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The Daily Debrief

Posted on Sat Mar 21, 2015 @ 6:52pm by Captain Isha t'Vaurek

811 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: MD02 21:00

The lights in Isha's office were dimmed, outside in Ops Charlie Shift was well underway. Though she had been on duty since the start of Alpha Shfit that morning ... a Captain's work was never done.

On the table in the seating area a tray of tea stood waiting, it was like this every night. Commander Tahhk, her Vulcan Observer would be here soon for their daily debrief. They would take tea, some days they would mind meld, and others, like today they would merely talk through the issues of the day.

"Captain," the Vulcan said as he entered her office.

"Commander, greetings," Isha replied. She remained seated as she invited Tahhk to take the other sofa with a wave of her hand. "Have you noticed anything unusual today?" she asked him.

Tahhk paused as he approached the sofa, "That question in itself is unusual," he replied before he sat, tugging at the legs of his trousers to avoid stretching the knees.

Isha reached for the teapot and poured two glasses, "I am concerned about my yoeman," she told him, "her behaviour has been erratic."

"Tahhk took the tea that the Captain had poured for him - this evening was clearly going to be a dialogue, "it has been my observation that the human condition is erratic," he replied.

"A Vulcan attempt at humour. How droll," Isha remarked, "I would not disagree with your assessment, but until recently Chief Quirm's performance has been exemplory, I would not have her in my service otherwise."

Had he not been Vulcan Tahhk would have bristled at that phrasing. As it was the way Isha tended to casually refer to others as though they were her private staff sat uncomfortably with him, "What is the issue you have identified?" he asked.

"She has become tardy. Due to her absence I was left with two opposing trade delegations, neither of which were supposed to know that the Federation was in communication with the other. That she was late has scuppered those negotiations, and put the propised alliance back months."

"Captain, is your chagrin correctly directed? Are you not angry with yourself for being unable to handle both delegations in the timeframe allowed?"

Isha sipped her tead. "How little you understand Romulan anger," Isha said as she lowered her cup. "Chief Quirm had a task to do, one I beleived her capable of. It is one thing to arrive late, but to be hours late ... its unacceptable. As to my conduct, without my input there would not even be scope to revice the negotiations at the later date. In this case Commander your conclusion is false."

Tahhk nodded in acceptance of her response, "I understand that many humans have difficulty separating their personal and work lives. I would suggest you refer her to a counselor."

In her heart Isha was concerned that Quirm had a much more serious mental issue developing, "I am considering it," she replied, "tell me Tahhk, what do you think of this?"

Isha reached for the cake box that Quirm had brought earlier. She turned it to the Commander and flipped open the lid revealing the strange array of pebbles, grass and mud.

"Captain?" Tahhk said in a puzzled tone.

"The box is from a bakers that my yeoman visits each morning. They make such delicious pastries. Quirm brought this to me this afternoon. I cannot work out if it is a practical joke that I have failed to understand or if Quirm is indeed suffering a mental breakdown."

"The evidence would suggest that is the case."

"There is one other thing," Isha said. "My first instinct was to throw this garbage into the replicator. For some reason the replicator was unable to process the matter. I cannot understand why."

"Curious," Tahhk said with a slight quirk of an eyebrow, "the replicator system should be able to handle such matter. Have you reported the matter?"

"Not yet. I will request that a diagnostic is run. There is no logical foundation for it, but my instinct is telling me that there is more to this than a malfunctioning replicator."

"Illogical it may be," Tahhk agreed, "but there are deep racial memories embedded within us, perhaos these events are causing you to draw on those to aid your conclusions."

It was Isha's turn to quirk an eyebrow, "I expected you to dismiss the idea?"

"How little you understand Vulcan logic," he replied, echoeing her earlier assertion. "I would like to take these samples to the lab," he continued, "perhaps one of our skilled scientists can identify any peculiar properties they might have."

Isha poured them both a second glass of tea, "I'll have my replicator checked also. Now, to other business ..."

The converstation, more mundane than the first item continued late into the night.


Captain Isha t'Vaurek
Commanding Officer

Commander Tahhk
Starfleet Observer

by Louise


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