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A Family Affair - Part III

Posted on Fri May 15, 2020 @ 10:46am by Civilian Jason Haines

919 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Jason Haines' Quarters
Timeline: MD 4, 1700 Hours

Jason’s eyes opened as the chime to his door rang. He had been trying to meditate as his pent-up anger was eating at him and nothing he had tried had helped to alleviate it. Getting up, he went to the door. Word was slowly getting out that he was alive, so he didn’t have any issues standing in front of the door. Between the guard outside and the knife he had on him; he was confident things could be dealt with.

He opened the door and his eyes grew wide. Standing before him was his father. He knew he was going to have to have this moment given the plans to take down Daniels, but he hadn’t expected it to come so soon.

“May I come in”, Rob asked.

“Sure”, Jason said with a nod and stepped aside to let his father in. “Something to drink.”

“That’s ok”, Rob said, sitting down. “Look, I owe you an explanation.”

“Yeah, after nearly eight years, I would say that’s a bit of an understatement”, Jason said going to get a drink of his own.

When Jason sat down, Rob said, “This is going to sound really far-fetched, but I was looking for your mom.”

Jason took a sip of his drink and set it down on the table. He shook his head. He could have sworn he just heard a train whistle.

“Jason”, Rob said putting his hand on his son’s arm. “Are you ok?”

Jason regained his focus, “Yeah, just tired. Why would you be looking for mom? She’s dead.”

“Well, that’s where this gets a bit complicated”, Jason said. “When we were in Starfleet, we learned that there were clones of your mother. We were never sure if she was the original or a clone.”

A picture of an old newspaper flashed in Jason’s mind; a picture of his mother was on it. He shook his head. He reached for his glass and took another drink.

Rob eyed his son with concern, but continued, “She and I agreed that if we ever heard about any of the others, we would investigate. Well, when I left back when you were 17, I had gotten word that one may have been seen.”

“Why didn’t you take me with you?”, Jason asked.

“I think your recent encounters with Daniels says it all”, Rob replied. “I’ve made a bunch of enemies over my career and you weren’t ready if we ran into any of them, which I did.”

“Did you find her?” Jason asked.

“No”, Rob said. “I spent more time running from enemies and other hostiles.”

“What about when you got back?” Jason asked. “You could have contacted me.”

“Unfortunately, no”, Rob said. “Some of the enemies I’ve made are in Starfleet. The hazard of telling higher ranking officers to go pound sand. I was grabbed pretty much when I got off my transport and sent to XI’Cadia with explicit instructions not to contact you or there would be trouble for you. I’m sorry.”

“Freaking Starfleet”, Jason muttered.

“Yeah”, Rob replied. “So, after we got done with our family friend, I have a couple of other leads about your mom.”

At that moment, Jason looked up towards his bedroom door and he saw ‘George’ leaning up against the wall, clad in the prospector clothes he wore when Jason first encountered him. He dropped his drink and the conversation that he had with George when he had ‘died’, the night of the poker game, flashed through his mind. He heard a train whistle blowing. The next thing he could remember was his father tapping his face.

“Hey”, Rob said. “We need to get you to sickbay, you just passed out.”

“No”, Jason said, as he sat up. “I’m ok.”

He looked towards the bedroom, but George wasn’t there. He got off the floor and sat back down on the couch.

“You won’t be able to find mom”, Jason said. “Only I can.”

“What?” Rob asked looking confused.

“Now it’s my turn for the far-fetched”, Jason said, amazed at what he was remembering. As strange as it was, Jason knew down in his soul that it was true. “Mom, isn’t completely human, she is part fae.”

“How?”, Rob said. “I’ve read about them from the station’s history. They don’t seem to be the type to mingle with humans much.

“Your guess is as good as mine, that part of her life wasn’t explained to me”, Jason said. “She’s a prisoner of some bad-ass fae I’ve been told. Apparently despite being a mixed breed, she has some power that he wants. When she was captured, she split herself into parts the fae call shards to scatter her power, hence the clones.”

“And that makes you part fae”, Rob said.

“Yeah”, Jason answered. “I’ve been told that although not likely, given the weakness of the blood line, I might have some sort of powers. Wish I did. They would have helped against Daniels.”

Rob laughed which caused Jason to laugh.

“Come on, let’s go get something to eat”, Rob said standing.

“Yeah, that would be good”, Jason said and followed his dad, smiling, feeling like a kid again.

To Be Continued...


Jason Haines
Resident Miscreant

LCDR. Robert Haines
Intelligence Officer
APB Jason Haines

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