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In A Flash

Posted on Fri May 15, 2020 @ 8:16am by Civilian Jason Haines

412 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Jason's Head
Timeline: MD 04, 0200


Jason’s eye’s snapped opened as he heard incomprehensible whispering from the dark. It was hot and humid, and it sounded like it was raining.

“Computer, lights”, he said as the last he knew, he had gone to bed.

Almost on cue, lightning flashed and illuminated the darkness as thunder roared through the night. He could see he was not in his room. He was on a beach, somewhere. He looked about and saw he was under some sort of lean-to. As the darkness returned it started to pour.

After a few minutes of rain, a loud moan reached Jason’s ears. It sounded like someone in pain. Lightning flashed again and Jason could see someone down on the beach sprawled on the beach, struggling to move. They moaned again but it was drowned out by another blast of thunder and the pouring rain.

Getting up, Jason slowly headed towards the beach. The torrent of rain made walking through the sand difficult in the dark. Another flash of lightning guided his way. The moan of the person grew louder and then the thunder howled, once again drowning out the moan.

As Jason got to the individual, the storm cleared rather abruptly in a flash of lightning and final crash of thunder. The full moon in the sky let Jason see the individual before him and he pulled them out of the surf. When he stopped, one of their hands clasped his forearm.

They groaned and started to say something in a language Jason did not understand. The individual rolled to their side and he could see a large wound in their side. He looked to the person and in the moonlight, Jason could see the individual was a hideous looking individual who looked at him with despair, fear, and wonder.

“It’s ok”, Jason said as he started taking off his shirt to use for a bandage. “I’m going to help you.”

The individual said something, and Jason shook his head.

“I don’t understand”, he said.

The individual slowly pointed up into the sky. Jason looked up. His eyes grew wide. Deep Space Five was falling from the sky, burning through the atmosphere. Jason stood and could only stare in disbelief as the station broke apart. As he did, he felt a pull on his pant leg.

He looked down and his ‘patient’, with fear in their eyes, said, “He’s coming.”


Jason Haines
Official Station Miscreant


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