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Give him back! (Part III of V)

Posted on Thu Apr 23, 2020 @ 3:41pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant JG Natalie Cross & Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis

1,740 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Various around DS5
Timeline: Back post : Doors of Perception, MD 17

Previously in Give Him Back
"Starfleet! That's your only warning! You're on our ship. You can either beam off safely, or you can beam off in a coffin. The choice is yours!" Harrison shouted from his cover.

Lecesse considered the challenge. "I think we have our answer. They're clearly not planning on surrendering, and we don't have the element of surprise."

She pulled a stun grenade from her belt. The standard security teams didn't carry them, so the item was in short supply. The hope was to save them for engineering, but they still had three others. Activating the grenade, she silently counted to three before tossing it down the corridor.

Harrison and his group heard the clanking of the grenade before they saw it roll around the corner and into the corridor ahead of them.

And now the continuation

"Grenade! Get dow---" Harrison tried to shout, but before he could finish his sentence, a young deckhand by the name of Karl race past him and lunged towards the grenade, throwing his entire body on top of the unit. The subsequent blast, still created a concussive burst of force and light, but it was muted due to the body that had landed on top of the grenade and absorbed the majority of the energy of the blast, much to his own demise.

Harrison sighed angrily as he watched the young boy's body just slump lifelessly back onto the deck. Just ahead of him he saw the first shadows of the Security Officers as they came charging around the corner.

"You sonsovabitches!" Harrison shouted as he and his group revealed themselves from their cover and charged at the uniformed group. The sound of bodies colliding with one another filled the corridor as the civilians used their weapons, hands, and at times their teeth to press the advantage against the security officers.

Harrison immediately grappled with a Andorian Petty Officer. He used the butt of his disruptor to ram it into the solar plexus of the Officer, followed by a quick thrust into the officers face, causing an audible cracking noise. As the officer fell the to the ground, Harrison brought down the butt of his disruptor and fired into the Officer's chest twice. All around him, his team continued to fight with the officers in the crowded hall. They had the slight advantage of knowing the area better than the Security officers, but it was still a confined space, that did not allow for too much movement or the use of one's discharging weapons.

Harrison withdrew his pocket blade as his chest heaved and adrenaline flowed through him. He turned to his right and saw an Andorian officer aiming at another of his group members. Harrison knew he had the slightly advantage of the confusion and used it as he ran towards the Ensign and slammed his shoulder directly into the side of his body. the impact through the Ensign off balance and allowed Harrison the moment of confusion he needed to jab the knife several times into his abdomen, causing him to drop to the ground.

The young Security Officer immediately dropped to the ground, clutching his wound. Harrison knew that the other officers would not allow their colleague to lie there bleeding, thus it would be one less Starfleet Officer involved in the battle royale. Harrison stepped over the injured Andorian and unslung his disruptor as he continued down the corridor.

The other security officers moved in on the freighter crew, firing as targets presented themselves. They soon closed the distance, forcing them to switch to close quarters combat. The SRU members were in a better position for this type of scenario, simply due to the equipment they carried. Slinging her rifle, Lecesse pulled out her stun baton. As the nearest defender rushed her position, the Betazoid knocked him off his feet before slamming the baton into his side. Activating the stun feature just long enough to knock him out, she turned to face the next opponent.

As the initial wave slammed into the ship's crew, Krarsos kept an eye on the situation. It was soon clear more help would be needed. "Davila stay here and take any shots you can. Just try not to hit any of us. Bouvet see if you can get to Tihr, the rest of us will deal with the crew."

Letting out a Klingon war cry, Krarsos lead the rest of the security team into the fray.

Mike Tandar was still struggling with a particularly strong Vulcan security officer. The Officer had pinned him against the wall rather deftly, and was reaching to apply the Vulcan nerve pinch to the Human beligerant. Suddenly, the Vulcan went visibly stiff and his grip relaxed from around Tandar's neck as he collapsed. Behind the Vulcan stood a panting crewhand with a bloody entrenchment tool or e-tool.

"Great damn timing. . ." Tandar said as he rubbed his neck and stepped over the prone form of the Vulcan. All around them chaos continued to reign as the crewmen continued to fighting the well-armed Starfleet Officers. It was clear that they would not be able to hold them off indefinitely, but at least it bought time for the plan to work.

Security Control

Annora swore as the transporter operator announced the shields were raised aboard the freighter. At least they had some of her people aboard, including 4 of the 6 SRU teams. Thankfully Criteser and Lecesse were among those.

=/\ Tessaro to Soran. We were able to get 49 personnel aboard before the shields went up. I'm standing by with the remaining teams once we find a way around the shields. =/\=

Natalie stood there with the remaining teams. Couple of members of her team had arrived. She filled them in quickly on what was going on. Things had turned on them rather quickly. Her mind wondered to the individual that had betrayed them. This was defiantly different then a starship. She let out a sigh and waited.


I have no Jurisdiction? You're in my fucking airspace Maritza thought. "DS5 to SS Archangel. You are resisting a police action, I suggest you heave to and co-operate or it may harm your defense." Maritza turned to her tactical officer. "Tractor him, bring him into bay 32, Ms Tessaro, do what you have to do. Get Claude back before they can do any damage!"

Archangel - Bridge

"Sir, Engineering was able to raise transport scramblers on about 55-63% of the ship before Starfleet beamed on board." The Conn crewman reported. "I'm reading intruders on Deck 7 heading towards Main Engineering, Deck 14 heading towards Deck 16, and at least two teams heading towards the Bridge." The Conn reported anxiously.

Before Captain Chapman was about to dispatch further orders when the Conn Operator cut in again.

"They're just activated a tractor beam and are trying to move us towards one of their Bays!" The Operator reported.

Chapman nodded. "I figured as much. . ." He said as he went over to the Nav console. "Bring the anti-graviton emitter to 73%, when I give the word, I want you to target the the station's tractor emitter. When the beam is broken I want you to initiate evasive manuer Alpha- 6."

The power of the tractor beam on them increased and the ship was slowly pulled backwards towards the stations midsection.

"Now!" Chapman ordered. Instantly, the Nav operator activated the anti-graviton emitter through the freighter's deflector dish. The sudden surge of energy cascaded into DS5's tractor emitter, causing the power surge that cascaded back into the emitter, dispersing the beam and causing a feedback surge of power.

The Archangel rocked violently as it broke free from the station's beam and quickly brought its maneuvering thrusters online and began to power away from the station at 40%. The freighter was unable to fully bring its engines online and reach escape velocity due to its vicinity to the station and the de-powered status of his engines. Such a maneuver would have blown the ship apart. However, the sudden break from the tractor beam and thrust of its engines allowed the vessel to escape just outside the range of the station's remaining active tractor beams.

It was not a surefire solution, but it brought the freighter and its crew more time to stall.

John Bull - Bridge

"Sir, Archangel just disrupted the station's tractor beams and are slowly maneuvering out of tractor beam range." reported the Operations station.

"Chapman, you brave. . .stupid bastard." Captain Kemiko Hiromi sighed from her chair. She knew that he was doing everything possible to draw the attention of the Starfleet crew while they tried to offloard the cargo from Raddon Industries. Ordinarily, they would have had more time to process everything, but the warning they received from their spy within Starfleet Security had tipped their hand. She wasn't sure how Starfleet knew about the cargo, but at this point she didn't care. Her focus now was the screen before her that showed a small war taking place on the civilian freighter.

(Security Control)

Annora watched as the target ship broke free of the tractor beam. Hopefully the team aboard would be able to gain control of the ship before it was too late. The other two vessels hadn't appeared to be taking advantage of the chaos to make a run. Most likely the Archangel was the culprit, but they hadn't ruled out the other two ships.

"Lt Trellis, would you be opposed to boarding the other two ships just to be safe. I figure we order them back to the station, boarding them if they refuse. As for the Archangel, I'm open to suggestions as to tip the odds in our favor."

Si'Lar grimaced in frustration. He knew that this was turning into a shit-show in short order. However, he also knew that he had an obligation as a Starfleet Officer to carry out the will of the station Commander. He might not have agreed with Commander Soran's suggestion, but he knew that he did not have the luxury of disobeying it.

To be Continued…

Commander Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer

Lieutenant JG Natalie Cross
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Silar Trellis
Undercover Operations Co-ordinator

Antagonists NPCs by Dorian Gabriel


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