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Bed Time

Posted on Sat Mar 21, 2015 @ 8:42pm by

247 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Quarters
Timeline: MD02 20:00

The second the nanny switched the light off and closed the door Eviess grabbed the iron knife she'd hidden beneath her pillow.

"Argellian," she whispered to her brother in the next bed, "Did they see I was gone?"

"Where were you?" he replied, "you're stupid chasing fairies. Everyone thinks you're an idiot."

"Did the teacher spot I was gone?" Eviess asked again.

"I said you barfed and the nanny picked you up. Why are you lieing all the time?"

"I'm NOT lieing!"

They both fell silent as the door opened and a shard of light cut into the room.

"If you don't calm down I will have to inform your mother. She is a very busy woman and you have a duty not to disturb her," Ekenda, their nanny reminded them.

"Sorry, Ekenda," they said in unison - if mummy was ever informed they'd both be in trouble - Ekenda would always tell the truth even if they begged her not to.

"Its weird, Li, there's something wrong here, something weird. I saw them, then they were gone and I saw them again," Eviess insisted.

"You mean that," her twin brother replied.

"Yes, but only the rainbow princess believes me and I hate her. She scares me."

"Well just cause everyone at school hates you don't bring me into it. I'm going to sleep."

"I hate you too," Eviess said clutching the hilt of the iron blade even tighter.


Eviess and Argellian t'Vaurek.
NPC by Louise


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