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Posted on Fri Apr 10, 2015 @ 12:51pm by Commander Caleb Ryan & Ensign Jessica Mayhew & Civilian Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan & Lieutenant Kyle "Loki" Carter

1,078 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Security Office
Timeline: MD 2/1255

Kyle was lucky that the turbolift dropped him off within sight of the station's Security Office or he might have been wandering around for some time. He wanted to make sure he was on time for his 1300 appointment with Security. No reason to start off on a bad foot with a Lieutenant Commander on the senior staff. He approached the outer doors to Security and they swished open.

He was met by a smiling, attractive blonde at the front desk. “Hello, sir,” the ensign greeted him. “How can I help you?” Jessica Mayhew looked the attractive lieutenant over and flashed him her perfect smile, the light smattering of freckles over her cheeks emphasizing her pale blue-grey eyes.

Kyle flashed the young ensign a smile right back. "I'm Lieutenant Kyle Carter. I'm here to see Commander Ryan. He's probably expecting me. I have an appointment for thirteen hundred hours," he said as he tried not to stare at the beautiful woman at the desk.

“Oh, the commander isn’t back from lunch yet,” Jessica said. “I’m sure he will be soon if you want to take a sea—Oh, here he is!” Jessica said as the doors opened.

A tall, dark-haired man with dark eyes and a bit of stubble entered, accompanied by a pretty teenage girl with bright rainbow hair and Trill spotting on her neck. She wore a short skirt that emphasized her long legs in torn fishnet stockings and heavy combat boots. A tight t-shirt advertised some band called Steampunk Zombies. She had dark eyeliner that emphasized her blue eyes.

“Lieutenant Carter for you, sir,” Jessica said.

“Ah, right. We have an appointment,” Caleb said in his easy Texas drawl. “Hello, Lieutenant. Mah daughter Zandy,” he introduced.

“Aleczandra,” the rainbow haired teen said, “or Zandra,” she corrected, smiling at the handsome young officer, offering her hand. Was she drooling? She hoped she wasn’t drooling, because he was gorgeous.

Kyle nodded to Aleczandra with a friendly smile. "Nice to meet you." He then offered a handshake to the Caleb. "Glad to meet you as well, Commander. I promise I'll try not to take up too much of your time. I'm sure you're plenty busy today."

“More than ya know,” Caleb chuckled. “Still gettin’ mah feet on the ground,” he admitted. “Mah office?” He gestured to the office door, which Jessica was getting for them.

Caleb turned to Aleczandra and kissed her forehead. The teenager pulled away in embarrassment, shooting a quick look at Kyle.

“Dinner tonight,” she reminded him. “Lieutenant Rex is coming over.”

“Ah know,” Caleb said. “The steaks are marinatin’,” he assured.

The rainbow-haired teen shot another look at Kyle and then turned to go.

“Got any kids, Lieutenant?” Caleb asked he followed the pilot into his office and Jessica shut the door behind them. There was a black Stetson hat hanging on a hook by the door and some pictures of cattle and Western landscapes on the walls. On the desk was a picture of a pretty blonde Trill woman with a younger version of Aleczandra without the wildly colored hair, her natural blonde. A small cedar display case with a glass top held an antique pearl handled Colt Peacemaker.

"I do not; not quite ready for that yet," Kyle said, looking over the decor in the Commander's office. "That's a beautiful revolver you have there, sir. Single action, am I right? Back on Earth I got to go to the old historical town Tombstone a few times and always loved the trips. So much history there."

“There is,” Caleb agreed with a smile. “Been in my family for generations. Got the match at in my quarters, as well as a Winchester lever action and a shotgun. Had an ancestor that was a Texas Ranger back then. His father died at the Alamo.” He gestured to Kyle to take a seat. “What can Ah do for ya, Lieutenant?” Caleb asked.

Kyle sat down across from the Caleb. "Just making sure I get my security clearances for the station in order," he answered. "I like to get things taken care of quickly, no reason to procrastinate or twiddle my thumbs."

“Just so,” Caleb nodded. “Let me pull up yer transfer orders.” He punched into his computer for a moment. “Right,” he mused as he perused the security ticket. Then he went to a shelf with a bunch of PADDs stacked on it and took one down. He punched a few things into it, typed on his computer a moment, and then handed the PADD over to Kyle.

“There’s your secure PADD,” Caleb told Kyle. “Anything confidential or secret should be kept on there and nowhere else. And don’t lose it. Ya know the drill,” he told the pilot. “Your current passcode is CHANGEME, all caps. Please do change it as soon as you’re able. It will only last twenty-four hours and then you’ll be locked out again. The PADD will prompt ya with what’s a secure passcode.” He looked at the screen. “And…your clearances have been accepted. Your access list is on the PADD. If ya need it changed, let me know an’ get the proper clearances from the department head.”

"I appreciate the help, Commander, thank you," Kyle said, taking the PADD. "Anything else I should be aware of?"

“Well, Ah don’t need my security officers breakin’ up any bar room brawls all ya’ll pilots get inta,” Caleb smiled at the young man. “Keep yer boys on a leash, at least a little bit,” he chuckled.

Kyle nodded with a smile. "And I don't want my pilots in the brig when they should be out flying patrol, so we definitely see eye to eye on that."

“Great,” Caleb chuckled. “Is there anythin’ else ya need, Lieutenant?” the security chief offered.

Kyle shook his head with a smile. "No, I think that about covers it, Commander. Thank you for your time. I'll let you get back to your work. I'm sure with a station this large you have more important things to deal with," Kyle said as he stood up from his seat.

Caleb smiled. “Part of the job, Lieutenant,” he said. “Pleasure meetin’ ya.” He stood as well.

Jessica gave Kyle a smile as he passed by the front desk.


Lieutenant Commander Caleb Ryan
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Lieutenant Kyle "Loki" Carter

Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan

Ensign Jessica Mayhew
Desk Officer


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