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The new boy

Posted on Thu Apr 9, 2015 @ 3:12am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Kyle "Loki" Carter

1,195 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: The Box of Delights
Timeline: MD02 2000


The Promenade thronged with people, and no more so than the Box of Delights, which had hit capacity for once, with the crowd spilling out onto the promenade itself. Live music was always popular, and this night in particular saw a crowd pleasing quintet of local talent belting out a variety of songs and styles that put everyone in a feel good mood.

Kyle waked into the Box of Delights. He had heard a lot of good things about the place and wanted to check it out first hand. Walking in he noticed the large Gorn standing in front. He gave him a simple nod with a friendly smile assuming he was the bouncer if anyone got out of hand. He made a mental note not to be that guy. He made his way over to the bar and took a seat closer to the stage than the gaming tables.

When it was his turn to be served, he got a tall woman, taller than him, with violet skin and purple hair. She looked him up and down and the violet and purple faded to shades of pink. "What can I do for you sweet thing?"

The bartender quickly got all of Kyle's attention, especially when he found himself looking up to look her in the eyes. "Well hello to you too." He said with a wide smile. "It's my first time in here. Do you happen to have any Maraltian Seev-ale?"

"Yes I do," she looked at his uniform, "But its the real thing. You won't be able to just shake it off when you get wobbly." Fleeties were too used to synthehol, and wobbled like jelly after the first drink, and collapsed completely on the second.

"Great, I prefer the real thing." Kyle grinned. "Synthehol never tastes quite right, changes the intended flavor of the drink." He offered her a handshake. "I'm Kyle, just transferred here from the Thatcher."

She shook, slightly awkwardly as her own people's version was different to the human one, and stepped a couple of steps away to retrieve a bottle and a glass. "I'm Yolanthe. Ice?"

He noticed her hesitation at first. He hadn't met anyone of her species before and hoped he hadn't offended her. "No, I prefer it neat." Kyle answered waving off the offer of ice.

"I'm guessing that you're the new CAG?"

"I am, aside from the blue collar what gave me away?" He asked with a grin.

"I knew the last one. Such a sweet little pudding." She knocked the bottletop of the bottle using an opener hooked under the bar, and filled his glass halfway. "And you're all his crew have talked about for the last week and a half."

He took the glass and tipped it to her. "Anything I should know about what they were saying? I'm not asking for names of pilots or anything but any juicy rumors or jokes I should hear?" He took a sip of the blue beverage and let it sit on his tongues for a second before swallowing. "That's really good by the way." He commented as he set the glass down on the bar.

"I know it is." She leant on the bar for a moment. "As to what they're saying, everyone's secrets are safe with me. That means theirs, but also yours."

"Fair enough." He grinned. "Loose lips sink ships right." he took another drink of the seev-ale. "So if we can't talk about that, what can you tell me then? I know bartenders are used to hearing their customer's problems but I don't have any spilled milk to cry about."

"Give it time, sweetie," she turned a shade of lavender blue. "But if you were looking for a quiet berth, this is not your day. This place is more exciting that you think. Terrorists, hate groups, spacial anomalies, explosions, bombs. Its all go here."

He nodded solemnly. "You know that's what I've heard. It's really a shame their still so much hate and and rage in this part of the quadrant. When no one needs to go without anything. We can make food and clothing appear out of thin air and yet there's still this ridiculous and unnecessary bickering." He looked at her skin color as it changed. "Do you control that or is it like a flush for you? Excuse me if I come off rude or ignorant, I've never met anyone of your species before."

"No, I can't control it. Well, not really. Its a bit like trying not to cry when you really really want to." It was her stock explanation, the best she could do to explain a natural state she'd never thought about until three years ago. "And my species is from the ass-end of the quadrant, I'm used to staring."

"Ha." Kyle laughed at her admission. "You're really straight forward, but not in a rude way. It's too rare a quality." He finished off what was left in his glass. "As for your uh..." He rubbed the back of his own hand while searching for a word. "...complexion, that's pretty cool too. You must be a horrible liar though, I mean once people learn what each shade means."

She turned bright blue. "You're so cute!" she grinned at him. "So flyboy. What do you think of our happy home? Going to stay, or have you already begged for the first placement out? We're not to everyone's taste"

"Still getting to know the place, don't have a firm opinion yet. Ran into an old friend already though so that's a plus and I think I'm making some new ones." He said gesturing to her. "Plus my old boss from the Thatcher would kill me if I gave up on this job. He's the one who convinced me to do it. I don't know if you've known many Andorians, but they aren't someone you want to have mad at you."

She smiled, "I guess not." But she had gone green, rich rain forest green her hair a deeer shade, like the best emeralds. She topped up his drink. "Well, since you're staying, I have a holo-spa upstairs that can offer any simulation you could possibly imagine and then some, from pure relaxation to the zombie apocalypse. Live music, as you can hear, and on the mezzanine there's a variety. Comedy, burlesque, more niche music, sometimes bowling or domjot touurnaments. I like to mix it up, give everyone a reason to come."

"Thank you very much." He took the glass and had another sip. "Seems like this is the place to be on the Station. Plenty of things to choose from, and the company is pretty nice too." He added with a grin.

"Flattery will get you everywhere." She grinned at him, then a terminal on the bar pinged with a new set of drinks orders. "But it doesn't pay the bills."

Kyle tipped his head to her in acknowledgement that she was obviously busy. "I'll be here." He said taking another drink and turning to watch the live music performers on stage.


Lieutenant Kyle "Loki" Carter


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights


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