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Quis custodiet

Posted on Fri Apr 10, 2015 @ 4:32am by Captain Maritza Soran

425 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Soran's Office
Timeline: MD03 0815


"You know," said Anna when Lieutenant Carter had gone. "There's this book. Its about 400 year old, but I don't think humans have changed that much. Its called 'How to make friends and influence people'. You should read it."

Martiza averted her eyes from any reflective surface. She didn't need to see Anna's grim apparition right now. "One. He needs to be pushed. He has to get his arrogance under control. If he gets snarky with the wrong person when in charge of a ship, its the difference between war and peace. Two, I don't need to justify myself to a hallucination. Go away."

"No." Anna said. "And you do need to justify yourself. Every single minute you draw breath you have to justify your right to breath you cold-hearted vicious slut. You know that. How many have died becuase of you? Eight hundred? A thousand? Everyone pays the price for your mistakes!"

Maritza opened the draw in the desk. There was one way to shut out Anna's screeching. "You're a hallucination."

"Keep telling yourself that." Anna spat back. "You disgusting excuse for a sentient being."

Martiza slammed the door shut. Nothing there. Then she remembered. She hurriedly went to the conduit access panel at the otherside of the small room.

"And you've got another ship. More people to kill. You must be over the moon." Anna was behind her shoulder. "Maybe that's why you were so hard on him. trying to save his life before you can wreck it. Very noble."

The trill used the edge of her comm-badge to pry the panel out, and set it aside. Then she reached in behind the wall and felt her way around with her fingers.

"It won't work you know," Anna continued. "Your efforts to save people are pathetic. Look at me."

"I held on. As long as I could."

"You let go." Anna spat. "You let me go."

"If only I could." Maritza muttered to herself as her fingers closed around the hypospray she had stashed there.

Anna gave a short sarcastic laugh. "That won't work forever. Hide while you can."

Maritza sagged back against the wall and pressed the hypospray to her neck. Anna's form flickered in her periperhal vision, like static on a subspace com, and then she vanished. She left behind a headache, but Maritza didn't care. She had at least 8 hours of peace in which to get an angry fighter pilot to calm down long enough to learn something.


Lt Commander Maritza Soran
2nd Officer/Head of Strategic Ops


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