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What's in a Name?

Posted on Sun Mar 22, 2015 @ 8:42am by Lieutenant Commander Steven Wyman

513 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD02 1305 hours


"I've been thinking. How about Alexis?"

With a clink, Welshy's fork hit her salad bowl as she looked up at her husband strangely. "I think it's a little late to be changing our daughter's name."

Giving his wife the hold sign while he chewed his own lunch, Wyman needed a moment as he had a mouth full of baked potato. Swallowing hard, he was finally able to answer. "No - the dog."

"You want to name the dog Alexis? You really think she seems like an Alexis?" Ceridwen inquired incredulously. "What part of the dog bounding around our quarters after Gwen until they both wore themselves out gave you an 'Alexis vibe?'"

That got a laugh out of Steve. "I just like the name, is all. If you hadn't been so set on Gwendolyn, I was going to suggest Alexis."

Suddenly a realization hit Welshy upside the head like a brick. "Wait just a minute - wasn't Alexis that woman you had a crush on at the Academy? Oh my word, it was! Alexis Gordon!"

Steve's eyes averted to his plate. Poking at his steak, he was genuinely speechless. "Umm... so Alexis is out. And I'll be on the couch tonight..."

Hysterical laughter engulfed the senior NCO on the other side of the table. "No, no you're not in any trouble. The way the color drained out of your face when I made that connection was worth it and then some. I think I owe you change for how amazing that was!"

Steve just cleared his throat. "I... I'm glad you got a laugh out of that. I'm completely mortified." With that he stuffed a piece of steak in his mouth so he wouldn't have to talk. At least for a moment.

"How about Sadie? Dead serious. No kidding around." Despite those words, she was still shaking with laughter at her husband's massive, unintended blunder.

Wyman shook his head before swallowing. "Sadie sounds like an old, doddering grandmother. How about Bailey? That's got some spunk to it."

Welshy sighed in exasperation as she pushed the now empty salad bowl toward the center of the table. "I'm starting to think we should take a poll of the crew. Because between the two of us and Gwen, we can't come to a consensus on something as simple as the name of a dog."

"Well, we can't saddle the poor thing with a silly name. Think about what that would do to her!"

"Steve... it's A DOG. She has the mental capacity of a three year old. She licks her own butt. She's not going to care what we call her!"

Pushing his own plate away, Wyman narrowed his eyes at his wife in an utterly serious manner. "She'll also drink out of the head if we let her, but I'm not going to hold it against her."

Bursting into laughter once more, Ceridwen stood up from the table and dabbed at her lips with a napkin. "Oh, lest I forget!"

Lt. Cmdr. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineering Officer

SCPO Ceridwen Wyman
Engineer's Mate


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