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Kitten and the Bombshell

Posted on Sat Sep 12, 2020 @ 9:40am by Lieutenant Commander Vilana Gene (Bombshell)

598 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Transport Venice/ Deep Space 5


The Transport Venice had to drop off supplies to the station; hence the free ride, and the luck that Kitten was able to be nestled into the Cargo area. Though one scratch on her and the Captain might not be as 'open' for his advances towards Gene when she all but rips his head off for hurting her little Kitten.

The trip thus far had gone without much fanfare, she had stayed in the common areas; lounging mostly as there is so little to do on a Transport; it reminded her of a time she had to be aboard to 'teach Vilana a valuable lesson on work.' She had not minded the work; it was the boredom. This trip was worst as she had no duties, the Navigation Officer had tried to make time; The Helmsman made a pass and the Captain never saw the color of her hair or eyes. Obviously they had been too long on these 'Milk Runs' with nothing to do.

But now she is ready to have her wings for another flight; none be too long or too small as it is in the air. She saw that her gear would go over by shuttle and those OPS people would take care of them; she had confidence in them and a sharp tongue if they fail her confidence.

Her flight suit; the soft second skin she had worn long enough to be comforting like a security blanket of sorts. Climbing into the canopy she took her helmet and placed it on as she slipped into the seat, airlines and restraints in place she started the Warm up process. The diagnostic checks passed with the whirr of the Impulse drives coming to operation.

"Gene flight requesting launch." She transmit her readiness.

=^= Commander Gene, leaving us so soon?=^= the Flight Officer asked with a hint in his tone.

"Duty calls." Gene replied over the channel, waiting the clamps to release; still under the secure command of the man sitting at the helm at the moment.

=^= We are 9 hours early, we thought you might be part of the Passenger send off? =^=

"I was your only Passenger." Gene had her hand in the Yoke ready to push the throttles. "I really want to get to my new Duty Billet." She commented. "I hear there is an actual Soccer filed on that station." It sounded like a good reason other than just getting out from an all male crew.

=^= If that is your decision...=^= the outer doors opened in front of the Force fields. =^= You have Permission to depart.=^= the Magnetic released.

Gene eased the her 'Kitten' out of the Shuttle deck and into open space. Full Impluse away into a port side barrel roll as she progressed in the direction of the Station.

"Lieutenant Commander Gene requesting Landing clearances." She transmit only moments later. "Clearances Bombshell 135798462." She was waiting with anticipation.

=^= Lt. Commander Gene, you are cleared for your approach.=^= The flight officer gave her the reply.

"Request permission to check a shadow on the tower?" Gene transmit. "Have you registered any damage?"

=^= Negative, we have not registered any problems. =^= The Officer replied. =^= Are you sure of your observations?=^=

"I could do a closer fly by and have a look?" She said in her professional tone.

=^= You have permission as the pattern is clear. =^=

Gene smiled as she 'Buzz the tower in her pass and then towards her Fighter Bay.

"All clear shuttle or some shadow, Tower is clear." She reported and quietly landed.


Lt. CMDR Vilana Gene
Commander Air Group (CAG)
Deep Space 5


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