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Little girl lost part 3

Posted on Wed Apr 1, 2020 @ 11:21pm by Lieutenant Yukiko Winters

865 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Things Past
Location: Betazid
Timeline: Approximately 3 years before En et Arcada Ego

Taggum had provided clean clothing for her and Silk had gone down the stairs to see if she could help with her hosts preparation. As she remembered meals here were both bountiful but easily prepared being mostly fresh garden varieties.

Taggum was setting the places. He looked up shaking his head. "I have never heard someone move so quietly. There is training there." It was a statement.

Silk nodded. "Yes, you are correct. I hope I did not startle you?"

"No, I could feel your presence otherwise." His face grew a bit harder and he motioned to a spot indicating for her to sit. "You are like her aren't you? I can feel your mind, and there are shields there. Who are you really?"

Silk took a seat and looked up the stairs.

"I am Yukiko Winters," she said.

Taggum looked at her and then laughed. "The same as my foster daughter!" He then looked at her hard for a moment and shook his head. "I get no sense of falsity about that and yet how coincidental it is that your have the same name, the same looks though obviously full womanhood."

Silk shook her head. "I am the same one, but not sure exactly how I got here sir. I was on Bajor taking time to contemplate and the Vedek there let me peer into one of their Orbs. I just showed up here."

Taggum pondered a moment. "I have heard about those things but know nothing about them. Still if you are from the future, it is dangerous for you to be here. What things could you change by accident." He seemed to accept her statement but again between telepaths it was hard to lie.

"I understand, but perhaps there is a reason for me to be here? I know it sounds odd but perhaps those Prophets or whatever they are have a reason. Maybe to make up for me not saying that now I am very grateful to you for taking me in and trying to teach me." Silk sighed and looked up the stairs. "I was very frightened, resentful child wasn't I?"

Taggum gave a small tilt in assent. "A pity as well. You have such raw talent but even now I can tell that your skills are not what they should be. You have not studied much have you."

Silk shook her head. "No, not like I should have. Now though, I have started to try to take up where I left off and should not have." She paused and continued, "When I went back to Earth, I asked my father to let me learn the martial arts of my land. He did and my mother gave permission as well as long as I followed her profession."

"She was some sort of hostess, something special in your culture as I remember." Taggum interrupted.

Silk nodded. "Yes, they are called geisha. I did not want to do that but now as I look back of all the things I ever accomplished it is one that I hold the highest regard. I had no discipline here, and in many other aspects of life, but that one for some reason I did for that. I worked hard, followed what I should do, accepted the discipline and at the end when I was allowed to put my hair in the geisha way it was a moment of pride. I should have put as much effort in about my talent."

She fell silent feeling that many things she had done in life steamed from the failure here.

Taggum stood and came over and placed a hand on her. "To see what one has done and what the need to correct it is the first step on path to correct it." At a sound he turned to see little Yukiko coming down the stairs all cleaned and in a fresh outfit. "I think if the roles had been reversed I too would have been a scared and resentful child as well."

He squeezed her shoulder a moment and then smiled. "Well Yukiko, look at you! A beautiful one. Come, let us eat, our guest will have to depart soon but we can have a meal before that time."

The meal and the conversation were light and happy but finally Taggum stood and said, "I think it has been a long day and time for me to turn in." He gave Silk a pointed look to which she nodded. She stood and he beckoned Yukiko to follow to the front door. He said his goodbyes and then turned to leave.

After Tuggum left, Silk turned to her younger self. "I know it is hard to be here so far away from home and family. Try to be good but remember this, you do not have to be frightened anymore."

As she said that, there was a sort of feeling of peace that descended over her. She kissed the girl on her head and turned to walk away.

"I'll try not to be!" Yukiko shouted and then waved before closing the door. Silk turned and waved as well. When the door closed there was a burst of light.


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