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Phaser qualfications

Posted on Wed Dec 9, 2020 @ 10:30pm by Ensign Vrizao Sh'zharohr & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro

1,267 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Deck 577 weapons range.
Timeline: MD 01 16:00


The Andorian pilot smiled to herself as she read a little from the book she was reading. She was waiting for the security officer who was due for the blue girl's weapons qualifications. Being a pilot she needed one for her survival kit so she needed one in her quarters so she need the qualification. Hopefully she wouldn't be waiting long.

In a way it was nice to be back to the standard routines on the station. One of those things was phaser qualification for the new arrivals to the station. For those coming straight out of the Academy it wasn't universally required, but was for certain career fields. Security, Marines, and Fighter pilots being among them.

Annora entered the weapons range to find a young Andorian waiting for her.

"Ensign Sh'zharohr, welcome to DS5. I'm Lt Tessaro. Chief security officer"

" Nice to meet you ma'am." the Andorian said as she stood and offered her hand. " I'm here for my phaser qualifications."

Annora returned the handshake before reaching for a phaser.

"This is your standard type 2 phaser. We'll do three rounds at level 2 difficulty. It's fairly straightforward. There will be targets of varying size appearing within a 180 degree radius of your starting position. You have 2 1/2 minutes each round to hit as many as you can. We prefer you to score at least 75% averaged across all 3 rounds. Any questions before we start?"

" None lieutenant, sounds just like the Academy." The Andorian replied as she set the phaser up and got ready for the test to begin.

Annora took a step beck to give the other woman some room.
"It's the same idea, just a little less time between targets."

The lights dimmed slightly as a series of beeps counted down the time before the test began.

Letting her antenna do the feeling the girl whizzed around as the first target blinked into life. The phaser shot out hitting the target on the edge causing it to fade from existence. This she did for over two and a half minutes until the light began to rise with the last targeted fading. " How am i doing?" She asked before the second round began.

"So far so good Ensign. Keep doing what you're doing."

She found it better not to reveal too much about a person's progress, good or bad. It tended to effect their performance. A quick glance at the results from round 1, showed the Ensign should have nothing to worry about if she kept up her current pace.

Breathing in a few times Vrizao prepared herself for the next round. Like all Andorians she'd been made to do self-defense from an early age. Said skills had helped her through the academy and the additional pilot search and evade training. " Has there been much action around her recently ma'am," she asked as the second round was about to begin.

"From a security standpoint, certainly. We've had several boarding actions, and have locked down the station a couples times over the past year. There hasn't been as much action for the fighters but we've utilized them a few times as well."

How much to utilize them was kind of a tricky situation as they didn't fall under the security department, and the top pilot outranked Annora anyway.
"We're on the edge of Federation space, Ensign. There will be plenty of excitement to go around."

The pilot nodded as the second round of the test began anew. Running through the breath in aim and breath out technique she'd learned at the academy the pilot did her best to hit all of the orbs. Remembering the training there made her do as she did her best to avoid the marine cadets hunting her down. She lead them on a merry chase she thought as the training cycle came to an end.

As Round 2 finished, the lights came back up just long enough for the shooter to catch their breath.
"Last round Ensign. Good luck."

Vrizao nodded as she breathed in a few times before the lights dimmed and her eyes darted to the first target. Like with the other two she did what her training had told her to do as she did her very best to hit each and every one of the targets. There was a reason she preferred to hit targets with the cross-hair of her fighter, but she could handle herself with a phaser.

The lights faded once more as the final target vanished from the world. " So have I passed?" she asked as she made the phaser safe

"You passed, Ensign. Care to guess by what amount?"

Out of habit, Annora secured the phaser as they talked.

" Eight six percent?" the Andorian guessed after a pause as she thought it through.

"Close, real close."

She handed the Ensign a Data Padd with the results, showing 85% of shots were on target.
"Beat the minimum by ten percent. Very nice. If you get tired of flying fighters, we could always use others in security. Either way, we're glad to have you aboard."

" That's a relief. " The pilot said as she looked over the data. " Would have hated to be grounded because I couldn't get a phaser for my survival bag."

"It is, but in my experience having to rely on your weapon for combat during a SERE situation is never a good sign. Speaking of which, where did you do your primary SERE training at the Academy?"

At this point they were making small talk, but Annora had a few minutes before the next appointment.

" Earth's south pole and New Ganymede. " The Andorian pilot replied. " making my way through the swamps of the former was a memory I would not like to have do under actual fire." She said remembering doing her best to evade the marine cadets hunting her down.

She nodded knowingly.
"If you can survive the swamps of South America you should be fine, as long as you remember your training. Aside from the planet below or the station, there's really no other place around here to land a crippled fighter. Unless you have anything else, you're good to go Ensign."

" What's the planet like?" The pilot inquired " I've read the briefing on the way over, but it always nice to hear from people who've set foot on it."

"Some people have gone down to do some camping. It's a nice temperate climate, but I've only been planet-side on official business. The science department has a large presence down there, I'm sure they'd be more than happy to show you around."

She was sure the portals were on the official briefing, and there was enough security around them Annora didn't bother mentioning them.

" I'll have to see what they have to say. Would hate to ditch blind and land in-universe knows what in an emergency." the pilot replied practically already putting an emergency plan together in her mind. It was always good to have one.

"Sounds like a smart plan Ensign. The Marines also have a security presence so any planet side ditches shouldn't leave you hanging too long. Several years ago I was in a drop ship that crashed in hostile territory, but that's a story for another time. Best of luck, and once again welcome to the station."

Fighter pilots always had a reputation for being hotheads, but on the surface at least the Ensign seemed to have a good head on her shoulders.

" Thank you Ma'am I'll see you around." The Andorian said as she made her way to the exit.


Lt Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer


Ensign Vrizao Sh'zharohr
Fighter Pilot


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