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More than one headache?

Posted on Fri Apr 3, 2020 @ 4:31am by Captain Maritza Soran & Lieutenant Yukiko Winters

1,867 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: OPS
Timeline: MD02 1300


It had taken longer than expected to get aboard, DS5's air traffic had closed for sometime the previous day, leaving Yukiko trapped in the back log over night. They were finally cleared to dock mid morning, and then an ops crewman took her on the less than promising journey to her assigned quarters, the trip up through the station interrupted by two brownouts and a few seconds of screaming feedback from the concealed speakers.

But they made it, and Yukiko had time to stow her possessions before being escorted to the stations command centre to meet the captain.

Maritza was in the centre of OPS when she got there, checking in with each of the crew at the various terminals, taking updates and dealing with small crises. When Yukiko approached, she looked up, and gestured towards her office. "Lieutenant Winters?"

Silk popped a pill as she trudged through the station. It was not the trip, the obvious backup, the quarters or interruptions, it was frankly the beings around her. It did not take more than someone with even half an iota of empathy let alone a telepath to get that there had been a lot of disruption and more than just the inconvenience currently exhibited. Though she had managed to get a better handle on shields there was still a tremendous pressure and the beginnings of a blinding headache. "Well," she thought, "if things did not drag too much out. I might make it through before the pill makes me too loopy."

When she arrived at the ops center, it did not take much to pick out the commander of the station. The blonde Trill was busy supervising. She would have stood out even without the rank or the fact that Silk had memorized the biography and features when she had gotten the assignment. That was an odd thing, she had mostly worked in intelligence but somehow this station had needed a diplomatic officer. Her former boss had told her that it was probably going to be a bit less diplomatic and more figuring things out. There was quite a history around this place and she had read the synopsis before agreeing to the position.

"Welcome to DS5, Lieutenant. How was the trip?"

"Like most, boring, too long, captain," Silk replied. "I just hope the china survived all the handling," she quipped as she followed the Trill toward the indicated office. She did not let that get in the way before giving her observation, "looks like things are starting to get back together here, ma'am."

On cue, the lights fuzzed for a second. Maritza raised an eyebrow. "I'm beginning to think its doing it to spite me." She entered her office. It was largely empty, missing anything that smacked of concept, just a chair and a desk, leaving the room dominated by its window. The full height glass wall stretched out in front of her, showing nothing but the star-stuffed void, a breathtaking vista of light. "Refreshments?"

"No thank you," Silk replied. She craved a tea but that would only counteract the medication and she needed to be more at the top of her game right now. She glanced out the window briefly while the captain went to the replicator but that was not her focus, she wanted to get a measure of the captain. The sparseness of the place, she wondered it it was a reflection of the captain. A nothing fancy, just what needed to get done or if something else. She mentally shrugged putting that to the side.

the captain ordered from the replicator and brought it over. "Well cherish those memories of boring. Boring is in short supply round here."

Silk made a tight smile, "If you have seen anything of my record ma'am you will note that there is little that is boring in there. As being in command here then there are certain areas that are available to you that would not be available to most. Some of the details though I am still not at liberty to talk about." Silk knew that there were mentions of her undercover ops, but it would only say just about that. The details of the mission with the Medusan as well would be very light on details as well. Silk did not care, but she understood that there were still some political ramifications that some others did not want everyone to know. That bothered her, to her way of thinking if one tried to keep secrets then it was only going to be more problems in the end.

Maritza grinned. "Oh, I'm well aware of your...eclectic... service history. I hoping you bring some of that unorthodox background to riding herd on Deck 60. Its a mixed bag thats entirely too slippery. Have you had much dealings with Cardassians? Ferengi?"

"Cardassians, not much. Klingons are easy, once you traded a few blows they become your big friend. Ferengi, indeed, I am a very good Tongo player. As long as there is a profit motive someplace in there then you can manipulate them as well even if you are female. A few ear strokes and perhaps in the nude will pretty much wrap them around your finger." Silk chuckled a little at the later.

"You might find that more challenging here. Our Ferengi ambassador is a girl. I don't know which way she swings, but I've never seen her with a female courtesan." Maritza sipped her own raktajino. "I think Charg will like you, though. What about Romulans?"

"Really? That is unusual. Ferengi still do not think much of females of course Zek's reforms have been spreading..." Silk trailed off and then shrugged. "Romulans," Silk made a frown. "They were never big customers on the gambling ship. Always watch the hands, they could be shaking one while stabbing you with the other. There is a history of them trying to acquire and still trying to acquire advantage." She shifted and then leaned forward and said, "They decided to try to bring psionic talents up, not for use like Vulcans but as a war time thing. My Betazed adoptive family had friends that the Romulans tried to use to push what little talent they have. I am not sure where that has gone to since...well since the sort of diaspora."

"Well you might want to get up to speed on them. Of all our current crop is the Romulan Ambassador that is the most suspicious. Turvan, the Cardassian is on a power trip. Quinee wants to wring every drop of profit from Pangaea. And I can handle Charg. But the Romulans. Always secretive, I'm still not entirely sure what they're really after. I'm hoping you can get Ambassador Annwhl to open up to you."

"I will work on that ma'am," Silk nodded. "Indeed, Romulans have it ingrained into their culture. Anyway, while Moral code 8 states: 'Telepathy may only be used in negotiating only if all sides are informed and agree, or the negotiations can turn hostile with relative ease and one or more sides absolutely cannot be trusted', with Romulans hostile and cannot absolutely be trusted pretty much can apply. No," Silk held up a hand, "I won't read his mind directly there is nothing in the codes that stop me from getting impressions." Silk put her hand down and shrugged, "You would be surprised at what beings let slip through and there is nothing in the codes that says I have to maintain shielding at all times. It helps with the headaches but that is on me. Besides, what he does not know the better. One reason I did so much undercover work. Vulcans, Betazoids, and all are pretty much known, humans most do not have the ability and thus few ever consider it."

"Its an unusual talent in humans, yes." Maritza agreed. "And don't take this the wrong way, I'm hoping that the population of Deck 60 are going to seriously underestimate you." Especially the Ferengi. Quinee had run rings around them in Xi'cadia and returning the favour would be quite satisfying.

Silk smiled. "Comes in handy but I pay for it. Even now I had to take something getting off the ship. Just to let you know if I take more than the usual sick days."

"I've seen your notes. DS5 is a big station with a lot of transient visitors. And passions run high about some things. Especially on the Prom. You may find the posting here...uncomfortable."

"My shielding is getting better," Silk tried to reassure the captain. "Trust me, when I was on the gambling ship, we had a lot coming and going and passions really ran high especially when we touched down at mining company sites. Got some meds which help." She shrugged her shoulders, "If every posting was easy then where would the challenge be."

Maritza smiled. "Thats the spirit." She sipped her raktajno. "Your main job is largely helping keep the colony on track. Its still under the control of Dr Wells, but as its expanding and opening up to wider interests, I'm expecting some friction that you may well be expected to smooth over. With so many disparate groups contributing, tempers flaring are inevitable. You may also be called upon to mediate between private civilians as well, since your the closest thing we have to an arbitration service right now. Any questions?"

Silk nodded in the affirmative. She had thought more about being mostly on station but certainly with the planet there was a lot going on. That brought up a set of questions but only one really mattered to her. "This planet, pangea?," it was a sort of question. "These portals or whatever, they sound....intriguing if not a bit dangerous. I could see where there would definitely be a power struggle over who and what controls them. While there was the usual information, getting the scoop from someone who has more experience might be useful, this Doctor Wells perhaps or even yourself or someone else you suggest?" Silk had experienced something like what had been described about the portals but it had been one of the Tears of the Prophets. Maybe worked the same, maybe not but she could see the potential for problems.

"There's not much to scoop beyond what was in your briefing pack. After the visit from the alternate universe , expeditions were halted until we could more thoroughly map the caves themselves. Its proving slow going."

"Understood," Silk replied. That was enough for now, she would stop by a few other places like the marines and the intel office to see if she could glean more. "Well captain, looks like it is going to be 'interesting'. I will get squared away and then get to work. Is there anything more ma'am?"

"Just good luck. And don't take your eyes off any of them." Maritza said. The soundest advice anyone could have round here.

Silk again nodded and figured that was as good as a dismissal. She stood and then came to attention and saluted. "Ma'am permission to leave then and get started."

"Granted. Carry on, Ms Winters."


Captain Maritza Soran

Lt Yukiko 'Silk' Winters
Diplomatic Cheif


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