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Saying Hello

Posted on Sat Feb 8, 2020 @ 11:40am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant JG Natalie Cross
Edited on on Sun Feb 9, 2020 @ 8:09pm

1,878 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Intelligence
Timeline: Backpost: Doors of Perception, MD 160


Alanna still couldn't process that Jason was dead. She spent a lot of time in the shuttle bay or on Pangaea to keep busy, but when she heard that someone had replaced Jason as Chief Inteligence Officer, she had to go meet the woman.

She walked into the intel office and paused, looking for the new chief, or someone who could help her.

Natalie had just finished reading a report on Cardassian activity within the sector. A very dry but somewhat interesting read. She looked over at the next report on her pile. This one was in regards to Romulans activity within the sector, and the one after that was Klingon. She would need more coffee for this.

She got up from her desk and headed out of her office out to the main section on the Intel office when she noticed a woman standing by the door. Everyone else appeared to be engaged in some other activity so Natalie made her way to the woman. "Hello. May I help you?" She asked as she approached.

"Natalie Cross, yes?" she asked, noting the woman's rank. "I actually came to see you."

Natalie nodded, and recalled who the person was that was standing in front of her from her review of various files, reports and rosters. "Please, follow me Lieutenant Wells." Natalie used her name even if neither of them had official had an introduction. As the doors opened and Natalie stepped up to the replicator. "Can I get you something?"

Unfortunately, Alanna wanted something in case being back in the intelligence office brought painful memories, but she was on duty and couldn't ask for a shot of brandy. "Hibiscus lemonade," she said instead.

A moment later Natalie walked up to Alanna with a glass of Hibiscus lemonade. She placed it on the desk in front of Alanna. "I have been meaning to come by and introduce myself." Natalie took a seat at the other empty chair that sat in front of the desk. Normally she'd sit behind her desk, but she wanted to approach this conversation differently. "But, unfortunately various tasks have kept me busy."

Alanna took a sip of her drink and nodded. "There's a lot to learn and do when you first come aboard. It took me weeks before I got lost going anywhere except for my quarters to the science department or the promenade."

Natalie nodded. "Indeed. It is a rather large place. A floating city." She said getting comfortable in the chair. "How long have you been here?" She asked.

"Less than a year," the science officer replied. "It seems longer, though. This place tends to treat time like a metaphorical accordion."

Natalie nodded and smiled. She began to wonder what this assignment would actually have in the cards for her. There was a lot going on. A lot different from her previous postings. It was refreshing, and slightly terrifying at the same time. "Is this visit business or personal related?" Natalie asked. She always found small talk awkward, and honestly wasn't the best at it. Rough around the edges a little bit. She wanted to gauge the reason for the visit and asking straight out was the best way for her to do it.

"It's not business. Not this time, anyway." She smiled. "I wanted to meet you and say hello. Our departments don't generally work together, but occasionally something happens on Pangaea that involves both of us."

Natalie relaxed slightly in her seat hearing that it was more of a personal visit instead of a business related one. "It's a pleasure to meet you then." She said extending her hand towards Alanna. "I'm Natalie Cross."

"Hi," came the response. "Alanna Wells." She shook the woman's hand. "So, tell me what brings you to DS5?"

"Hi." Natalie replied once more leaning back in the chair in a comfortable position. She found the question asked puzzling. She wondered if it was a trick question for a moment. "Orders. I was assigned to DS5." Natalie answered still unsure if it was a trick question or not.

"Some people come here by choice, others by orders," she said by way of explanation. "Mine were orders, but if I'd known what I would be getting into here, I would have signed up. For a scientist, this place is a dream. I'm not so sure about intel, though. There's a lot of stuff going on that I'm happy to stay away from."

She had never been given the option of going somewhere. It had always been orders which she was fine with. Those orders have sent her to place she normally wouldn't have picked. Natalie nodded now knowing what was meant by that question. "This sector does seem to offer quiet a bit for a scientist like you. I'm still trying to come up to speed with the planet, and all the activity in the sector. Maybe, you can tell me give me some level points on why this place is so special..."

"First, there's Pangaea. It belonged to a species called The Fey. It has some rather interesting caverns. They lead to different places. We aren't sure how the technology works, but we're slowly figuring them out and mapping them. The planet has a colony, but the caverns and a couple of archaeological sites are restricted. That's where I spend a lot of my time. My specialty is history and archaeology. Then there's the variety of species that reside on the station. I enjoy the variety and the opportunity to understand other cultures. For you, there's also the Raddon Corporation and the Cardassians."

"What do you mean, they lead to different places?" Natalie asked with a curious look on her face. Did Alanna mean that there was some type of portal that took you to a different part of the world, to another world, maybe another Galaxy.

"There's probably a file on it in your computer. They lead to other worlds, other universes, other times. They're quite fascinating."

"Fascinating." Natalie replied. "I can definitely see how for someone in your line of work would thrive in this environment. Would I be allowed to come with you next time you go down?" Natalie asked wanting to see what the planet looks like for herself.

Alanna's eyes clouded. Jason used to go with her... "Not at all. You'd be welcome."

Natalie could sense the change in the emotions of Alanna. She wondered for a moment if she had said something out of line. Replaying the conversation in her head. Nothing stuck out to her. She let out a gentle sigh. "Everything alright?" She asked.

"" It was clear to Alanna she'd been projecting. "Sorry. I a relationship with the former Chief. He and I went down to Pangaea a couple of times to look at the portals and a pit of bones. I have no problem with you coming with me, but it does bring back memories."

Upon hearing this news Natalie looked down to the ground. Feeling very guilty. She understood how this must look. First, she came in and took over a role that Lt. Haines was in before. Now, she is asking to accompany Lt. Wells down to the ground just like Lt. Haines, and her had done before. She looked up after a moment looking over to Alanna. "I'm sorry." She said.

"It's not your fault," Alanna assured the other woman. "I need to get used to not having him around. The alternative is leaving the station, and I'm not ready to do that yet. Just understand if I seem to cry for no reason."

"Everyone is doing their best to find him." Natalie said with a tone of confidence. She looked at Alanna giving her a small smile of reassurance.

"Find him? Commander Soran was told he died."

Natalie leaned forward, gently placing her hand on top of Alanna's hand. "I understand what has been reported, and what Commander Soran has been told but in situations such as these you should only believe what you see with your own eyes." Natalie looked away for a moment as if conflicted then slowly looked back to Alanna. "I speak from experience, at one point in my career, I had been reported as dead." Natalie gently squeezed Alanna's hand. "But, as you can tell, I'm very much alive." She said offering a small smile.

The science officer smiled. "Thank you. That means a lot." Even after eight months, and Starfleet's investigation, a part of her still held out hope. Natalie's words bolstered that feeling.

"You're welcome." Natalie replied. She held hope that her words would prove to be true but only time would tell.

"So," Alanna said, changing the subject, "What do you hope to get out of your time on DS5?"

"Experience." Natalie simply replied. Her career was important to her. In a sense it defined who she was and what she was. She finally realized this again and that is why she returned to Starfleet. "I took a break in my service, due to various reasons, now I'm playing catch up."

"Well, as you're on a station full of misfits, I think you'll do just fine," Alanna assured her. "We can set aside a day to visit Pangaea, if you'd like. I'll be happy to show you around."

"Thank you, I'll block off a day, soon." Natalie replied.

"Oh, and be warned. There's a humans-only bar. It's not a safe place. Try The Box of Delights. Yolanathe is definitely worth meeting." Alanna smiled. "I've been going to the planet fairly often, so let me know and we'll make a day of it."

Natalie nodded. She made a mental note to look into this bar. It seemed like a place she should be aware of and keep an eye on. Could be useful in many ways. "I'll have a couple of hours tomorrow afternoon, if you are free." Natalie suggested.

"I should be able to rearrange my schedule, Alanna said. "I should be able to ask Calaban to come with us."

"Only if you are able to, otherwise we can do it another time." Natalie quickly said. She didn't want to be a burden or put anyone into a situation where they had to adjust their schedule just to show her around a planet.

"No, it's fine. To be honest, I'd love the opportunity to spend a few hours back on Pangaea. Besides, I have a shuttle you could look over for me. We'll take it down to the planet." Natalie wasn't Jason, but a fresh look at the shuttle to be sure she didn't miss anything would be good.

Natalie nodded. "Tomorrow it is then. Where should I meet you?"

"I have a shuttle we can use. We'll meet there," Alanna said.

"I'll be there." Natalie grabbed a PADD that was resting on the desk near the edge. She input her appointment with Alanna into her calendar.

"Then I'll let you get back to work and see you tomorrow," Alanna said.

"Thank you for stopping by. I will see you tomorrow." Natalie got up from her seat, and gave Alanna a smile.


Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five

Lieutenant JG Natalie Cross
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space 5


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