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The Hunt continues

Posted on Sun Jan 4, 2015 @ 1:05am by Lieutenant Saria Rex & Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis

1,059 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Interlude II
Location: Deep Space 5

Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis stood before the holographic projections of the two officials in front of him. To his left stood 1st Primar of the Trill Protectorate, Arion Parmell. The Protectorate was responsible for the law enforcement of Trill Home world and its inhabitants throughout the Federation. To his right stood Admiral DeRosa, the former Chief Tactical Officer onboard the USS FreeBird. Admiral DeRosa had made it his personal mission to track down his former Captain, now current fugitive: Captain Anaia Rex.

Si'Lar as well as Primar Parmell understood the gravity of the situation. Captain Rex was a Starfleet Captain, but more importantly a joined Trill who willingly participated in genocide during her time stranded on Tau Volantis III. Not only did she cause the deaths of countless civilians, but the ramifications were still being felt on as the planet stood on the edge of yet another civil war. (Backstory:

The woman was ruthless and without any remorse. It had been years since she had caused the explosion of a shuttlecraft to facilitate her escape from Starfleet custody. (Backstory: Killing all those onboard. Since then, Trellis had received information that she was still alive and most likely very dangerous.

"Yes sir, I understand the severity and need for urgency. I've received information that regarding the fugitive from a colony on Vistonia Prime. It was a medical request for Halu'gen, a specific bioengineered compound used to treat type of Trills." He said. "Ordinarily, it would not have caught my eye, except the description of the patient was very similar to the fugitive. Furthermore, that compound is typically used on former Trill hosts because their bodies no longer make the necessary enzymes once the symbiont is removed." He said to the officials.

"That has actually never caught my eye, Lieutenant" Admiral DeRosa replied thoughtfully. "Good work, I must say. I am sure that the knowledge about your own kin can benefit us all, and finally catch that wayward woman after all. Wouldn't you agree, Primar Parmell?"

"Indeed" The Primar replied shortly. "Anaia Rex is marked as a terrorist and a potential danger to both the Federation and the Trill homeworld." He then faced Si'Lar. "What course of action would you suggest, Lieutenant Trellis? If you wish, I can assemble a task force to assist you with localizing and dealing with Anaia Rex. Also, what will become of Lieutenant Saria Rex, 32nd host to the Rex symbiont, and current CSO aboard your station?"

"I had not given much thought to that, Primar Pomell." Trellis said. He was lying, he had given it a lot of thought to the current host of the Rex symbiont. Despite the fact that the two Trills wore the same uniform, Trellis did not fully trust Saria Rex. Her violent outburst onboard her prior posting did little to calm his fears of what the Rex symbiont was capable of doing.

"I do not believe that she would be of much assistance in this matter, to be quite honest." He added.

Admiral DeRosa spoke up. "Lieutenant, while I do not know Lieutenant Rex personally, I beg to differ. She is the current host of the Rex symbiont and may even know Anaia Rex better than I ever have. I do not know how she will react to being confronted with her nemesis, but she might be our best chance to get her into custody- or to put her down in necessary."

"Yes, I understand that Admiral DeRosa; however Lieutenant Rex has proven that she--" before he could finish he was cut off again.

"...Lieutenant." DeRosa interrupted. "I do not care what or if she may be suffering from, may it be physically or mentally, but Lieutenant Rex is a key asset in our plan. She'll know Anaia's every move. Just speak with her about it. If she refuses, we'll find a way, but discuss it with her before we continue on a Plan B."

Trellis took a deep breathe before responding. "Yes, sir. . .I will be sure to speak to her about assisting in capturing the fugitive." He said in resignation. The last thing he wanted was to work side-by-side with her, but it appeared he had no choice.

Primar Parmell addressed Si'Lar when Admiral DeRosa was done talking. "I am very curious of your plan though, Lieutenant. Could you please elaborate on what you possibly had in mind?"

"I plan on luring the fugitive into a trap. She's smart enough to not come to a Starfleet installation. I've arranged for a shipment of Halu'gen to be delivered to a nearby neutral colony. Since she'll need regular injection she will undoubtedly travel to receive it. It is there that I'll be waiting to apprehend her and take her into custody." He replied.

"Well" Parmell said. "That does sound like an excellent idea. I can only hope that she will catch the bait you are about to lay out. Anaia Rex was renown for her ability to sense dangerous situations." The Primar paused. "I will lend you my full co-operation, as long you will keep me posted. Parmell out."
Parmell's hologram vaporized next to Admiral DeRosa's, who was about to speak up to Si'Lar.

"I can only say the same, Lieutenant. As far I know her, this might be a trap she cannot sense beforehand. Arresting her right in her daily routine..." DeRosa chuckled slightly. "You do, ofcourse, have my full co-operation as well, and I leave to hunt to you and Lieutenant Rex. I do sincerely hope that she'll join us, because with her, we can't go wrong here. DeRosa out."
DeRosa's hologram went static and vaporized quickly in front of Si'Lar.

As the images faded away Si'Lar walked over to a nearby cabinet and withdrew a bottle. As he pour himself a small glass of the light brown liquid. He took a sip and let the liquid travel down his throat slowly as he contemplated what to do next. It seemed obvious, he had been given orders from an Admiral. He had no choice but to do it.

=/\= "Lieutenant Trellis to Lieutenant Rex, please report to my office." He said into the comm unit.

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security


Saria Rex
Chief of Science


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