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You Look a Little Stressed

Posted on Thu Jan 14, 2021 @ 2:40pm by Civilian Tianys Dalav’ni & Captain Maritza Soran

3,733 words; about a 19 minute read

Mission: Things Past
Location: Promenade/The Lotus Lounge
Timeline: Back post MD 35 1230


Soran watched as the operations officers sealed up the EPS conduit. The report that had brought her down here had been, if anything, understated. Removing the gremlinite had revealed another, older, problem: serious corrosion in the main trunk for the promenade. It would have to be isolated, cut out, replaced, and reconnected. That would need a full shutdown for at least six hours to clear that. The PMA would go apeshit.

"Thank you, chief. Have Serav and Kivan send me the work schedules and I'll wrangle the PMA for them." They had enough on their plates without handling mindless bureaucracy. She should give it to Ryan, but she wanted him watching the Symbiosis Committee agents.

She wanted coffee. No. She wanted a massive dose of cordafin, right to the carotid, with an inaprovaline red-eye to chase. Coffee was what she was going to get. There was plenty of choice on the Prom. The Vulcan Tea House, Gino’s, 50 Shades of Bean, and all manner of others. But the closest was the taco stand near the Bajoran temple. It provided her with 500ml of something that smelt acrid, and tasted of grit and despair, mixed with enough sugar and alleged cream to give an elephant an aneurysm. It would do.

A floral and fruity scent wafted into the air around Maritza, stimulating, arousing, causing her blood to grow hot, reminding her of certain...needs she too often suppressed. If desire could be distilled, it would be the scent of a Rowa’ni.

“My dear Captain,” Tianys Dalav’ni spoke in her honeyed purr, liquid lust on the ears, “surely you enjoy some coffee with your sugar.” There was a teasing lilt to the voice, evincing imaginations of naked passion in the mind. “Congratulations on the promotion, by the way.”

Tianys stood very close when Maritza turned around. Rowa’ni had no real sense of personal space. Most species wanted to be close to them. Other than Tianys, it was rather unusual for a Rowa'ni to be on the Promenade proper, outside of their compound in The Lotus Lounge. It wasn’t a rule, per se, but just a precaution to...avoid trouble with the over-amorous in inappropriate locations. Even now, foot traffic was noticeably slower around them as various persons of both sexes stared at Tianys’ voluptuous figure in her gauzy, loose-flowing white dress that clung to her generous curves like a Greek statue, emphasizing more than hiding anything, and damn near translucent. One could swear if they just leaned at a different angle, got just the right light, they might see...everything.

A passerby near them ran into one of the kiosks set up in the middle of the Promenade, too distracted to pay attention to where he was going.

Tianys tossed her long, wavy red hair, hair of no natural red hue, but red like a rose. If one reached out to touch it, it would be the same velvet softness of a rose petal. Her keen green eyes sparkled with delight as they ran over Maritza’s figure with appreciation.

In the confines of the station corridors, their natural pheromones were easily filtered and rendered useless. In the wide open space at the bottom of the Promenade, where the filters wouldn't get close, the Rowanii were in their full power. Maritza hadn't even heard Tianys approach, and by the time the woman spoke, she was thick within the miasma.

She hadn't eaten properly in days, and on her empty stomach two breaths were all it took her to feel dizzy, and the memories that surfaced made her redden just as much as the Rowa'ni's frank gaze. She unzipped her jacket to try and feel a little cooler. "Madam Dalav'ni. I thought..." She took a deep breath out of instinct to steady herself, and the promenade started to sway around her. "I thought Civilian Affairs had been quite clear about the need for suppressants in public areas."

Tianys gave Maritza a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “And again, I will remind you we are not Orions, Commander. There is nothing dangerous about our pheromones beyond a little hay fever. We do not have mind control. Besides, suppressants make us ill, and there are so few of us that no one is incentived to develop one that works. Besides, I keep my boys and girls inside just for that reason,” she reminded Maritza.

Tianys scowled a bit, leaning forward to study Maritza, presenting an unrivaled view of her generous cleavage in the low cut gown. “May I say, Captain, that you do not look so well. Have you eaten yet today? And you appear a little stressed.” Her emerald eyes met Maritza’s, deep pools of verdant green spring, enticing Maritza closer.

Memories of Lasuma's fingers ghosted up her spine, and Maritza shivered. And she hadn't eaten properly. Breakfast had been a handful of vitamins and an energy drink, many hours before. "It may not be mind control, but its still..." Whatever she was about to say was lost as another burst of the Rowa'ni's citrusy, woody scent enveloped her, and she was lost in a memory or Geral's mouth on her throat. She swayed on her feet, touching her neck.

“Come, my dear,” Tianys said, taking the coffee from Maritza’s hand and putting it down. “Let’s get a real meal in you, and we can discuss what we can do to get you to relax a bit.” She took Soran’s hand to pull her along. “What would you like for lunch? My treat.”

"I don't know." She preferred meal replacements precisely because she didn't have to think about what she liked, and Maritza's brain felt too foggy to remember. Her senses were pulling her in a hundred directions at once, touch memories turning her skin to fire. It was all she could do to keep from tearing her clothes off so she could remember being touched without her clothes ruining the feeling.

“Perhaps something light, simple. A fruit tray? Some sandwiches? Soup?” Tianys slipped her arm through Maritza’s, walking with the blonde captain like an old friend as they headed for The Lotus Lounge. “I have heard of the infamous hours you keep, Captain,” the Rowa’ni said. “It isn’t healthy. You will wear yourself out. Then whatever will we do? Rely on that handsome cowboy of yours?” She flashed a stunning smile at Maritza. “Doesn’t he look well worth the ride?” she mused, her hand caressing Maritza’s as they walked.

The heady aphrodisiacs were having a field day in a system stuffed to the gills with as much stimulants and sedatives as Martiza used, and promptly her brain supplied her with just that image. Her face went a bit red. "That would be wildly..." she had to think hard to find the word through the fog. "Inappropriate." Especially as it was Geral who she missed. Her brain then decided to compensate by adding him to the scenario, without removing Ryan first. Her pulse jumped, her body burned, it was like every muscle seized from the inside out.

“Isn’t inappropriate what makes it fun?” Tianys asked with a little giggle, leading Maritza to a private back entrance to The Lotus Lounge. “Tell me it hasn’t crossed your mind on a lonely night.” The scent inside the Lotus was heady, added to Tianys’ own powerful scent as she led Maritza to her own private sitting room. “I have sent for some light snacks,” she told Maritza, despite the fact that she hadn’t commed anyone. “Make yourself comfortable. Maybe undo your collar a bit, take off your jacket.”

"No. No it hasn't." Maritza sounded more confused than anything else, as if surprised it hadn't occurred to her before. Her jacket came off, but it wasn't enough. The touch of fabric on her skin was maddening. Her collar wouldn't come loose, so she stripped off her whole shirt, folding the poloneck neatly, hands moving automatically. "I have Geral." She shook her head. "Had Geral.”

“Oh?” Tianys observed Maritza remove her shirt. Comfortable indeed, though those Starfleet bras were entirely too practical. Tianys, of course, didn’t wear such things. Still, in deference to Martiza’s sensibilities, for now she did not remove her diaphanous gown. “Did you two have a falling out?”

Tianys picked up a wooden bowl by the door. She filled it from some kind of fountain built next to the door and brought it over to Maritza. “My water is yours,” she said, dipping in two fingers and then touching Maritza’s forehead before offering her the bowl of water to take a drink. She would find it pure, cool, and refreshing.

Maritza took a sip from the bowl, and closed her eyes. It took the edge off the heat, but not nearly enough. "He--" She stopped; she was about to say he lied, but she had no proof of that. Just things not mentioned. "Was too good to be true," she finished.

Tianys chuckled. “Most males are,” she said, taking back the bowl. She took her own sip, and then poured the rest out over some carved wooden idols on a shelf above the fountain before replacing the bowl. “Did you wish to talk about it?”

A young Rowa’ni male, a gorgeous specimen of masculinity with Trill spotting and pointed ears, entered the room bearing a tray. He wore nothing at all, completely at ease in his nakedness. If he were Human, he might be eighteen, maybe twenty. His hair was a blue-black and a bit long.

“Ah, Brin, thank you,” Tianys said, speaking aloud for Maritza’s benefit. “Commander Soran, this is Brin. Put the tray on the table,” she told the boy. The table in question was a low one surrounded by comfortable mounds of what looked like grass-covered turf. In fact, the entire floor was soft grass turf, the walls covered by vines bearing brilliantly colored orchid-like flowers and round, fuzzy green fruit. All the seating was the grassy turf mounds. A few hummingbird-like creatures buzzed around from flower to flower.

Brin settled the tray on the table. It was loaded with freshly cut fruit, Terran apples and oranges, pineapple, a good third of the tray was Trill fruit, and a smaller portion looked to be sliced mushrooms of some kind, cut into very small pieces. “Fruit for the stomach, and the mushrooms will help you relax,” Tianys explained to Soran. She went to a cupboard and pulled out a crystal cut decanter of some kind of white, creamy liquid which she poured into a wine glass for Maritza. “And my own personal vintage.”

Maritza was quite careful to look elsewhere as the young man bent down to put the tray down, but there was no hiding the growl her stomach made when she glanced at the fruit he left behind. She reached for the lida slices and out of curiosity took a piece of mushroom as well. The lida was sweet, and a little bit of juice ran down her chin. She wiped it up hurriedly, and then tried a piece of tiny mushroom. It seemed to melt like a very thick cream, and tasted similar. She reached for the drink, and tasted that very cautiously. "What is it?"

Oqawa,” Tianys said, taking a seat on the grassy mound close to Maritza, her scent filling the air. She waved Brin to the corner to await their pleasure. Tianys picked up a piece of fruit that looked like it came from one of the vines in the room, like a fuzzy green kiwi, but with purple flesh. “It’s a rare delicacy. A perk of inheriting some mammalian traits during our long evolution, you could say. Rowa’ni females don’t breastfeed, but we do secret a sweet nectar, which we collect and ferment into wine,” she explained.

Maritza choked, a mouthful of the liquid in her mouth, sending it spluttering down her vest. The thought of drinking breast milk was too much. "I think water would be better." She took another piece of mushroom to clear the taste.

Not long after Maritza ate the piece of mushroom, her senses seemed to heighten. The flavor of the fruit in her mouth exploded, colors seemed brighter, and Tianys’ scent more profound and alluring. Maritza’s sense of her own body was heightened. Everything she touched, even the clothes on her body, seemed to stimulate her.

It was intoxicating.

She scrubbed a hand into her hair. It felt too tight, and she tried to yank it loose, but there were too many pins. "Do you always keep your chambers so hot? It's like a greenhouse in here."

“We do like it that way,” Tianys admitted, “but I can turn on the air handlers and cool things down. Here, let me help,” she said, getting up and moving behind Maritza. She started to pull out the hair pins, letting Soran’s long blonde hair cascade down. “If you are warm, feel free to take off as much as you like. Rowa’ni have no shame in nakedness, and you are a very beautiful woman. We would be blessed to see.” She ran her fingers into Maritza’s blonde hair, gently massaging her scalp, the mushrooms heightening the pleasurable sensation. “Brin, pour the captain some more water.”

The Rowa’ni young man, standing near the door in readiness to be of whatever use he could, stepped forward to fill another glass with the pure, fresh water the Rowa’ni liked. “Here. May the goddess bless you,” Brin told Maritza as he pressed the glass into her hand, his green eyes set in a youthful face meeting hers boldly. “If there is anything else you need, please let me provide.”

Maritza leant back as the Rowa'ni matriarch undid her hair, closing her eyes, and the tension across her scalp fell away. She'd fallen asleep with the braids pinned several times, and hadn't bothered unplaiting them at all. They'd only been loosened for brushing and repinning. She hadn't had it loose since...

She sighed, and took the glass the young man offered. The water was cool and she was beginning to sweat, the wool of her uniform trousers was beginning to itch. Take off clothes, the woman had said, so she started to wriggle out. She tried to stand to take them off, and the room spun and she sat down hard. "I think I need some help," she said with a slur.

Brin was immediately at Maritza’s side. With Tianys’ help, he easeed Maritza down on the grass and gently tugged her pants past her hips, leaving her in her Starfleet issue bra and panties. Then he took her feet in his lap and started to rub them. Tianys settled Soran’s head in her lap, brushing back her hair.

“You have such beautiful hair,” Tianys said, leaning forward to snatch a piece of fruit from the tray, giving Maritza a face full of green cleavage that smelled remarkably like Geral. She leaned back to feed the fruit to Maritza’s full lips. With the mushrooms active, it was a taste explosion, and every touch of her skin sent pleasure skipping along Soran’s nerves, and the trill let out a soft noise of pleasure. “Would you like some music? We have a song list tailored to these mushrooms.”

Maritza had closed her eyes. The smell was so much like him it was like he was there, his fingers in her hair, his hands on her feet. It felt really, really, good. Another long sigh escaped her as she sunk into a state of deep relaxation, a little bit of the tension that she'd held since she'd seen that blasted Yridian being forced away. "Whatever you like," Maritza answered the woman's question.

“Would you like Brin to give you a massage, Maritza?” Tianys’ voice was soothing, calm, pouring like liquid into Soran’s ear. Soft music started to play. Maritza found herself seeing the music as it caressed her ears, colors dancing behind her eyelids. They didn’t go away when she opened them, either, but the entire room seemed to hum with the vibrations, the colors.

She shut her eyes again, trying to find focus, and she seemed to be melting under the fingers that stroked her hair and pulled the tension from her calves. "Whatever you like," Maritza said again. She didn't know what she liked anymore, and hadn't the strength to make a decision. She was happy to just float in the miasma and forget.

“We are all about what you like here at the Lotus,” Tianys said. But she nodded to Brin. They soon had Maritza out of her clothes and lying face down on the grassy mound. Brin, still naked, started to knead magical fingers into Maritza’s tight muscles as Tianys stood nearby, folding the captain’s clothing neatly and at readiness for when she was done. Then she removed her own diaphanous gown to hang by the door, her voluptuous body now on full display. She knelt down by Maritza’s head to continue stroking the captain’s hair, easing it out of the tight braids, letting the gorgeous, golden hair down.

There were days, weeks, even years, of tension locked in the captain's muscles, and Brin found he had to dig in to even get started. For a while there was silence, filled with the sounds of his hands sliding over her oiled skin.

At first even the miasma of pheromones and psychedelic drugs couldn't unknot the tension, but as Brin's fingers worked down her back, something began to unravel, and her deep breathing shifted to soft sighs.

A particularly tight bunch at the base of her spine gave way to Brin's knuckles, and she let out a gasp that was positively indecent, and her limbs went loose and liquid.

“Feels good?” Brin whispered, his voice breathy and caressing on Maritza’s ear. “I can make you feel even better,” he offered, his hands working her muscles as they traveled even lower.

"Nghhh," was all she could manage. She was just floating, dissolving, in the warmth and peace.

Tianys smiled. She knelt in front of Maritza and held out a padd. “Just press your thumb here, and Brin belongs to you for the evening, Maritza. He is all yours.” Gently she took Soran’s hand and brought it to the padd as the young Brin practically worshipped Maritza’s feet as he massaged them.

Maritza was too boneless to resist as Tianys put her thumb to the padd, and pressed it down. She'd lost all sense of where she was, or who she was with. Her consciousness had funnelled down to the strong hands pressing his fingers into her feet. She couldn't even remember whose hands they were, just that they felt good, and she didn't want it to stop.

“Wonderful, Captain,” Tianys said in her smooth, sultry voice. “I will leave you two alone. Do not hesitate to call me if you desire any other services. I will be happy to send in as many young men or women as you like. Brin is yours to do with as you please. Barring harm, of course.” She smiled and leaned down, giving Soran a brief, delightful kiss of her luscious, mint lips, and then sauntered out of the suite.

Then Brin was leaning over Maritza, turning her head and capturing her lips with his own, his lips also minty, his tongue like cinnamon as it danced with hers, his expert hands smoothing their way up her naked body, his scent filling the space around her.

She responded for a moment, his touch sending little flashes through her nerves, and then she pulled away. "You're very handsome, but you're not Geral." Which was strange, because she was sure she'd smelt his cologne.

“Who is Geral?” Brin asked. “Does it matter?” His hands gently cupped Maritza’s breasts teasing temptingly over her nipples.

She shuddered with need as his hands caressed her. "He's my..." Who was he anyway? Not her partner, not anymore, not her friend. Not her lover. And she felt suddenly bereft and empty.

“Doesn’t sound important,” Brin said. “What is important, right now, is you.” He kissed along Maritza’s spots, knowing they were sensitive. “What you want. I am all about you for this time. Nothing else matters.” HIs voice was low, steady, almost hypnotic.

She didn't resist him, just made a soft sound of pleasure and her muscles went limp. She probably hadn't been that relaxed since she graduated from the Academy. She was warm, peaceful, and floating on a cloud of intoxicants. She was happy for him to keep on with the massage.

Brin’s hands were expert, his scent filled the room with lust. His touch grew more intimate, but he never crossed the line, waiting for her to make that move as he focused on working all the tension out of her body. Soft music started, designed to enhance the intoxicants she had taken.

The peace and quiet descended, just the soft hiss of Brin's oiled hands over her skin and the soft tinkling music filled the dimly lit room. As he pulled his long fingers down her spine one more time, a soft little noise escaped her, a breath later was another, quiet, but unmistakable.

A snore

The captain was fast asleep, deep and steady. Days, weeks, months of overdoing it had finally come home, and her body had surrendered to the rest it desperately needed.

Brin smiled. Gently he cleaned her up. Then he slipped a pillow under Maritza’s head and pulled a soft blanket over her. He brought the lights down and set the music to quietly fade into the soft sound of rain. Careful to not disturb Maritza, the Rowa’ni pleasure boy settled down on the soft grass beside Maritza to be there and available to her whenever she awakened, silently, telepathically, letting Tianys know so she could alert the proper persons about the captain’s unavailability for the next few hours.


Tianys Dalav’ni
The Lotus Lounge

Brin Dalav’ni
Rowa’ni pleasure boy
The Lotus Lounge

Captain Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer


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