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Threats from elsewhere (Part III)

Posted on Sun Nov 29, 2020 @ 10:00am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel & Civilian Melvyn Raddon & Commander Amia Telamon M.D.

1,315 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Things Past
Location: Docking Bay - Sick Bay
Timeline: MD 05: 1320
Tags: Raddon, Secret, Sick bay, Langston Hughes


"What the hell do you mean, Dorian isn't 100% Human?" She asked incredulously. "I've known that man for years, how the hell could he be some kind of alien?" She asked he medical officer. "Do you know what you are saying?" She asked.

"We don't have full measure of how much DNA we're talking about percentage-wise yet but I'm not saying he's 'some kind of alien' as if he's about to turn into a Gorn before your eyes! I just mean that a very small part of him seems to be non-standard human - so small it's never been detected I imagine, judging by your reaction Ma'am" Saffa explained, getting a bit alarmed now by the intensity of the Captain's disbelief, clearly making it obvious that she hadn't known this and now, much to Saffa's dismay, was seeming to be about to take umbridge over the news. Dread spread over Saffa as she now had to regret speaking to anyone about this, other than Gabriel once he came round. This was turning itself into a breach of personal information now.

"You keep this to yourself, do you understand? Finish your investigation and report your findings only to me are we clear?" The Commanding Officer said pointedly.


"Ma'am, we've recieved clearance from OPS for docking bay 12" The Langston Hughes pilot confirmed as she guided the vessel through the docking systems checklist.

"Ma'am, it seems the station has instituted a slew of new procedures for docking, evidently the station suffered a massive power loss and certain systems are still offline or just not functioning correctly." The pilot stated.

Captain Katrina Dulla sighed as she listened. "Great, so how long will it take to fully dock?" She asked irratiably.

"OPS is telling me at least an hour longer than normal." The pilot replied as she continued to guide the vessel into its holding pattern until a berth became available.

"Fine, keep me updated." Captian Dulla said as she stood from her chair and made her way to the turbolift. "I'll escort Dorian over to station Sick Bay." She said, knowing that medical patients received special beam-out priority over all other non-emergency requests.


The doors to the vessel's medical bay whisked open and Captain Dulla strolled through. Her mind was still racing over the news that she had received that a man that she had known. . .that she had trusted for years, was some kind of. . .alien. She was hoping that Saffa was just wrong or mistaken.

"Doc, prep Dorian and notify DS5 Sickbay that I'll be escorting a patient and need a point to point beamout." Captian Dualla said.

=^= Aye Captain, I'll make the call right away =^= Saffa responded and immediately put out a call to DS5.

"Computer put me through to Sickbay on DS5" she instructed out loud and the automated voice replied that this had been done just as her own comm connected and a remote voice replied.

=^=Langston Hughes this is Sickbay on DS5, I am Commander Telamon, the CMO, how can we help you? =^= Amia had been contacted by the computer on the incoming ship Langston Hughes and informed briefly of who was wishing to make a connection just before it had cut out, leaving the two sickbays speaking to one another as if they were on the same spacecraft.

=^= Commander, thank you for your prompt response. Our CO is bringing over a patient who is in need of an emergency medical transfer, direct to your Sickbay Ma'am. They will be ready for transport in two minutes if you would be kind enough to initiate the EMT=^= Saffa explained as she made sure Gabriel was stable by taking a fresh reading from the biobed scanner readout as she spoke and then signed to a Corpsman to help her move him onto a hover-gurney, still wrapped in his thermal blanket, ready to go.

"Is he ready to be transported?" Captain Dulla said, sparing the pleasantries. It was apparent that she was still uneasy about the medical revelation made earlier in their trip.

"Yes Ma'am" Saffa replied to the question about Gabriel's readiness to be transferred. "He has some pretty serious instabilities that will need the Station's larger Sickbay's resources, Ma'am. For example he has fractured ribs but as long as those are quickly regenerated to stop them breaking and sticking sharp edges into his lungs then those shouldn't be a big problem but his lumbar 'chance' fracture is much more important. His is in the upper lumbar spine with the thoracolumbar junction involved. A big Sickbay like the one on DS5 could deal with it all but we'd be struggling to contain any associated intra-abdominal injuries especially of the pancreas or duodenum. Their advanced Biobeds can monitor and even contain things like that, where our little ship sickbay models could be stretched to cope. And of course time left untreated could allow it all to deteriorate as well.

The ship's Commander nodded as she walked over to the biobed. "Then it's fortunate that we got back as soon as we did." She replied.

"Yes Ma'am - Mister Dorian is very fortunate indee...." Saffa agreed but was cut off as a shimmer of blue distortions dematerialised them and reassembled them in DS5's Sickbay.

The sanitized smell was the first thing to hit Captian Dulla's senses as she reoriented herself to being within Sickbay. She noticed the nurse approaching her, Saffa, and Dorian.

"Captian Dulla, of the SS Langston Hughes" She said, introducing herself. "We'll need to have Dorian admitted for treatment and observation. My medical crew have stabilised him, but Deep Space 5's medical bay is more adequately equipped to handle further treatment.

Captain Dulla also understood that by transporting Dorian to the station, there was less likelihood that anyone would go poking around his medical file and discovering the indication of him not being fully Human. Not fully Human . . .she couldn't even bring herself to say them to herself let alone repeating them to another person. Still, this was the safest course of action until she could think of something else.

Amia was already aware of the new arrivals and approached. "Captain Dulla, welcome to DS5. I'm sorry it has to be under such difficult circumstances but I can assure you we completely understand and agree that we have better equipment at our disposal for such serious injuries as those that afflict Dorian." she shook hands with a firm but unobtrusive grip and copied the use of Dorian's first name as Captain Dulla had done.

Captain Dulla stepped a bit closer to the Doctor and spoke in a lowered tone. "If anybody comes here asking for any information on Dorian, you are to contact first" She said. She looked directly into the Doctor's eyes searching for indication of compliance.

"If anyone comes in here asking for information on ANY of our patients they will be told that because of Data Protection Rights of all patients in a medical scenario, no information can be shared unless they have a legal warrant from the highest levels of Starfleet. We don't even acknowledge whether or not a person is a patient here unless we know that the questioner either has Lasting Power of Attorney or Starfleet authority." Amia replied, returning the visiting Captain's gaze steadily.

"Thank you," Captain Dulla said, anxiety obvious in her tone. She knew that she was under a tight timeline before others within the Raddon Corporation learned about Dorian's. . .condition. She needed to work fast before things got worse.

"I'll be in touch." She said as she turned to leave.

Dorian Gabriel
Security Consultant
Raddon Corp

Kalinda Dulla
Captain - SS Langston Hughes
Raddon Corp

Dr Saffa Cross
Medical Officer
SS Langston Hughes

Cmdr Amia Telamon
Chief Medical Officer
Deep Space Five


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