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One of Our Scientists is Missing (part 3)

Posted on Sat Jan 23, 2021 @ 6:45am by Lieutenant JG Ace Cannon & Commander Caleb Ryan & Civilian 'Arrival' Roger Templar & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca

1,128 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: DS5
Timeline: MD -01


"Not having another person with schematics could be damn inconvenient if she happened to get her shuttle in a heap of trouble. But there's more than one way to find a cloaked ship. Why is Alanna so damn secretive?" Ace wondered aloud. Perhaps that's why Jason liked her and they were dating. He certainly played the intrigue game well himself.


She sighed. In her worry she was telling him too much. But this wasn't really a secret, just the location was. "We've had some...problems with the Cardassians and Raddon Corporation on the planet. She's not doing anything they'd be interested in, but she doesn't want them damaging the site because they think it's more than just an old village. So, her cabin and shuttle are cloaked. They do it for observing pre-warp civilizations, so it's nothing new."

"I suppose that given the current atmosphere, that's prudent," Ace admitted. "I've yet to go down there. What's it like?"

"I haven't seen the colony since the new additions, but I hear it's pretty big. Most of the planet is wilderness, but with the temporal fluxes, you never know if something like the pit of bones just appears."

She looked at the two men. "Do either of you fly a shuttle well?"

"I've been known to get my way around a shuttle or two," Ace replied with a smile. "But how special is it to fly from here down to the planet? Shouldn't be too difficult."

"As long as the weather is good, it's fine," she said. "We'll requisition a shuttle, then. Once we get to Pangaea, I'll give you the coordinates to Alanna's place."

"Alright, let's get ourselves a shuttle, then," Ace replied. Boldly, he offered the crook of his arm towards Brianthe, should she choose to put hers in it.

“I can pilot a shuttle,” Travis nodded. “Should I let Security know? They might be able to follow up on some of the things station-side while we investigate on the planet,” he suggested. “I can contact the on planet Marine branch too, if you want back up.”

"Let's see what we find first. This might be a simple case of a malfunctioning combadge. If we need help, we can contact security or the Marines at the portal site." She was causing enough trouble just taking these two with her. She didn't need to get the entire station wondering what happened. At least, not until she knew if there was something to worry about.

"I am certain that you tried the combadge already, though," Ace told Brianthe. "Otherwise you would not be searching for her. Despite it malfunctioning, each commbadge has a locator within it. I could trace that easily."

“Maybe not, if it’s in the cloaking field,” Travis reminded. “She may not even know it is malfunctioning, if she hasn’t tried hailing the station and wasn’t expecting any calls.”

"Cloaking fields are far from impenetrable," Ace replied with a cocky grin. "I'll defer to Lady Bri for a decision since this is her rodeo."

"I'm sure there are ways to penetrate her cloak, but I can't find her, her cabin, or her combadge. Nor can the portal facility. It would be easier to go see what's going on, then we can decide what to do next," Bri decided. "I don't want to cause a fuss if it's a simple problem." She also didn't want to bring half the station down to what was supposed to be a secret location.

"Okay," Ace conceded. "So, we're back to requisitioning a shuttlecraft. The possibility of a combadge failure or the rest is rather remote, anyways. So, let's get on with it." His arm remained with a crook stretched towards Brianthe so she could take it if she desired.

Bri hesitated for a moment, then put her hand in the crook of his arm. "Let's go. We can grab anyone else we see along the way."

Ace pretended not to notice Bri's acquiescence. The Ace charm finally got to her, he happily mused to himself. "We need more?" Ace asked as they walked together. "Are you sure that Alanna would want more to know?"

“I’ll go requisition us some away team kits and meet you at the shuttle,” Travis told them, veering off for the nearest Security office and armory.

"Thank you," Brianthe said, giving him a warm smile. "I honestly didn't think of that."

Addressing Ace, she said, "I don't know. I think if we keep it to us and one or two more, we'll be okay."

"Whatever you think is best, m'dear," Ace answered back, continuing to stroll with her confidently.

Waiting for the lady in question to come around; she was pretty and matched the image he had for her, wearing a simple jacket and turtleneck with slacks.

"Miss Oaxaca?" Templar was lucky; which upon occasion, is better than being good. “I am Roger Templar." He gave a polite bow. "I heard you may have lost someone?" It was not as important how he knew of this, but that Lady Luck had put him on the lead. "I am curious as to who, and more so where she was lost, that is intriguing me. I am an investigator, and offer you my humble services. Pangaea is a restricted thing, and a bit of a curiosity I find to be an itch I should try and scratch. If the lady will have me, that is.”

Bri was surprised that he'd heard about her search. The only person she spoke to, outside the two she'd met along the way, was T'gan, and she wasn't likely to say anything. But if he really was an investigator, she could definitely use his help. "I'm not sure how you heard about it, but you're welcome to come along. I might need your skills."

Ace was skeptical of this newcomer. How would he have heard of this? Most likely, he had something to do with it. Well, if he was a clue, so be it. His success on this private mission meant success with Bri, and that would be well worth the trouble. He looked over at Bri with a glance that asked, Do you know what you're doing here?

Brianthe shook her head and shrugged. She'd seen his name associated with Intel. She thought he was a civilian who worked with them, but that was about it.

They arrived at the shuttle bay and found their way to Travis.

"Ready to go?" she asked.

"I am always ready," Ace replied confidently, giving Bri a secret smile.

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca
Assistant Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant JG Ace Cannon
Assistant Chief Operations Officer

Chief Petty Officer 3rd class Travis Nottingham
Security Officer


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