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Give him back! (Part II of V)

Posted on Thu Apr 23, 2020 @ 3:51am by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis

1,947 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Various around DS5
Timeline: Back post : Doors of Perception, MD 17

Previously on
"...deck 16 by the secondary. . .shit! They're on their way, do whatever you hav---" Petty Officer Walters was tackled by Lieutenant Si'Lar before he was able to complete his sentence into the device.

Annora entered the hallway in time to see Trellis tackle the wayward Petty Officer. Her left hand dropped to the phaser on her hip, but didn't draw. "Lt Trellis, what is happening?"

Trellis continued to struggle with the Petty Officer for several more moments before he was final able to pin the Human's face down into the deck while using his knee to apply pressure to his shoulder blames, keeping him down.

"I caught him communicating to someone!" Lt. Trellis said. "I think he's in contact with someone on one of the ships!" He added.

And now the continuation


"....They're on their way, do whatever you hav---" Abdul Sayed flinched momentarily as he heard the violent commotion on the other end of the line. HE did not need to hear more to know exactly what was happening. Security was only a few minutes away from making a move against them. Sayed turned to the other two with him.

"Get word to the everyone we're about to be boarded. Don't use the comms, the station is probably listening in on our comm system." He said as he inputted his access code to the armory locker.

"Get a team down to deck 16 and secure the shipment." He ordered intensely.

"What if Starfleet gets onboard before we can." Asked the younger girl.

"You've got a disruptor, you know what to do." Sayed said as he handed a fully charged disruptor to the two Humans. He took out his tight-beam close-range communicator and reached out to his comrades on the Viridian Dream and John Bull.

=/\= Starfleet is on their way, tell your ships to disembark and break way from the station. Use any force necessary. =/\= He said as he grabbed his own weapon and made his way to the team waiting for him near the docking gate. They needed to disengage the vessel from the station before Security could get a foothold onto the ship.

They were after the Yeoman, but there was also the non-disclosed cargo onboard the vessels that Starfleet could not get their hands on. If it meant killing the Yeoman and damn near everyone else on the ship, then so be it.

This mission was already risky enough without an insider tipping the kidnappers off. Hauling Walters to his feet, Annora tapped her commbadge.

=/\= Tessaro to brig. Beam Petty Officer Walters to a holding cell. Aside from Senior Staff, only Lt Trellis is allowed access to the prisoner. /\=

She then turned her attention back to the other security officer.
"We'll worry about his betrayal later. Did you overhear anything that will help narrow down our search ?"

Si'Lar slowly rose to his feet as the demat process removed the Petty Officer from the corridor. He looked towards the Security Chief. "He said something about a deck 16, some kind of secondary. . .I...I didn't hear the rest." The Trill said. "But I don't know who he was talking to nor what vessel they're on." He said frustratingly.

"Whatever you were going to do, the cat is out of the bag now.


Annora took off at a sprint back towards the security office. Their ticking clock just moved significantly closer to midnight. She bypassed the Chief, only stopping when she reached the briefing room. All the SRU teams and not quite 3/4 of the regular security guards had arrived.

"Change of plans. We're 99% sure Yeoman Claude is on the Archangel, possibly on Deck 16. Problem is they've been tipped off to our arrival. The goal is still to gain control of the ship, but we've lost the element of surprise. Ensign Criteser and Petty Officer Lecesse will take lead of the first wave. I'll bring up the rear with the others if need be. Any questions?"

"No Ma'am!" Came the unified response.


Captain Chapman nodded to his Docking Master and handed the padd back to him. "Coordinate with Sayed, do not let those 'fleet-bastards anywhere near the cargo. I don't know what the hell they're looking for, but they're not just gonna come goose-step onboard my ship." He said as he stood and face the main viewer.

"Hail the docking control, let them know that we are departing immediately." He ordered. "Disengage all service connections with the station and re-engage autonomous controls." He said.


In OPS, Maritza heard the request from one of the target vessels. She gave her tactical officer a brief shake of the head.

With one hand, the officer locked the tractor beam targeting system into place. with the other she opened hailing frequencies. "DS5 to SS Archangel. Permission to depart is denied. Place maintain your position in the stack."

Maritza looked at the visual display of the part of the traffic control stack the Archangel occupied. "If it even thinks of breaking, haul them in. Soran to Tessaro." her combadge chirped as it connected. "The Archangel is attempting to leave, Launch your boarding action now."


Captain Chapman bit down on his lip in anger. "Get down to Engineering tell them to activate the transporter scramblers. If they want to force their way onto my ship, then they can see how much they'll enjoy beaming head-first into a bulkhead." He said sardonically as he dispatched his crew member.

Ordinarily, such technology would have been difficult for a civilian to get a hold of. However Chapman knew that a moment like this would once when Starfleet would overstep their bounds of authority and try to enforce their will on civilians. Chapman and others like him had been preparing for a moment like this for much longer than anyone in uniform would feel comfortable knowing.

"Comms, broadcast to every civilian vessel docked at the station. I want everyone to hear what the hell is going on." He said.

=/\= Archangel to Deep Space 5, this is a civilian vessel. You have no authority over any member of my crew or my ship. I will interpret any action to stop my vessel as a hostile act of military aggression and will respond accordingly. =/\= He said as he nodded to his weapons officer.

"Activate the transporter scrambler for the Bridge and raise shields." He ordered. "Send general condition order 1 throughout the the entire ship begin sealing off the individual decks. If they want this ship, they'll need to claw it from my hands deck by deck." He said intently.

Archangel - Deck 7

The first wave materialized on a lower deck of the ship, rifles at the ready.

"Starfleet security! On your knees now!

It didn't matter if the occupants put up a fight or not, it was easier to treat them all as potentially hostile. They could sort out the innocent from the guilty once the situation was under control.

Alvin saw the sudden arrival of the Starfleet Officers, they out-numbered him and the 4 other Archangel deck hands and already had their weapons drawn. They couldn't fight them, but they don't definitely wouldn't go down without a fight.

Alvin slowly put his hands behind his head and slowly began to bend his knees. As he did he suddenly shift his weight and pivoed to his right and thrust himself into the wall panel, slamming his hand into, activating the shipwide klaxon.


Alvin fell to his knees and through his hands up as the Starfleet Officer descended on him. "We're stronger than you 'fleet bastards think!"

Throughout the vessel, the deckhands heard the klaxon sound throughout the ship as the lights were cut to emergency lights and sensors. The crew, entirely civilian, had were ready for this. After observing Captain Hayashi Tetsuro's sacrifice onboard the USS Svirkiri just a year ago, the crew had prepared themselves for when they would need to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Archangel - Deck 14

Harrison left Engineering flanked by a dozen deckhands. The Engineering crew had managed to raise the shields on about 60% of the vessel before the Fleet invaders had made it onboard. Unfortunately, they weren't able to completely stop them from getting boots onboard. Harrison knew that several more teams were spread throughout the ship, but that wouldn't be enough to completely drive off the Fleeters. But it would be enough to send a message that there were others out there that believed as strongly as the USS Svirkiri crew did that freedom was worth fighting for.

The crew had been out-fitted with several shipments of obtained class-4 phaser rifles. Ordinarily, such weapons were restricted to military-contractors. The crew had spent months secretly equipping themselves as well as other crews with weapons and similar equipment. Now with the sudden arrival of the Starfleet Officers, the crew-members knew that now was the time to take their security into their own hands.

The squad stopped just short of a intersection of several corridors. Harrison signaled for the group to stop and knelt down. The darkened corridor was slightly illuminated by the running lights that glowed along the side of the corridor. It was not much light, but Harrison knew that it was the most likely path the Fleeters could take if their plan was to seek to capture and hold the Engineering department.

"Hold and prepare to open fire..." Harrison whispered

In an effort to streamline the process, the boarding teams broke into groups of 12. The team headed to engineering held the extra person bringing their number up to 13. As the third team approached main engineering, they did so cautiously. The darkened corridor did not go unnoticed, further signalling that the arrival of the security teams had not gone unnoticed.

Rifles at the ready, the team stopped short of an intersection, as tricorders indicated multiple life signs up ahead. Krarsos activated her wrist beacon as she peaked around the corner.

A disruptor discharge lanced across the intersection towards the corner where the Starfleet Security Officer had peaked around the corner.

Krarsos ducked back behind cover as a disruptor beam flashed by.

"Starfleet! That's your only warning! You're on our ship. You can either beam off safely, or you can beam off in a coffin. The choice is yours!" Harrison shouted from his cover.

Lecesse considered the challenge.
"I think we have our answer. They're clearly not planning on surrendering, and we don't have the element of surprise."

She pulled a stun grenade from her belt. The standard security teams didn't carry them, so the item was in short supply. The hope was to save them for engineering, but they still had three others. Activating the grenade, she silently counted to three before tossing it down the corridor. Once the blast subsided, half the team rushed into the corridor rifles at the ready. There was no point in sending everyone due to the confines of the location, plus there was a chance of being flanked.

Harrison and his group heard the clanking of the grenade before they saw it roll around the corner and into the corridor ahead of them.

"Grenade! Get dow---!"
To be Continued…

Commander Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer

Lieutenant JG Natalie Cross
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Silar Trellis
Undercover Operations Co-ordinator

Antagonists NPCs by Dorian Gabriel


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