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Meeting New People

Posted on Mon Jan 11, 2021 @ 3:12pm by Ensign Jessica Mayhew

724 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Mess hall
Timeline: MD -08

A smile was on the Andorian’s face as she stepped into the mess hall. Clad in her blue and white flight suit with her jacket draped over her shoulders, she stood out from the rest of the crew in the line for the replicator. Still, she was on scramble shift, which meant she had to be ready to go at a moment's notice. Grabbing a burger and some tuber root fries, she headed for one of the window seats. A blond human female was sitting by herself in one of the booths. Walking over, she politely asked with a smile, " Hey, is this seat taken?"

Jessica blinked and looked up from the security report she was reading. She looked at the Andorian in the flight suit, and then around the mess hall. “I didn’t realize it had gotten so busy,” she said, seeing there were few seats available. “Must be shift change.” She gestured to the seat opposite her. “Feel free,” she invited.

"Thanks," Vrizao said as she slid into her seat. "I'm Vrizao Sh'zharohr. It's nice to meet you," she said, offering her hand.

“Jessica,” the blonde Human woman replied. “Jessica Mayhew. So you’re one of the pilots?” she asked, noting the flight suit. “I’m in Security.”

" Ensign Vrizao Sh'zharohr. I just arrived yesterday," the Andorian replied.

“Oh, well, welcome aboard,” Jessica said with a smile. “How are you settling in? Did you get good quarters?” she asked, brushing her blonde hair from her blue eyes.

"Things have been good so far. Quarters are fine by enlisted standards. How have things been for security since you've been here?" she inquired.

Jessica gave a low whistle. “More exciting than they should be, by rights,” she said. “We have Human/non-Human tensions, Cardassians stirring up trouble, and we just got clear of a weird crystal fungus infection in our power relays.” Jessica shuddered at the hazy memories she had from being zombified by the crystal fungus.

"Sounds like an interesting place to be. What's happened to cause the Human/non-Human tensions?" the Andorian inquired.

“We have a bunch of Earth First types on the station, led by the douche who owns the Dilithium Chamber,” Jessica told Vrizao. “They think Humans are getting left behind in the Federation. You know the type. Sons of Cheron, that sort of thing.”

"Oh, I know we have the same nutters on Andor, though the religious extremists are the worst," Vrizao replied.

Jessica nodded. “We have the occasional problem with the Andorians and the Rowa’ni at The Lotus Lounge,” she said. “Oh. Did you know we had Rowa’ni on the station?” she asked Vrizao. “Just to warn you…”

"I've seen them around. Probably Andorian honor guard from the homeworld wanting to stir up trouble," she replied, having encountered some of them before. Andorian spacers like herself were always a common target

“Well, just don’t cause any trouble on the Prom,” Jessica said. “This is one of the good batches. Most of House Dalav’ni is on the other side of the Romulan border, and Matriarch Tianys keeps them in line. You should stop by The Lotus sometime, if you’re into that sort of thing.”

"I'll take a look if I'm in the area. Anything else I should be on the lookout for?" she inquired.

Jessica shrugged. “Just the usual pickpockets and such. We really don’t usually have too many problems on the Prom. There are some nice shops and restaurants. You should try out Gino’s, if you like Earth food.”

"I'm happy to try anything once, so I'll give it a go. Any Human food you'd recommend?" she inquired.

“I love pastries,” Jessica admitted. “They do a nice French bakery and patisserie in the mornings sometimes, with good, strong coffee too. To die for. But anything they do is good. Real food, not replicated. He changes theme every week, so a new food culture to try.”

"I'll have to try them sometime. My planet doesn't have a lot of land for growing grain, so the amount of flour in Human foods is very strange to an Andorian," Vrizao explained.

“A lot of Andorians seem to like sushi,” Jessica commented. “Fish, seaweed. The rice, I suppose, is different, a grain, after all. Spanish tapas, too, though that’s cooked seafood.”



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