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The Blue Meets a Lotus

Posted on Mon Jan 11, 2021 @ 3:08pm by Civilian Tianys Dalav’ni

1,900 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Lotus Lounge
Timeline: MD 01 21:00


A smile was on the blue pilot's face as she made her way through the station. After some hours drinking and dancing, she'd decided to see some more of the station that was going to be her home. The night was still young, and she was on the last shift for tomorrow, so she could afford to take some time to see this wonderful station.

Coming around the corner, the blue girl stopped at the sight of two Rowa'ni trying to get a broken hover cart moving. To say there was bad blood between the blue and green-skinned species was rather an understatement. She'd heard tales of the camps and the fact that her people had used them for pawns in their war with the Vulcans.

Still, she thought to herself that was in the past and it looked like they needed a hand. "Hello. Need a hand with that?" she asked politely as she approached them.

The two Rowa’ni looked up with surprise at an offer of help from an Andorian. One of the Rowa’ni was female. She had pointed ears like a Romulan, and some darker green spotting that might indicate some Trill genetics in her. The other was male, with the same pointed ears, but Bajoran-like nose ridges.

“Ehm, I think the gravitic converter got misaligned,” the male said.

As Vrizao got closer, she entered the perimeter of their scent. She felt her blood grow warm, her skin tingle a bit, as her body responded physically to their scent and grew aroused.

Being in her neuter stage where sex was still concerned a plaything, Vrizao smiled as she felt the scent and felt her body react to it. " Wow," she said, pausing as she got a hold of herself. "Sorry. I can see the tales I've heard about your people's biology is true," she said before realizing that may be very offensive to say to people that Andorians had used as cannon fodder in their war with the Vulcans. "No offense meant. I know our peoples have a terrible history. I know a bit about hovercarts. Do you want me to take a look?" she asked.

The Rowa’ni eyed the Andorian skeptically, but the male then shrugged. “Sure,” he said. “Might need to call for a new one, or get a spare part.” He moved a bit so she could get a better look at the undercarriage. Their scent still filled the space, seeming to change a bit.

Vrizao paused for a sec as the smell of hot, heavy Orion perfume that a former girlfriend of hers had worn. What they'd said about their biology was certainly true. "Yeah, definitely a misaligned gravitic converter. How far do you have to go? I know a trick that can get it working again for a while," she said, the excitement in her voice being unmistakable.

“Not too far,” the female said. She indicated a nearby door that led to a back maintenance corridor that ran behind some businesses on a side corridor off the main Promenade. “Just back to The Lotus Lounge.”

" Well..." The Andorian said as she messed around with the circuitry, rewiring through the gravitronic confinement injector. With a slight hum, it jumped back into life, though it was clearly working at a weakened state. "There, that should last for an hour or two. Old trick my chan taught me."

“Thank you,” the male Rowa’ni said.

“Yes, thank you very much!” the female said, bouncing over to Vrizao, pressing her ample curves against her muscular frame in a tight hug, and giving her a soul-searing, head spinning kiss in thanks. Her lips tasted like mint, her tongue cinnamon, as her scent filled the air around her.

Wow, they weren't kidding about them, the Andorian thought as she licked her lips, the minty cinnamon taste flooding her senses. "Don't mention it. Do you need a hand with whatever it is? I've been wanting to have a look at the lounge," she replied, her head still spinning from the kiss.

“Oh, I am sure we could ask Matriarch Tianys to give you a free session for your help,” the male said, coming to Vrizao’s other side, just as close as his female companion. “It’s just a delivery for our grow lab.”

“Come with us,” the female said. “We’ll make sure you’re treated right,” she promised. “I’m Shyan,” she introduced herself, “and that’s Mosa.” She indicated the male.

"Well, with such an offer, how can I refuse? Lead on, Shyan," the Andorian replied, her head buzzing from the pheromones.

The Rowa’ni pulled Vrizao over to the service entrance with the grav cart. They handed it off to a large, muscular Rowa’ni with Klingon ridges before tugging the Andorian along with them.

“Matriarch Tianys said we can take the time to give you something special,” Mosa told Vrizao with a brilliant smile.

“Let me grab a hostess padd,” Shyan said as they moved into one of the private lounge areas. When she went through the door, Vrizao saw into the main parlour of the club. Inside was warm, but not stuffy. Various patrons were sitting around in overstuffed, comfortable furniture with glazed looks in their eyes. Many were shirtless, or with their clothing loosened, regardless of gender, some were making out with Rowa’ni. Others just lounged back, listening to music, or staring at colored lights projected from holographic tables. Naked Rowa’ni of both genders moved among them with trays of little edibles or drinks.

And then the door swung closed. “Why don’t you take a seat and make yourself comfortable,” Mosa told Vrizao, gesturing to the large couch. “Can I get you anything to drink?” he offered.

"I'll have an Orion starburst, if you have them," the Andorian said..

When Shyan returned, she had a padd in her hand -- and she had removed her clothing, now completely naked. Her Trill spotting definitely went all the way down.

“Can I get your full name?” Shyan asked with a pleasant smile. “We just need to gather a bit of information so we have your preferences on file. This is all completely confidential,” she assured Vrizao.

"Of course. It's Vrizao Sh'zharohr," the pilot responded after a moment as she looked at the now nude Rowa’ni. She was truly something.

As Shyan was questioning Vrizao, Mosa was removing his clothes, revealing he definitely had nothing to be ashamed about.

“Do you have any allergies we should know about?” Shayan asked Vrizao.

Distracted slightly by Mosa's body, Vrizao’s head jerked back when she heard the question. "None that I'm aware of," she responded.

“Excellent,” Shyan said with a smile.

Mosa went to a bar to the side of the room and returned with Vrizao’s Orion starburst. “Do you want to get more comfortable?” he asked her.

"Yes, I would very much like to," the Andorian said, taking the drink and giving it a sip. "You have an excellent bartender," she said as she savored the taste.

Mosa smiled and sat beside Vrizao. Gently he started to loosen her clothing. “If you are ever uncomfortable, just say so, and everything will stop,” he told her soothingly, his fingers gently caressing Vrizao’s curves.

“Any medical conditions we should be aware of?” Shyan asked. “Mostly cardiac or breathing issues, in case you...exert yourself too much,” the female Rowa’ni asked. “Though I suppose you wouldn’t be a pilot if you had those.” She marked it off on the padd. “Do you have a gender preference for intimate partners?” she asked. “Any...special interests? Kinks you may wish indulged?”

Vizao gave a warm smile to Mosa to assure him she understood. "No, no health issues," she replied as she moved to help him loosen her mini dress. "No gender preference, and yes, I have a few kinks. The main ones are swimwear, leather, zero-g, and underwater. I do have some other things I've been wanting to try."

Shyan smiled. She handed Vizao the padd. “Feel free to add them,” she told the Andorian pilot.

As Vrizao filled out her profile, Mosa kissed along her blue neck, easing the minidress from her shoulders. Shoya went to the bar and returned with a small tray. It had various compartments filled with perfectly cut pieces of mushroom, moss, or pills, and a couple tiny shots of various colored liquids.

“Would you like an edible or shot?” the naked Rowa’ni female asked. “I can recommend some music and light show pairings, too, if you want.”

"Will any of them still be in my system tomorrow? I do have to be on duty," replied the Andorian as she allowed Mosa to remove her dress.

“No, you should be safe,” Shoya told Vrizao. “Just drink a bottle of water before bed, and they are non-addictive,” she assured the Andorian.

Mosa removed Vrizao’s dress, leaving the pilot in her bra and panties. he leaned in to kiss along her neck.

Vrizao did her best to look at the selection before her, though Mosa was making it hard to concentrate. " What would you recommend?" she asked him as he made his way down her neck.

Mosa pulled back a bit and studied the selection. He picked up a small red piece, and a green shot. “These will enhance what your senses feel,” he told her. “Colors will be brighter, more distinct. Sounds will be enhanced. Everything your body feels will be pleasurable, your awareness of your body will grow. The entire experience will be enhanced.”

Shoya smiled. She put aside the tray and moved behind Vrizao, pressing her naked body against the Andorian’s. She ran her slender fingers into Vrizao’s fine white hair, massaging her head and the sensitive bases of her antennae. She clearly knew how to make an Andorian feel good!

Allowing Mosa to feed her the green shot and the red piece, the Andorian let out a moan of pleasure as she felt her antennae being gently massaged. "Don't stop, that feels...." she began before letting out another pleasurable moan of approval.

“I’m glad you enjoy it,” Shoya said. “Soon it will be even better.” As Mosa started to remove the last of Vrizao’s clothing, Shoya leaned down to take one of her antennae into her mouth, gently sucking on the sensitive tip, sending pleasure surging through the Andorian just as the psychotropics kicked in and ramped up her sensitivity.

Vrizao felt a wave of pleasure roll through her body, as if each individual cell was feeling the same touch of the Rowa'ni. As the last of her clothing was removed, leaving her naked as the two Rowa'ni, she thrust forward, letting the animal feeling inside her out as she gave into the waves of passion to flow.

And the two Rowa’ni ran their hands over Vrizao, their touch urging her on, rewarding her fully for her help as the hours passed for her in extreme bliss and pleasure.


Vrizao smiled as she lay back against the couch even if she was panting slightly as the two Rowa'ni were still pressed against her. That was certainly something. "Well, thank you for that wonderful experience, you two. I have to help you out more often," she said with a grin on her blue face.



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