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Behind closed doors.

Posted on Fri May 15, 2020 @ 2:27am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Dorian Torel

1,216 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: The Box of Delights
Timeline: MD 02 0845 to 1100


Dorian jumped back as watched as the clubs shutters dropped into place before turning to Yolanthe. He could understand the need to protect her shop and staff but a part of him was disappointed. After all it had been a while since he had had the chance for a good old fashioned brawl. "What you didn't want to smack that raddonite xenophobic asshat into his place," he said smiling.

"I don't hit boys." She told him. "Unless its self defense, or the defense of another. And Raddon's fanboys are always making threats. If I hit them every time one of them made a crude suggestion my knuckles would split and never heal."

She looked out at the people shouting, screaming, bleeding on the Prom. "The people I care about are in here, and safe, thats more important than showing the asshats their place."

"This is true..." adding sarcastically "...but it can be so satisfying.

"Sooo...what shall we do while the idiots outside bloody each other?"

Yolanthe held out her mop. "What I came here at this godforsaken hour to do anyway. Clean. I've got Cardassian Sunrise all over the mezzanine, slippery nipple splattered over the tongo tables and a small lake of beer congealing in the booths."

Never one to be afraid of getting his hands dirty he took the mop grinning. "Tell you what lets get this place cleaned up and then I'm going to make you breakfast. Deal?"

"Cleaning then getting in the kitchen?" She gave him an arch look. "I can get used to that. Though you better be a decent cook. I'm hungry, and I'm sure the others are too."

"Well it's the least I can do for you coming to my rescue and sealing me in away for all those violent humans." He said with added sarcasm.

Screams echoed from outside, and there was the sound of shouting and alarms and sobbing and phasers. "I'm not apologising for that. I protect whats mine. I do not want to see you hurt."

Waving a hand at the door. " forget I'm Angosian, I can take quite beating before actually getting hurt, but your other folks needed to protection no doubt. Now shall I take care of the Cardassian Sunrises or or the Slippery Nipples?"

She laughed, a dirty chuckle at the innuendo, her skin turning pink. "There's an offer. Cardassian Sunrises. You can do the other thing later."

Smirking with a quick wink. "Sounds like a plan to me. Well let's get started." Walking by her slowly he brushed against her on his way to the mezzanine to see just what he needed to do first.

She slapped his arse on the way past. "Get to it boy, I'm hungry."


It had taken longer than expected to get the all the various areas of the bar cleaned up. "You must have had a wild crowd in here last night." Tossing a towel towards her smiling. "Well so much for about lunch?"

"lunch sounds good!" she called out from the dabo tables where she was sweeping gunge covered chips into a bucket. "Plenty of it, we open at 12, so everyone needs something before we start!"

He walked into the bars kitcken and stopped cold. It was a chaotic mess as the cleaning behind the scenes was still in full swing. Working his way through everyone and grabbed several items, piling them into his arm.

Leaving the kitchen, keep the precariously balanced load intact, he head up to the holosuites to create a kitchen where he could prepare everything. He was nowhere near the culinary master Jeffers was nor could he compare to his bosses ability to whip something up, but how hard could it.

Walking passed her he replied to her questioning gaze. "They're awfully busy in there...didn't want to get in the way."

She narrowed her eyes at him, "Good plan." she said, somewhat suspicious.

Entering the holosuit he called up a simply kitchen and dropped the load onto the counter. Giving the cabinets a once through he pulled out the pots, pans, bowls, and other items he figured he would need.

The burners were fired up and things were boiling, simmering, and sizzling nicely. But that's when all hell broke loose. A burner flamed up and strated a grease fire. In his haste to put it out he knock one of the other pans sending crashing to the floor. "SHIT!"

The burners off and the flames out he fanned the smoke away to inspect the damage. The charred remains of what had been a gorgeous fillet smoldered back at him. "That's just PERFECT! Now what the fuck...", slamming the skillet onto the stove.

"Okay...okokokok...." Scratching at the back of his neck a moment he stood there thinking. He hurried out of the suite and rushed passed her again and back into the kitchen area. To see what he could find.

Most of the stuff they served was replicated so there was very little to pick from...and he was running out of time. Even if he replicated the ingredients it had to be something that could be fixed quickly.

All he could find, that he knew he could do something with, was some pasta, and what looked like a cream sauce. Tasting it he shrugged and thought, ~that should work~.
Replicating a few other things he hurried passed Yolanthe again. "Almost done."

"I can smell smoke?" She asked after him, sniffing the air. "Why can I smell smoke?" She didn't get an answer.

A time latter he stepped out of the holosuite taking a deep breath. He looked back grimacing at the mess he had made and knew he'd have to clean up later. "Computer seal the holosuite."

Making his way down the stair, towel over his shoulder, with two bowls in hand. "Sorry for the delay but there was a little mishap and I had to improvise."

"As long as there is protein and vitamins." She said, pulling the bowl across to inspect the offering. "Oh my," she said, her body blushing a light peach. "That looks....filling."

He grinned sheepishly, "Not sure about the vitamins but...well like I said I had to improvise."

Yolanthe, getting a stronger shade of orange looked at the whiteish sludge looking more gelatinous than creamy. "So, what's the name of this masterpiece, chef?"

He shrugged a bit with sheepish grin. "Failure." As he laughed.

Taking the bowl away from her looked down offering her a hand. "Let go get some real food...anything on, or off the menu. My treat."

"Alright. But we have to be quick, so no three course meals." She warned him, turning shades of blue on realising she wasn't going to have to eat the gloop he had set in front of her. "And remind me to never let you cook again."

He laughed as he gestured towards the exit. "No problem there. I'll leave the cooking to those that know and stick with what I'm good at."

"And what would that be?" Yolanthe gave him a wicked smile.

Bouncing his eybrows with a grin of his own, "Dancing..."

She snorted, "Lets go, twinkletoes."


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights

Dorian Torel
Bodyguard / Henchman for Geral Lasuma


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