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Fri Oct 16, 2020 @ 3:01am

Lieutenant Commander Vilana Gene

Name Vilana Gene (Bombshell)

Position Commander of the Air Group

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Ardanan
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 5 ft 8 in
Weight 138 Lbs.
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Gene has as sleek of lines as her fighter; and could do as much damage with a glare from her blue eyes or seem like the sky on a clear day. Her short blonde hair is kept neat for spending too much time in helmets where long hair a nuisance. She has full lips that love to smile and she is as comfortable wearing her flight suit as her Formal Skirted uniform. Demure and very girl next door type way she is around people. Shorts and sundresses interchangeably. A jersey over leggings to view sporting events.

She is a Soccer fan and has uniform. She also does some Cosplay on Holodeck.


Father Terson
Mother Fiana (Deceased)
Brother(s) Yohanis (Older, air controller ground to city OPS.)
Sister(s) Metha (Older) Logistic flight repair department.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Gene is a pretty girl that cleans up nice were she not an elegant Tomboy; comfortable in a flight suit or cosplay gown, to her life is fun and deadly Games. When she plays she does it for keeps; able to keep up with the boys yet ot one of them. The Girl next door type on the Flight Deck or out of competition. Behind her elusive blue eyes she is a killer. Call Sign ‘Scythe’ which is short for Death Scythe. Once she takes flight she has the talent to really do damage and on next moment guide a damaged bird with wounded pilot to the deck.

Some might think she is just a trained Fighter Pilot devoid of emotion; then on ground a girl out to play at life. As a Leader of Pilots she knows she needs to be strong, unwavering in her duty. Her best friend and counselor know what she feels when a pilot dies of a friend is lost. She takes that pain and knowledge to learn how to better make her attack strategies and with her keen tactical mind and deductive observations she is not a dumb blonde by any means.

Vilana is a social type and having been around pilots tries to blend in. She jokes that she lived in the clouds and not so good on Terra Firma. She delves into sports and martial Practice for focusing. She is a tomboy with the guys then cleans up and has a regal air about her when she is ‘being herself in pretty mode. It is when Vilana follows the urge to be the lady she can be. She does this with fashion and grace; it is her most relaxed part of herself. She once said ‘it takes a lot of brains to convince people you are a dumb blonde.

“Pretty Deadly” she has been called, she might even agree upon occasion. Her competitive spirit is good for the team as she knows she cannot win alone, but the points do count if she wants to win. She is aggressive and can seem cold rather than focused when competing or flying. She has a regal nature and the way she hold herself not to back down. Her regalness from her upbringing has served her well to keep calm and not allow as many mistakes. She will pal around with her pilots, hang out with friends and be an Officer with grace when needed. She speaks with confidance but not ego as she backs everything with her skills.

In conclusion she is a good leader and loves her Pilots like a very over-protective sister and will do anything for her command.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Tactical mind
+ Caring leadership
+ Ship and crew come first and foremost

+/- her looks are deceptive compared to her mind

- Can seem haughty
- Does not like being called dumb
- Cold and calculating in flight
Languages Ardanan, Federation Standard, Romulan

Personal History Vilana lost her mother at Child Birth; her Fater dotted over her as he was a Flight Control Officer in Stratos City. Residing in the clouds the floating city run by the Elite she an Elite in the lowest rung. The Ones who worked in the city were Trogs but her father was an Elite who is in charge of Flight /Traffic control with all the personnel under his command. His job wasto route the shipments off-world; park visiting ships in orbit and the air traffic between Stratos and the surface. The Eldest son ran the hangar operation of the city between hangar and ground. Being much older Gene herself spent more time with her Brother during working shifts or with her sister who is the Logistics Lead for the hangar of Stratos.

Vilana hung around the Hangar area all her life; she became entralled with flight; she would hitch rides with the Air Transport Pilots ; vanishing until in the air. She studied it all, when she hit her sixth Birthday she stole a ‘Pack Glider and jumped towards the ground. Deploying the glider and having a shorter than usual flight ending in a lake near by. Her love of swimming and the advanced lessons was her only saving grace. At 9 she took an enclosed Glider; this time the remote function was engaged and her elder brother let his youngest sister fly is in open sky. She ahd a natural feel for it. A year later she had a motorized Aircraft that she quickly learned the art of speed in diving and some aerobatics. By her fourteenth Birthday she was an accomplished Aircraft racer.

Then she discover shuttles and she slipped a stowaway to the Orbital Station. Once there she made her way around the Hangar deck until Security caught her and back to ground she went. As they drag her off she spotted a scout ship; two seat and fast. Warp capable scouting Ship; she set her eyes on that; before 16th birthday she was licensed to pilot it; her Rating among the Elite even allowed her survey runs where she found the parameters of maneuverability, she almost bent a few space frames and even helped adapt one for racing. By 17 she was a competitor and on her way to champion status when her father was gifted a sponsorship to Star Fleet. Never did they think of anyone but Vilana.

Her time on Earth introduced her to Futbul as a sport and she loved it, joining a team representing her Flight class. Studying the art and Theory of flight nearly bore her as she knew them by heart from her time on Ardala. Floating among clouds and pricepals of it were common study for her. She evn got a rating as a Mechanic level two. She could repair and rebuild her fighter battle damage. She had a natural hand with flight. She was in her own space with a fighter; her natural precision came out and she had the grace of being an elite drummed into her being. While not feeling superior her focus was innate. She became one with the fighter and her natural gunnery.

Such a pretty girl when out of the canopy, inside her training was honed with extra hours and even her accelerated program allowed her additional training. She had top scores enough to advance to higher class but Vilana wanted to learn and so she stayed with her class. She did rate the top three pilots. Her dog fighting is her best skill; not like ice but cold as death, without seeming mercy she took out fellow pilots. At graduation she proudly wore her Call Sign ‘Bombshell’; the instructors noted her looks and compared to the oLd Term for a pretty blonde who is deceptively Deadly to a man.

Her Cadet cruise on the USS Singapore; and aging Akira class patrolling the Badlands, she quickly learned that the enemy were as in it for keeps as herself. Encountering Maurders and sneak attacks Vilana was calculated in her attacks. She would bag one then line up fr another. Also share her battle with her Wingman Charles ‘Armadillo’ Crane from the Texas on Earth. He had tried to make time with Vilana yet she declined. During a raid Armadillo was hit and nearly shot down. Vilana kept on his wing as they disengaged and she protect him out of the fray before reengaging to the end of the battle. Pushing her fighter to the maximum she caught up to Armadillo just short of the final flight pattern. WOUnded and wondering if he could land he kept asking her why she turned him down and if she dispived him? In desperation she agree if he landed and was able to walk away she would agree to 1 date. She stay on his wing to the final ¾ mile when he called the ball. She peeled off and circle around for her approach. With the aid of tractors Armadillo landed hard but walked away. True to her word She slipped into an LBD and with full hose, jewelry and make up went out. Too bad he had hinted they should get to know one another better too much. The shiner was a testament not to push too hard on ‘the Bombshell.’

Outpost 357 along the Klingon/ Romulan boarders seemed another hot spot. The treadies and nature of the region was not all that exciting. Her patrols with a new wingman; Call sign Kitten made for fun but still long hours of coasting about. Kitten was not as discriminating a Roomate; she had small flings with crew outside Flight operations. Sneaking them in. After the incident with Armadillo and her kill score Vilana got Flight Lead for Gamma shift, a group of four birds. Kitten and her shenanigans made Vilana a common sight in the Flight Ready room dozing on a couch. Still it was while on a flight survey of an approching Ion Storm; she had seen it not all that strong and almost pulled out but she decided to skim nearer as she could without heavy risk. What she found was a Klingon style warship using the storm as cover. Overthrusting the birds her group got back in time to scramble all fighters and activate defences. While her Group were out of the fight after red-lining the birds it was nothing more than a ‘friendly pass’ stating being caught in the storm affected navigation. Bombshell was allowed to be among the escorts back to their territory.

A Sovereign Class USS Moscow had need of a Flight Leader for their six birds. It was a step closer to Squadron level command so she took the Lateral promotion. Ship’s Fighter Group Lead would do her reputation and career good. While on a survey near a Nebula the probes were failing to get the results. With radiation and gravity wells the probes were failing. A shuttle was suggested until Vilana stated that a fighter had more power to weight ratio by far than a Shuttle and more nimble. She cold take the flight and with sensors on the Pylonds get better readings with two probes attached. She launched and wove her way around in the Nebula with several close passings she made the first pass. Radiation and other levels were near her limit so threee more flights in successive order did the job. Vilana was given and accommodation and her flight for the support. The rest of that duty rotations; they renewed her status with a promotion. She stayed and found various ways to keep her Pilots busy until her next rotation.

The USS Hyruku; an updated Akira class found Vilana in the chair as Deputy Squadron Leader for the Alpha Squadron. Her Unit was a highly successful and cohesive fighting force. The old tactic when on Close protection was to attack to ward off or destroy enemy but they would disengage before leaving midddle range protection circle. Vilana deduced enemy would attack to engange and then retreat to draw ‘close combat to chaing down straglers and be farther from the Ship or unit they protected. More than one of her pilots was slapped across the face on the Flight deck for disobeying her order to disengage at a certan distance no matter what. Her tatics of not leaving Yellow ring was to keep pilots close to home and quick battle changes. Pirates wold attack to thin out and draw away fighter umbrella; figuring pilots wanted to not face the same birds over and over. This left the ship less protected when the second wave that was in wait attacked. She was strict on her protection rule and thus had less stories of intercepts but were the choice of Command to protect the ship. She did not let egos over-ride her objective. She did not fall for the ‘Harassment Tactics.

Outpost 047 had squadrons as the support resource for the 7 Outposts monitoring the Neural Zone; The small Star Base had ships and fighter contingent ready to support any of the outposts and patrols of fighters to keep apprised of any possible incursions. It was by Deputy CAG Vilana’s suggestion the patrol ships begin leaving trace tacyon particles in their wakes; seeding the patrol area. Like dusting the air Cloaked vessels were ‘seen in the passing through the fields. By her calculations the best time to pass was at the Patrol ship’s outer most leg before turning inward. She timed her fightes to patrol at those times and gave challenge to anything trying to slip by. Three times she engaged ships detected and before they could drop cloak and get shields up. Pouncing upon them her Squadron had three kills of enemy ships. Always vaying her patrol times the Fighters cut the incursions by 22% over her patrol time. Her tactics earned her accomidations and promotions.

She accepted the Command of Deep Space 5 Air Group.

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