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Wed Dec 9, 2020 @ 10:30pm

Ensign Vrizao Sh'zharohr

Name Vrizao Sh'zharohr

Position Fighter Pilot

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Andorian
Age 20
Date of Birth 2375

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5" (165cm)
Weight 140 lbs (64 kg)
Hair Color White
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description now white shoulder-length hair reveal a fresh, tense face. Bulging blue eyes, set concealed within their sockets, watch discreetly over space they've come to love for so long.
Smooth skin seductively compliments her eyes and hair and leaves an amusing memory of her luck.
The is the face of Vrizao, a true fighter among andorians. She stands out among others

There's something captivating about her, perhaps it's her sensitivity or perhaps it's simply her unfortunate past. But nonetheless, people tend to welcome her, while hoping their daughters will grow up to be like her.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Behr,Teben
Mother Avythaa,Thyssaa
Brother(s) N/A
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family N/A

Personality & Traits

General Overview It's hard to describe a complex person like Vrizao , but if nothing else you should know she's energetic and clear-headed. Of course she's also playful, capable and clever. Her energy though, this is what she's kind of cherished for. Friends tend to count on this and her modesty when they're feeling down.
Strengths & Weaknesses Vrizao is a trained federation starfighter pilot who is trained in piloting all of the federations fighters, as well as all the other training, including survival training.

Due to her upbringing, Vrizao has a habit of blaming herself for her friend's unhappiness.

She also like all her kind bares there higher metabolic rate and other bilogical issues.
Ambitions Vrizao at the moment wants to do well enough to gain the rank of air group commander.
Hobbies & Interests Vrizao has a few hobbies including swimming, martial arts,dancing, and flying her fighter.
Languages Andorian,fedration basic

Personal History Vrizao was born a happy andorian girl to her parents quad all of whom were serving members of starfleet. Sadly it wasn't to last as all but Teben being killed in action.

Teben like all andoirans that loose quad mates became very depressed after this though he still did his best to raise his daughter pouring all the spare time and energy he could into giving her the best life possible.

Even still she could tell her charan was suffering as they kept being transferred to different ships and stations as Teben kept seeing the doctor and councilors more and more. The young andorian couldn't help but blame herself as she saw her charan collapse more and more into the dark cloud of depression.

As she grew she began developing a love for the federations fighters which was helped by her time spending time with her father during his job as a flight crew as he told his girl of the family she'd never know.

When she came of age she had one career move in mind and that was joining star feets fighter wings. When she told her charan of this decision he gave his full blessing telling her that her other parents would be proud of her.

Vrizao found life at the academy wonderful even if she was rather annoyed at how long she and the other plots needed to do before they were put behind the controls of the academy's ancient training fighters. Though when she did she never felt so free as she did behind the controls as it's engine roared into life.

Unlike others at the academy, Vrizao managed to get through with a clean record finishing within the top ten of her class. At her graduation ceremony, Teban was there looking the happiest he'd been in years. Giving her a parting gift of her mother's wing badges that the andoiran know hangs in her fighter.

With her assignment to deep space 5 in hand the young andorian is ready for her first assignment.

Service Record 2391: Joins Starfleet academy

2394: Graduates with top marks.

2395: First assignment to deep space 5 as a fighter pilot.

Starfleet Id [Admin Use Only]

Serial Number SX - 844 - 4791- YZN
Security Clearance Level 3
Duty Shift Alpha

Personal Data [Admin Use Only]

Quarters 31-3 West
Office n/a