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Sunrise Insights

Posted on Fri Dec 4, 2020 @ 8:41am by Civilian Jason Haines

330 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: The Haines' Beachside Estates
Timeline: MD 2, 0600


Jason bolted awake. Once again, he had, had the dream that had been haunting him for the last month; Deep Space 5 being destroyed. He wasn’t a big one for things like dream analyzing or things like that, but since he had been at the station, he had seen some unusual stuff. He snickered a little bit as he thought about what the new counselor, T’Lul would say about these dreams.

Looking around the beach, Jason stretched and then pulled out some rations from his pack and grabbed the data padd that Captain Phralan had delivered. He looked over the reports again. Most of it, he was considering writing off as Temporal’s general paranoia, but one item, person more accurately, stuck out at him; Colonel Nicholas Means.

“The third”, Jason muttered aloud.

Means was another time traveler, albeit an unwilling one, just like Tessaro. Was it coincidence that he had been sent here or was there something more at play? He would have to do some additional reading on the USS Bloome.

That would need to wait. He had a gut feeling if there was anything, it was here on the planet. He needed to speak with Alanna to see what, if anything, her teams had found in this past month. Before that though, he was going to take his morning swim and then pack.

He was walking to the shore when it hit him. In his self-isolation he had found some underwater ruins, some of the details had looked like the statues that had been in the portal caves. The clue or clues he needed weren’t on the land. Between the Starfleet group and Raddon, if there had been more in the area the chances were high that they would have found it. What he was looking for would be underwater somewhere. That said, it was a very large somewhere that he had to search.


Jason Haines
Resident Beach Bum
Deep Space 5


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