snapped to attention and saluted.

Rixx responded in kind. As he lowered his salute, he gave the pilot a friendly grin. "I feel the same way, Captain. If there is anything I can do to help, my door is always open.

After a few more pleasantries, both men went their separate ways.


Lt. Colonel Nicholas Means
CO - 21st MEU

Major Mot Rixx
MXO - 21st MEU

Captain Tam Haican


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