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The Kindness of Strangers

Posted on Thu Apr 9, 2015 @ 1:12am by Orrin

1,277 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Public Replimat, Deck 143
Timeline: MD02 19:00 ish


Orrin came through the open doors of the replimat and looked around. It was crowded in here. The supper time rush was still in full effect. He was sure, however, that he had seen the lovely blonde enter this place. Surely she must still be around.

Peridot stuck the edge of her fork into the chocolate butter cream, scraping the sweet unctous goo away from the cake.

Should I call Tam? she wondered as she licked the icing from the tines, He'd see exactly what I'm thinking. But I only just met him and I don't want to scare him off, she thought as she mused on the tall and mysterious Betazoid pilot she'd met recently. No, he'd think I'm a real nut.

This time she tipped the cake on its side and split the layers into two, I could eat a bowl of this icing she thought.

Orrin happened by, craning his neck as he searched the room. He spotted Peridot and laughed at himself for almost walking past her. "You look like you could use a friend," he said to her with a grin.

As she looked up Peridot lowered her fork from her lips. He was ... different. For some reason, even though shed just been thinking about him she couldn't quite remember what Tam looked like.

"Its been a tough day," she told the man. He clearly wasn't Starfleet but the Station's civilian population was huge so that was hardly an anomoly.

Orrin made a sympathetic face. "I'm very sorry to hear that. I can't imagine what might've gone so wrong that you're sitting here alone, about to drown your sorrows in that cake." He extended his hand. "My name is Orrin, by the way."

Peridot took his hand and gave it a brief shake. "Peridot, its quite good cake, for a replicator." she said, "tough day at work is all."

Orrin removed his hat and held it over his chest. "Peridot. I like that name. Sounds unique. Would you like to have a drink and talk about your tough day? I'm a very good listener."

She managed a very slight smile, "ok" she said pushing out the chair opposite with her toe, "I'm not very good company at the moment though."

Orrin took the chair and sat down. "If I can get another smile like that out of you then perhaps we can change that." The replimat attendant appeared seemingly out of nowhere. "Risian Absinthe," Orrin said without taking his eyes off Peridot. "And for the lady perhaps a K'Bani silkwine." The attendant nodded and headed off to fill the order. "So," Orrin continued with a warm smile, "what made this a tough day for you? Tell me all."

Peridot shrugged, "I was really late back after lunch, and then someone played a mean practical joke on me. I'm in so much trouble with my boss," she explained, "she thought it was me playing a joke on her."

Orrin raised an eyebrow. "Hmm, framed for someone else's crime, eh? You can't simply explain to your boss that it was not your doing?"

"I can't even explain it to myself, how can I possibly explain it to the Captain?"

"I'm afraid I don't understand." Orrin looked at her quizzically. "What sort of joke was this exactly?"

"The girl in the cake shop. I buy pastries there every morning for the Captain. I spotted I was late, so I thought cakes with her tea might help her understand I was sorry. SHe, the cake shop girl chose some lovely ones ... but all my Captain got were pebbles. If you can explain that?"

Realising her vioce had been rising a little, Peridot took a deep, deep breath, "I just don't get it. We love their food. I'm a good customer. Why do me harm?"

"Pebbles?" Orrin leaned back in his chair and regarded her with a look that was a combination of surprise and amusement. He opened his mouth to speak but the replimat attendant picked that moment to return with their drinks. Orrin watched as the young man set them down, thanking him when he was done.

When the attendant was gone Orrin leaned over the table, speaking in an almost conspiratorial tone. "Peridot, that makes perfect sense. I work for Praz Industries and we've been trying to close a deal with some U'tani merchants who are visiting the station. The other day I discovered an interesting piece of information about them. Apparently, they have trouble digesting most humanoid foods, so they swallow a generous portion of rocks and grass to help themselves with the process. The problem, of course, is that most eateries around here don't think to include small stones with their meals. So I thought I would be the thoughtful one and make a special request of a baker friend of mine at Bembleman's. When I went to pick it up earlier my friend couldn't find it even though she had gone to the arboretum personally to gather everything."

He lifted his tumbler of Risian absinthe and took a sip, then said, "I'm so sorry, Peridot. I think we have been the victims of a simple mix-up. How incredible that run into you! You're the answer to my mystery." He grinned broadly hoping she, too, would see the humor in the situation.

Her brow wrinkled in consternation. It was a plausible explanation, if Starfleet training did anything it left one with an open mind, and even though the story was a little 'out there' she couldn't say it wasn't the case. She coudn't bring herself to return the grin though.

"I suppose so," Peridot replied sadly, how was she ever going to get the Captain to believe it?

Orrin answered the unspoken question. "Of course I will meet with your employer and clarify the matter immediately. It's not fair for you to feel punished over an honest mistake. Just tell me her name and where I can find her?"

For the first time in hours Peridot's natural smile opened up, lighting her face, "Can you?" she asked. "Captain Isha t'Vaurek, she runs this station, I thought everyone knew that. She's an office in Ops."

"Ah, you work for the commanding officer herself! You hadn't mentioned her name before. Now it's all perfectly clear." Of course it was a lie. Orrin knew exactly who Peridot worked for but couldn't let on. After all, they had just met. "Well, I think I'll head up to the Operations Centre right now. My hunch is that Captain t'Vaurek, like most military commanders, often works late. Am I right?"

"Every night," Peridot agreed. "Would you do that for me?" she continued in an uncharacteristically gushy manner.

Orrin pushed his chair back and stood. "Of course I will. That is, if you don't mind me taking my leave of you already, after only a few minutes. I really don't think this should wait." He offered his hand again and when she took it, he brushed his thumb gently over the top of hers. "I hope we'll run into each other again? Perhaps next time on purpose?"

"I'd like that," Peridot replied, though why she was reticent about meeting up with a young, gorgous toned man who seemed very pleasant she didn't quite know.

"Look me up," she said, so not to put him off entirely.

"I will," he replied. Then he added, "Peridot," as if to hear the sound of his voice saying her name. With a final smile and nod he departed for Ops.

Renegade Fae

Peridot Quirm
Captiain's Yoeman
NPC Louise


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