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Once more into the breach - Part 3

Posted on Tue Feb 2, 2021 @ 5:59am by Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas Means III & Second Lieutenant Sh'Zera & Master Sergeant Miranda Schultz & Master Sergeant Jian Zhao & Gunnery Sergeant Terry Henderson

1,699 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Various
Timeline: Prior to and on MD1


Looking across the table to his new XO, "What do you say we gather the troops, and get this show on the road?"

"That may take us a bit, they are scattered throughout and in an off-duty status. Guess we'll see how efficient they are at using the recall rosters, huh?"
Travis stated as he stood up, wiping his hands on the wet-napkins before drying them and straightening out his shirt. "After you, Colonel." Travis motioned to the exit, and then once Means was moving, fell right in step slightly behind and to the right.

...and now the conclusion

Camp Falkirk

Arriving at the main hanger Means saw Brianna and the pair headed straight for her. She turned slightly at their approach and made the introductions. "Commander Williams, Major Stone."

"How are things progressing?"

Smirking her eyes shot over to the quartermaster and the frazzled deck crew. "We hit a snag but the General cleared things up and we are actually ahead of schedule, the fighters and Wyverns are being loaded now, it’ll take a little shoe horning but we’ll get them aboard. The Strykers, Bandits, Bikes, weapons and other gear are next for transport to the Puller."

He was not surprised by that a bit, if anyone could get a supply pog to pull their head out it was Brianna. "Excellent! Since you have things well in hand I get the troops ready and assembled." Tapping his commbadge he put out an at station announcement.

"Attention Marines with transfer orders to Deep Space 5, this is Lt. Colonel Means. Time to adapt and overcome Marines. Pack your gear and personals and assemble by company at..." It was 1230 now. "...000 tomorrow morning in the main hanger for transfer to the USS Puller. Quarters will be ready and waiting. It'll be cramped but but no less so for our hosts on the Puller and beside...we're Marines.

"Company commanders will report to Major Stone and myself once your people are squared away aboard ship. Any personnel with leave due them will have first priority for the holodecks while en route to DS5, and will be able to take their full leave once we get settled in on the station. Those rating and wishing to have family transferred to the station will be taken care of at that time as well. Get aboard, get settled, get familiar with the station. Let's get it done, Means out."

USS Puller

MD 1 - 0730

Nick stepped onto the bridge of the IG's ship he had called home for the past year. Those at headquarters had at least allowed him to use the Marines dedicated starship to deliver him, his XO and the rest of the MEU's personnel and gear, to their new home.

The view screen filled with the station as they drew closer and closer. Taking a breath he let it out as the captain turned in his chair, rising and moving to the new CO for the 21st Marine Expeditionary Unit. "All set?"

"All packed 'n ready, and Chief Azari is ready to off load my stuff and the MEU's gear. That is once all the pomp and circumstance is complete."

Chuckling, "The Corps does love its ceremonies does it."

Means nodded, "That it does..."

"Well I for one will be glad to get rid of you. Let you clean out someone else's officer's for a change."

A grin spread across his face. "Now now, you all were getting so much better. How about one last game before you depart?"

"Not on your life! You already have a bottle of my oldest bourbon." All across the bridge there smirks and stiffed snorts. The colonel's poker games had become notorious on the ship and their wasn't a senior officer on the ship that hadn't lost many a game and more than one item to the Marine.

Laughing with the rest he clapped the Captain on the shoulder. "Fine fine, what if I promise to play with one eye closed?"

This time the snickers were plane to hear and nearly everyone was shaking their head. Looking at his friend with a smirk, rolling his eyes. "You only have one eye..."

"Captain we have been cleared to dock."

"Very well, take us in." Turning back to the Marine, taking his hand firmly. "It's been a pleasure."

"Captain, the honor was mine."

The trip through the Puller was short his gear was already packed, staged, and awaiting transport once a destination was made available. However, he had a new command to look over. He was waiting at the airlock as the umbilical connected and the doors opened. Awaiting him on the other side of the gantry was another Marine.


After meeting with Captain Soran Means made his way to 'Marine Country' for the official change of command and introduction to the station's Marines. Having been on the enlisted side he knew just how well the troops loved these things, he hated them still, so he was determined to keep things as brief as possible.

A corporal met Means at the main doors to the the Marine deck,
and showed him to the CO's office, where the current officer in charge, Lt. Sh'Zera, a broad shouldered Andorian woman, with a pale band of scarring around one antenna, the tell tale sign of amputation and regrowth. "Welcome to DS5, sir. The troops are waiting. Would you like to meet them now, or would you prefer to wait?"

"I have to meet with Captain Soran. Hopefully that won't take too long."

"I'll have an inspection ready for your return."

:: A short time later ::

After being introduced Means stepped forward. To his right the compliment of the stations original Marines. Glancing to his left the Marines reassigned from Falkirk, and elsewhere, all at parade rest. "Good Morning Marines. At ease.

"Now, since I hate these these things as much as I'm sure you all do I'm gonna keep this as short as possible. Headquarters has had this unit designated as a Marine Expeditionary Unit but they and the station CO had failed to make sure is was properly manned and equipped for some time. That ended when I was given this command. As of today the 21st MEU has the proper personnel, vehicles, weapons, equipment, and leadership.

"Right now fighters, wyverns, SSAVs, BFTVs, BFRVs, IRABs, and containers after container of various gear and weapons are aboard the USS Puller waiting to be off loaded inventoried, secured, issued, and deployed accordingly. In addition to the equipment we have to integrate those of you that have already been here with all the new arrivals. We have a lot to do and a short time to do it so as soon as we are done here we everyone will need to get out of the money suits and get to work.

"That all said I'm sure the rumors about me and why all build up have been flying around for some time so time for rumor control. Why the build up? Because it was required to get this unit up to spec, in line with its TO&E, and so that 21st, the station, and higher headquarters doesn't get hit by the IG's office with a major infraction. Having been just come from the IG office I made sure this command was up to snuff and that the would be giving us the time to get settled before inspecting. That and after calling in a favor or two, got the 21st off the current round of review. But don't think that means you all get to take it easy," he added with a grin.

"Now as for me...yes I was a Fleeter Noncom in the 2270's. Was declared MIA in 2284 and returned to service in 2373. That's when I earned my title as Marine and then cut my teeth on Chin'toka, where this happened", pointing to his eye. Later during the Dominion war I ended up earning a battlefield commission. After that I spent some time at MCRD, served on the USS Archer, and commanded the ground troops for Operation Beachhead during the Kzinti war. After the war I spent some time on Kzin, as a popsicle for the aborted USS Achilles mission the the Gamma quadrant, as an inspector with the IG's office and now here.

"Through it all I kept to a simple philosophy; hard and play hard, two...problems get handled in house. While the Major and I are to be kept informed of what's happening, if some stupid shit makes it to my desk unresolved...well lets just make sure that doesn't happen. On that same note if you all help keep that lady gorilla with the four pips on her collar off my back, you'll keep my boot out of your ass.

"You get me!?"

The bay echoed back. "Sir Yes Sir!"

"Good... I've given you all the short version about me, in time I will get to know you. You all should know that my door is always open, but any official issues had better have gone through your chain of command. If there is even an issue that needs to jump the chain, you better have your ducks in a row.

"That's that and Ive talked enough...let's get to work. Company commanders; take charge, get the Puller offloaded and that gear secured, and get quarters assigned to the MEUs new Marines. Once that's done the first round's on me at the Box at 2300. Dismissed."

Terry relaxed after the ceremonies, such as they were. He was quite curious, their CO was from 2270.

'Should be an interesting story', he thought.

Clearing his head, he went to start inventorying medical supplies.

The bay turned into organized chaos as officers took charge of their companies.

Pulling out one of his general purpose cigars he fired it up and turned to his XO, "Let's see how they the mean time let's go see what kind of hand we've been dealt."


Lt. Colonel Nicolas Means III
Commanding Officer 21st MEU

Gunnery Sargent Terry Henderson
Combat Medic

Master Sergeant Miranda Schultz

2nd Lt' Sh'zera
21st MEU


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